
2000 American crime drama film directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Stephen Gaghan Website

Approval Rate: 59%

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    Sat Apr 05 2008

    I will SOOOO admit that I am an angry driver.  I hate people who drive 10 under the speed limit in the left lane (which I plan to do when I retire), and the people who cut in if there is one car length between you and the guy in front of you, and those idiots who wait until the very last second to get into the lane they need to be in, the ones that don't merge in a timely manner, people who talk on their cell phones and drive either WAY under the speed limit or WAY over, the ones who don't get over for emergency vehicles.....AHHHH  I feel my blood pressure going sky high right now!

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    Mon Dec 18 2006

    If I'm running late I get frustrated but being angry over it leads to road rage and that is an accident waiting to happen.

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    Sun Dec 17 2006

    I think I turn into demon in the traffic time. All I need is a trident and fire. It's such a waste of time and precious energy.

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    Thu Aug 10 2006

    I'll drive 10 miles or more out of my way to avoid sitting in traffic. In fact, it's even been commented upon. Once, coming upon the parking lot that is the Tappan Zee Bridge, I made a quick exit onto Rt. 9 North, and a friend/passenger said, "Let me get this straight. You're driving to Morristown, NJ, via Rhode Island? Or what? In other words, you're going in completely the wrong direction. I'd like to get home in the next 2 days, if possible." All I could say in response was, "Sorry, but I'm phobic about sitting in traffic." Unfortunately, living in NJ, there are very, VERY few places where there isn't an abundance of traffic.

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    Thu Aug 10 2006

    Very few things are as aggravating as being stuck in traffic for hours.Especially when we're wasting the over $3.00 a gallon fuel & going nowhere !

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    Thu Aug 10 2006

    Traffic is not only annoying, it is dangerous, so let's get vehement about it. I live in New York State and driving last weekend past miles of packed, motionless vehicles on the NYS Thruway, I thought to myself What could one possibly do in an emergency? What if someone on that highway was a doctor who needed to get to the hospital as quickly as possible in order to conduct a life-saving operation? What if someone in one of those cars is a diabetic who starts having a fit and has no way to move anywhere? Seriously, from what I've seen, the American highway system is not enough at this point to support the number of Americans who rely on highways.

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    Thu Aug 10 2006

    one of the times i can feel my temper flare. sometimes it feels like I encounter every doofus on the road. I know it is really not true but it seems like sometimes those people are just waiting for my to come down the road so they can pull out ahead of me and then putter as slow as they wish. or go flying through a red light when it is green for me and I have to wait. those who are too busy taking on the phone to pay attention to their driving.not paying noticing when the light turns green and sits there causing others to get another red light. oh the list could go on. I know i should not let it tick me off, I should move out of the city and get away from such crazy traffic.

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    Thu Aug 10 2006

    In almost every driver's booklet, there's a reason why they tell you to give an angry driver plenty of space. Case in point: a few years ago, Mom and I were coming home from the movies and the SUV in front of us would not move, even for a green light. The kicker is that the guy was on his cell phone. The blood of every driver behind him boiled almost to evaporation. Another case in point: my dad was driving by the "little Hanoi" area of San Diego (where we live) and saw some Asian guy with a pickup truck full of cages of live chickens to take to the local market. Mind you, this is during the time of the bird flu scare. My dad nearly ran that guy off the road and he told me that if he could, he'd report the guy to the police.

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    Wed Aug 09 2006

    There are retards in traffic...

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    Wed Aug 09 2006

    Yeah Im bad for road rage. I know I shouldn't be but I am. I just got back from a 1400mile roadtrip and most of it was fine but when stupidity meets traffic it is a bad deal. You know, the guy that pulls out in front of you on the two-lane when you are going 50mph and he only has intentions of going 40mph. Then there is the guy that almost stops at every green light...just long enough for it to turn red.....and on and on.

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    Mon Mar 29 2004

    The movie that made me realize that Catherine Zeta Jones would be going places. Great performance.Great movie.

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    Fri Sep 19 2003

    This was an amazing movie. Great acting, and a great story.

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    Fri Aug 29 2003

    Dumbest movie I have ever seen!

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    Mon Mar 11 2002

    Very interesting movie, recommend it to anyone who likes intermixed plot movies( similar to a Tarantino style movie, in a way )

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    Sun Feb 10 2002

    I like the way they filmed it, it looked like an amature movie. Del Toro is awsome! good storyline!

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    Fri Feb 08 2002

    A winner. Traffic is not for the faint of heart. You'll be on the edge of your seat from beginning to end as the story unfolds. Who's a good guy? WHo's a bad guy? Who can you trust? Will we ever see a Supporting Actor do a better job than Benicio Del Toro? Who dangerous is the drug trade? Who's shielded from it? If you've ever been a user, you should see this movie. If you've ever known a user, you should see this movie. If you've ever had a child, or think you might ever have a child, you should see this movie. And, make sure you know who you can trust.

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    Thu Feb 07 2002

    Soderburgh had a brilliant idea on how to direct this movie. The cast did a magnificant job. However, there were just some parts in the movie that just became outright too much. I really want to that girl and her loser friends, or the dealer she was with get drugged up throughout the entire movie. Not needed. A few of the scenes and lot of the dialogue should have been cut out.

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    Wed Oct 24 2001

    I bought this movie for my DVD thinking it was already going to be good, and also was thinking my money was well spent. Boy, was I wrong. The beautiful cinematography distracted the viewer from the actually movie. The acting was really good, but the actually script had nothing going for it. This movie terribly tries to act deep, but fail miserably.

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    Mon Oct 15 2001

    A true classic - to be owned and will be an the alltime best movie list.

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    Sun Jul 29 2001

    Let's just say that it has it's ups and downs.

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    Tue Jul 10 2001

    This movie however true it might be was way to depressing for me.

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    Wed Jun 13 2001

    Best thing was the yellow filter when in Mexico. Worst scene was Michael Douglas in AA group saying "We're only here to support and listen" that was too much.

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    Thu May 31 2001

    I did not find this movie disturbing. I was not nausiated when I left the theater. Had I been alone, I would have left the theater after the first hour of viewing. Benicio del Toro is a superb actor, and he renders just as good a performance to this movie as to any other in which he plays. Unfortunately, the story and plot just were not there to make the movie what it could have and should have been. The movie does not pick up fast enough; nor does it cleanly develop any one of its three stories beyond that of a television series pilot. Additionally, I like to take advantage of many different forms of cinematic entertainment. However the fact that Benicio Del Toro's story is filmed almost entirely in Spanish only hinders English speaking audiences from enjoying the movie. Foreign film is great, but one must be in the mood for foreign film. Moreover, Michael Douglas' politically motivated pontification toward the end of the movie simply turns me off. I do not agree with the im... Read more

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    Wed May 09 2001

    Perhaps one of the best movies of our recent movie times. The acting, directing, and overall production of this movie are superb -interlacing several stark stories surrounding drugs in our society. At times you forget you are watching a movie it becomes so real. A must see for everyone.

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    Mon Apr 09 2001

    This is a typical TV movie of the week brought to the big-screen. And I don't get all the hype regarding Benicio Del Toro. Mind you, he is a great actor, but his role in this movie did not merit an academy award.

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    Mon Apr 02 2001

    This movie was very intense..I can see why it was nimonated, but didn't win-too scary for the academy. I thought Kath-Z.Jones-Douglas was quite wonderful-I honestly thought she was a "good guy"..

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    Tue Mar 20 2001

    gladiator will take oscar home, but traffic is still a strong contender

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    Sat Mar 10 2001

    Traffic was amazing!!!!! The peoplw who you thought couldn't act, SURPRISE, they can. Michael Douglas is my hero. I loved this movie it was pure genious. And anyone who trys to compare this movie to "The General's Daughter", will have to deal with me. If you havent seen it go see it. I am in love with Traffic.

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    Fri Mar 09 2001

    This film is unlike the usual run of films that are being made in this country today. It grabs you from the opening scene and propels you into a filmgoing experience rarely seen today. You feel as if you're actually watching everything as if you're the "fly on the wall." It's not so much a film as an experience. Some directors will equal the mastery of Steven Soderberg but none will exceed it. This is one not to be missed, but it is also one to be seen many times after. Bravo, Benecio Del Toro.

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    Mon Feb 19 2001

    This is a disturbing movie. I walked out of the theater feeling a little nauseated. "Traffic" examines the issue of drugs from a series of overlapping perspectives, and each main character's story is compelling in its own right. I liked the fact that the movie offered no easy answers, and I thought the acting of Benicio del Toro, especially, was Oscar-worthy. But for some reason I find myself giving "Traffic" four stars instead of five. Maybe it's because I found it a little too convenient that the U.S. drug czar (played by Michael Douglas) just happened to have a daughter with a drug problem and that she just happened to reach a moment of crisis as he was beginning his job. Maybe it's because the movie seemed to drag (no pun intended) every now and then. Or maybe it's just because I'm making the mistake of associating the quality of the movie with the nauseated feeling it left me with. Regardless, even if it's not perfect, I think "Traffic" is well worth seeing.

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    Mon Feb 19 2001

    What a powerful movie. Believe me, this is not a feel good movie. But it is a remarkably well-done film that makes you think. With his variety of camera angles and use of light, director Steven Soderbergh did a tremendous job putting this film together. And the ensemble cast was great, as well. Particularly impressive to me were the performances by Benicio del Toro as the Mexican cop and the girl who played Michael Douglass' daughter. All in all, I highly recommend this film to get an inside look at how drugs impact lives in the ways that you may not immediately realize. Though not for everyone, Traffic will at worst give you something to think about.

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    Sat Feb 10 2001

    Th drug problem is everywhere and the sooner we regulate it the less the violence and crime. Erdaicating it will not deter the growth of the product or problem. A must see for all ages. Gets your head out of the sand and makes you face some stark realities.

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    Sat Feb 10 2001


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    Sat Feb 10 2001

    For me, "Traffic" is going to be my pick for the best film of not only the year, but the decade. Stephen Soderbergh took a large risk in making a film with a budget, with stars, and a RELEVANT story line, and to agree with another film critic, it is the best drama Hollywood has put out since "The Godfather" in 1972. The acting was superb, the photography (which Soderbergh shot under a pseudonym) was brilliantly shaky and colorful, and the plot was so wonderfully complex without going over the top that it is too much to explain here and do it justice. Benicio Del Toro and Michael Douglas are the real standouts in this picture, though nearly all other characters are just as complicated and "lived in." Soderbergh, even before "Traffic was released, was my favorite living director, and with this brilliant epic, he will surely become the same for others. For those who liked Traffic, I also recommend Soderbergh's cut and paste noir "The Limey" which used many of the same techniques, and it a... Read more

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    Tue Jan 30 2001

    Absolute WORST 2bux I wasted in a looong looooong time.....this is one god AWFUL movie with nothing redeeming in it whatsoever..Michael D is a wasted talent here in this poorly written downer of a film. I wonder if there was actually a director on the set of this TURKEY, there is simply no emotion captured whatsover. NO chemistry between ANY of the cast/characters....very boring to a lame space music score which only amplifies the lack of a original story...not a single credible character to care about...RIDICULOUS scene where Michael D (the Dad) meets up with his daughters negro junkie dealer and does NOTHING about it !! pretty DUMB when he's the head of the top federal DEA type agency with dozens of agents at his disposal. The entire plot borders on the improbable....9 count em seconds of screen time for SALMA HAYAK?? wished they would have given her a couple of actual lines to say...the junkie teenage daugher miscast she isn't very pretty or believable....whoever wrote this TERRIBLE... Read more

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    "Traffic" reminded me of a jazzed-up documentary you might watch on PBS. It's a seemingly realistic portrayal of the far-reaching effects of the drug trade told through three intertwining stories: 1) a La Jolla matron whose husband is charged with drug trafficking; 2) Mexican policemen dealing with corruption; and 3) an anti-drug czar whose daughter is an addict. The movie does a great job of showing the various connections among all of the different "players" in the drug trade, and the storylines hold together despite the fact that the locations and characters constantly switch on-screen. I really liked how the scenes in Mexico were filmed in a yellowed, washed-out sort of way, but I hated how the camera seemed to bobble slightly throughout the movie. The show dragged in a few places, but not to an extreme degree. What I liked most about the movie was how it made me contemplate the drug problem from a variety of different angles. If you're prepared to see a documentary-style movie tha... Read more

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    Sat Jan 06 2001

    The camera work in combination with a thrilling and totally on key soundtrack only enhance a seemingly flawless plot. Best $8 I have spent in a while. This movie is capable of evoking emotions commonly no associated with movies of its pace, action, and big name star caliber. However, Michael Douglas, Salma Hayek, and Catherine Zeta Jones team up to really make a memorable movie.