Vertigo Reviews | RateItAll


1958 American film noir psychological thriller film directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock Website

Approval Rate: 88%

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    A Hitchcock masterpiece, easily one of the Man's top five movies. Vertigo, starring Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart, is about a retired detective who agrees to help his friend spy on his Wife. The movie is Pretty slow paced, so if you're into typical blow 'em up action movies, you may find yourself bored. But the pacing allows the audience to see Stewart's psychological workings. The man is obsessed. There are some good twists and turns and excellent camera shots. I can't do this film justice in a Review, do yourself a favor and go out and Watch the movie. If you want a good weekend; rent this, Rear Window, Psycho, Dial M for Murder and North by Northwest. Those five movies, in my opinion, show why Hitchcock is the master.

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    Tue Jan 05 2010

    I can see why this film is considered one of Hitchcock's masterpiece's, it is certainly one of his most memorable, in my opinion, and for many different reasons. The first thing that struck me was the stunning visuals (there are some truly beautiful scenes shot in San Fransisco.) Vertigo is full of mystery and intrigue (which i loved) and it draws you in, keeping you glued to the screen. Some memorable scenes for me, were watching the apparent breakdown of Jimmy Stewart's character, after the woman he loved apparently commits suicide, and later on in the film when he meets the woman who so much resembles his lost love, how he wants her to dress in the same clothes and even dye her hair, the yearning for him to have her back is almost palpable, and it bought a lump to my throat. This is down to some fine acting by Stewart, who was easy to empathize with. The ending was one of the most memorable in cinematic history, and boy! it's not to be missed. If you haven't seen it yet, you must. I... Read more

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    Wed Mar 26 2008

    Definetly one of the best films of all time. Hitchcock at his best, and a shinning example of how films really should be.

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    Wed Mar 26 2008

    The rabid fans of this film have to admit that it is somewhat dated- still, it is a stylish and watchable film full of touches by the master Hitchcock. . .weird and memorable. . .

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    Fri Aug 24 2007

    Another top-tier Hitchcock film with super production values, all the beauty of San Fransisco in the early 60's, and Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak. Once again my only real problem is Jimmy Stewart was just a bit too old to be with Kim Novak or her look-alike. I enjoy Jimmy Stewart in many other classic films of the era but as a romantic lead with Grace Kelly or Kim Novak seems a bit of a stretch. Also for being a newsman he was pretty easily fooled by this scam. Good story, great cinematography, very good soundtrack, and highly recommended. (Another big-screen film.)

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    Fri Aug 17 2007

    Easily in my top ten of all time. This film is so brilliant that it's hard for me to do it justice. It essentially has two parts: the first is as suspenseful as any Hitchcock story, but it's topped by the second segment, which is probably the creepiest, most uncanny hour ever recorded on film. The first story, about an ex-cop who has to deal with a fear of heights -- in, appropriately enough, San Francisco -- is really a tease that gets you into the second half, in which that man becomes the weirdest incarnation of masculinity you'll ever see. Far scarier and more engrossing than any horror film I've ever seen. Trust me, you'll never forget it, especially if you're a guy who's ever loved a woman.

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    Fri Aug 17 2007

    This movie really captured my attention.  For an older movie, it seems ageless and could probably be a blockbuster hit today.  The fact that it has no modern graphics etc is what makes it so effective.  Love the movie.

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    Wed Jun 30 2004

    This is a fantastic movie. The studio that produced The Matrix, in an interview for Wired Magazine, considered it to be one of their biggest influences. Could this explain the obvious similarities between the rooftop chase scenes in both films? I guess the Wachowski brothers like their Hitchcock.

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    One of the most twisted (and brilliant) movies ever.

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    Fri Mar 12 2004

    Not only one of the greatest films of all-time but one of the greatest love stories of all time. The intriguing part is that it is unclear what Jimmy Stewart is in love with. The woman or the illusion of the woman. Hitch keeps the his characters and the viewer in constant disorientation in his best film. The soundtrack is also incredibly haunting.

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    Fri Jan 09 2004

    After watching this film you either think Jimmy Stewart really can act! or That's Jimmy Stewart?!

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    Wed Nov 19 2003

    Greatest Hitchcock film. Absolutley remarkable.

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    Thu Oct 02 2003

    This is one of the best, if not the best, of Alfred Hitchcock's movies. A must-see for Hitchcock fans.

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    Tue Jun 17 2003

    One of the creepiest Hitchcock movies, with James Stewart's best performance.

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    Mon May 26 2003

    I love hitchcock movies but this one really overuses angles that havn't been experianced befor. Hitchcock trys to open to many doors to the public that Shouldn't have been opened in massive supplie. Yet hitchcock still is a great director.

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    Tue Jul 16 2002

    One of Hitchcock's most studied and talked about films. A fascinating movie that seems to be about ghostly possession, but then turns out to be much, much more. Although Jimmy Stewart is in every scene, this is Hitchcock's film. You can hear his heart beating in every frame. The film seems to be his very personal statement about the nature of reality, the illusions we make for ourselves, and his feelings about women. This is a truly great film that neccesitates multiple viewings.

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    Sun Jun 23 2002

    The best film ever made, all in it is insuperable

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    Wed May 22 2002

    Alfred Hitchcock made many a great film, but if you are looking for the deepest example of his own artistic expression and personal fetishes, "Vertigo" is the film to see. The film is very mysterious and other-worldly. You almost feel as if you are in a dream. The vibrant colors are at once soothing but can be uneasy and, at times downright cruel. The ghosts and spirits of Alfred Hitchcock's dreams are displayed with startling perfection, in this one of the most important works of the cinema.

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    Wed Feb 20 2002

    They don't come much better than this.Amazing to think,given the film's now soaring reputation,that Vertigo was generally passed over,and Hitch not even Oscar-nominated,when it was first released.It has so much depth,rewards repeated viewings;is loaded with typically fascinating psycho-sexual insights;beguilingly mysterious and sensuous;gorgeously photographed by Robert Burks;makes brilliant use of the San Francisco locations;Jimmy Stewart unusually ambiguous in surely his finest performance(as the phobic,increasingly obsessive ex-cop);innovative special effects;an audaciously premature revelation;superlative,expressive use of colour.A feast for the mind and senses:an artistic masterpiece and riveting entertainment!

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    Wed Jan 09 2002

    Yes, you guys are on the money! Top 15 of all time! Jimmy Stewart and Hitchy are amazing! And Ruby, is there something wrong with a director being an artist!!! You quote artist like its a bad thing. Do you go out to movies just to get a quick laugh or scare or go to be entertained and think films that try to be art are stupid????? Well they are! J/k, to criticize a film for being "artistic" is absurd.

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    Sat Nov 10 2001

    Although somewhat slow (one of Hitchcock's greatests techniques for creating suspense), VERTIGO is the most humane and extremely personal movie ever made. It took me a few times to truly see the brilliance of this movie, so I wouldn't be surprised if first-time viewers were extremely dissappointed with it. Definately one of the top 5 greatest films of all-time.

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    I was completely blown away on several levels by this Hitchcock classic the first time I saw it many years ago. Though he was an undeniably eclectic actor who brought to life characters from George Bailey to Elwood P. Dowd and everything in between during his long career, this part still seemed fairly offbeat for Jimmy Stewart. Yet, per usual he did an excellent job giving us one very confused individual who embodied all the internal fear, sexual tension and repression that seems to be the underlying theme in so many Hitchcock thrillers. Kim Novak may have lacked Stewart's range overall but was still a very good choice for her role as well. She conveyed just the right combination of beauty and eccentric mental ambiguity to make her character both an integral part of the story and fascinating love interest for Stewart's Scottie Ferguson. This is an excellent classic film that will challenge your intellect as well as keep you on the edge of your seat.

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    Thu May 10 2001

    Classic Hitchcock! He simply has no equal! Superb directing, and casting all around.

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    Sun Apr 29 2001

    Alfred Hitchcock is a genious. An undeniable genious. To all the people unfamiliar with his work and wondering why he is hailed as such should just watch this movie and they will understand. The last scene so stirred me-The way Hitchcock blended the ironicies of good and evil was purely brilliant. When the nun emerged from the stairs into the darkness, she appeared an evil, ominious being only to come into the light-a symbol of rightiousness and good-and have to deal with death that she inadvertantly The rest of the movie was subtley crafted to be gloriously unsettling as well; it's defiently near the top of my favoritie Hitchock movies.

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    Fri Apr 27 2001

    Vertigo is, without a doubt, the pinnacle of Alfred Hitchcock's film career and probably the greatest film ever made! It is a whirpool of obsession that holds you spellbound from start to finish! And what better leading players than "America's every man," James Stewart and the biluptuous Kim Novak? Movies don't come like this anymore.

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    Thu Oct 19 2000

    James Stewart is caught in the middle of an Alfred Hitchcock classic based in the Bay Area and San Francisco Bay. Mr. Stewart is a detective called upon to investigate a wealthy man's wife who has mysteriously died. Mr. Stewart, however, is caught up in a twisted plot of love and deception as the dead wife inexplicably reappears from time to time, and an even stranger love enters his life. Highly recommended for those who enjoy a good plot twist and Alfred Hitchcock.

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    Thu Oct 19 2000

    Hitchcock! I think this was the 1st Hitchcock movie I saw and it sucked me right in.

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    Fri Oct 06 2000

    I want to do a Vertigo tour of San Francisco- I'm sure there's one out there already! You can watch this movie over and over because Hitchcock's layered in so many little details that hint where the story's going- you just might not see them all at first. Psychoanalysis was never put to more intriguing use...

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    Tue Dec 28 1999

    Overrated, here's where Hitchcock's trying to be an "artist" and forgetting that the real reason we love his movies are for their suspense.

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    One of Hitchcock's most influential and perspective altering movies; truly showed the emotional power of the moving image