
1997 American epic romance and disaster film directed, written, produced, and co-edited by James Cameron Website

Approval Rate: 74%

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    Wed Sep 13 2023


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    Thu Jan 19 2012

    James Cameron megalomania with some false claims of emotional drama.

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    Fri Jul 15 2011

    Titanic was overrated and the story of the movie was lame(love story ) but lets face it we went to see the ship sail then sink

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    Thu Feb 24 2011

    Oh my! When I watched the film, it was quite sad, the intensity, the feeling and just the way it catches the individual's eye attention, though the bad thing was, I NEARLY SLEPT WHILE WATCHING THE NOT-SO-INTERESTING PARTS!!! Though at this point, Istill think that this film had a lot of nice moments and the fact being the it used to be the highest-grossing film that made the most cash, which was achieved by James Cameron, who in 2009 went on gaining another achievement that disputes this film's reputation by his now best film 'Avatar', which also is quite long aswell.

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    Thu Feb 24 2011

    One day I was sitting around, trying to think of a good nickname for Bluefartbaby's mom, and all I could come up with was DC-10, until TBS showed this masterpiece. Yep, his mom and TBS. That's how I roll.

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    Thu Oct 07 2010

    wth!!! Titanic is a classic!!!! It is the only movie that watch every time its on TV!!! or watch it when i have friends over DONT EVER DISS THE CLASSICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    An overrated tragic romance, is what this movie essentially boils down to. You can go on all day about the camera work, and the detail they put into the ship, but camera work and a pretty setting do not make a good movie, (they do however make a pretty picture). A good movie needs a good script, actors and plot, which Titanic had none of. To sum up; it was pretty as are many of Cameron's movies, and would have made a pretty picture, but not much else.

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    Wed Sep 01 2010

    Do you have any idea how cold the water would have been?

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    Mon Jun 28 2010

    A documentary about the Titanic might actually be interesting. But instead of talking about the potentially interesting aspects such as the flawed construction of the ship, hitting the iceberg, the lack of enough lifeboats, etc., they focused on a completely uninteresting sappy love story. To make matters worse, the movie is ridiculously long. When my mom borrowed this from a friend on VHS, it required two tapes.

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    I loved.... repeat LOVED that movie! It did have a lot of hype, however if you really pay attention to how much detail that they did put in that movie, you might appreciate it more. Compare what the interior of the original titanic was like......... ok...... well, all they did was scale it down so they could make this movie. The wall coverings, the plates, the dresses, the combs, EVERYTHING was identical to what it would have been back there. Granted the story was a tad sappy, and yes, I admit, I cried when I first watched it. But the musical score is extremely haunting, the film angles were great! And you have to love Mrs. Brown..... :D........... and hey, the guys even got their naughty scenes....... so something for everybody, AND it helps us understand a little history in the process :) Awesome movie!

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    Tue Mar 02 2010

    The Ship sank. Get over it.

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    Tue Mar 02 2010

    i have never seen such a negative disapointning review page. this was a huge hit and very strong. try to deny it as much as you want , but there are alot of people who dont know a really good movie in this website and just have no soul. i dont care how much you deny it but this is just one of the best movies of the century!

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    Wed Nov 25 2009

    Say whatever you wqnt, but the story was beautiful. I like the nice balance between love and disaster. The sadness of the movie is its very essence and very beutiful. Love this movie!

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    Fri Nov 20 2009

    It was the cinematic equivalent of a theme park ride, which is what a lot of people went to the theatre to experience. Althiough it was a poorly written and extremely corny romantic drama, there's a huge audience for that too, if Sandra Bullock's bank account is any yardstick. And it was handsomely produced at the pinacle of film making craft for its day. So the box office receipts shouldn't come as a surprise. The acting was easy to understand, the leads are capable of much better, but I'm guessing were instructed to play it broadly so that they stood out against the lavish backdrop of the production. The rest of the cast played their parts at the level of a local opera company. A film goer who found My Dinner with Andre compelling viewing would be overwhelmed. A person who thinks that doing DisneyWorld and Epcott Centre in the same day is a relaxing day of vacation would have found this fine entertainment.

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    Thu Nov 19 2009

    I didn't see this in the theater, but I did see it on video, and I only watched it because an acquaintance of mine kept saying how great of a movie this was, so I borrowed the video. I can honestly say I didn't have a very high opinion of it.

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    Thu Nov 19 2009

    Yes, clearly this movie was awful. In the initial reviews, the critics hated it. But for some reason it grossed 1.83 billion dollars at the box office, more than any other film has ever made before or since, and won 11 academy awards -- including Best Picture and Best Director -- more than any other movie since Ben Hur. So James Cameron knows a thing or two about making movies.

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    Thu Nov 19 2009

    I was unimpressed. There are better films about the Titanic than this, which are deeper and covering more of the history around the event. This, however, was merely a soap opera in the Titanic setting.

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    Thu Nov 12 2009

    I totally love this film. It is a very sad and moving film. The ending always makes me cry.

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    Fri Sep 04 2009

    best romance movie in history.

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    Mon Jul 06 2009

    As so many others have said, this is two movies in one. The first sets the stage for the tragedy, but is flawed by an often too cheesy romance. The second is the story of the foundering of the ship and the horror of the way in which passengers met their death. Like many viewers, I think the Rose/Jack romance dialogue is weak (at times cringingly so), as well as their chase and escapes from both man and water which were overdone. I was amused in the theater when most others were watching with bated breath their many, many, many confrontations with the water coming into the ship. It's as though James Cameron thought of every possible situation to escalate drama and used them all in exhausting succession instead of judiciously choosing and timing the most effective. The story of the ship, the sinking and often accurate portrayal of the historic people involved with the ship, as well as the caliber of the acting, make the film outstanding. The Rose story serves to paint mostly hi... Read more

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    Tue Jun 23 2009

    Satisfied customer! Thank you very much, would buy from here again! Fast Shipping! Dvd's Condition after shipment: Excellent! Thanks again!!

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    Thu Jun 04 2009

    If ever there was a film which should have been whittled down to a 25 minute all action/no nonsense cut, it's Titanic. As for the remaining 2 and a half hours, well, those reels should have been stored on the mother of all boats, and set on a collision course with the nearest sizable iceberg...

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    Sun May 31 2009

    This 3 disc collection is the ultimate for a Titanic Fanatic (of which I am not one). This has more information than most viewers will ever need or want to know about the making of this movie. I did enjoy the "making of" featurettes and the underwater sequences that explored the interior decks. All in all it was worth the price I paid in its used condition which was in like-new shape. I like the movie well enough and will watch and enjoy it. It is a welcome addition to my collection.

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    Mon May 18 2009

    Good business I paid for what I wanted and they sent it in that manner!

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    I liked Titanic but to me it was not the most fantastic movie I ever saw.like some say. i could never understand why this got way to much attention. there were some good actors in this movie. the special effects were good. but it was way too long. it got too much fanfare. i can think of tons of movies that are better. oh yeah,,,,, I hate that damn song that Celine Dion sang. they played it into the ground on the radio cringe worthy.

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    Mon Aug 18 2008

    After watching this movie i figured out what hell really is its this movie and your strapped down eyes pryed open and your forced to watch it over and over again for all of eternity

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    Thu Aug 14 2008

    Great movie, crappy ending and NO I don't mean the ship sinking.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    very sad.

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    Every ploy that can be used in the movie IS used and intelligent and discerning moviegoers, expecting a good movie considering how much Cameron was given to make this thing, we had every reason to expect that it would be GOOD, are consigned to the fiery pits of hell for three hours. Whenever Billy Zane came onto the screen, I felt like I was expected to bristle, hiss and boo. Likewise whenever Kate and Leo appeared, I was supposed to sigh, sniff back a tear and reach for the hand of the person closest to me, even if I didn't know them. Their tragedy became OUR tragedy. Puh-leeze! This movie had all the subtlety of being slapped in the face with a frozen turkey. The poor boy-rich girl plot and verbal fireworks were done much better with Han Solo and Princess Leia. At least those two did something heroic, like saving the galaxy! The same can't be said for Leo and Kate who confined their action to the back seat of a car..

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    Wed Apr 04 2007

    Delivers on what it sets out to do. Dialogue is corny and the love story is hardly believable,but it is incredibly well crafted and the overall story of the Titanic is brilliantly told.

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    Sun Apr 23 2006

    As a hormonal teenager, I loved it when it came out. Now, I never want to see it again.

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    Sun Apr 23 2006

    One of the previous comments questions how this could pass for "cinema" They're right, back when people expected capable acting and directing this movie would never have reached the theatre. However, in this day and age it had all the elements for "success" - - the flavor of the month Hollywood actor/actress - a verbose, predictable soundtrack by the music industries latest mule - a story that the unwashed public knows vaguely enough to relate to, but not so much that they'd have to address the glaring factual flaws with these movies

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    Sat Jan 28 2006

    It's a good love story but I erase a star for having a song that gets stuck in my head and plagues my mind.

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    Mon Jan 09 2006

    Completely agree. Sort of a canned "epic."

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    Thu Nov 10 2005

    I laughed . . . .I cried . . . .I cried laughing!!

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    Mon Oct 24 2005

    "Get the gas masks, Martha! Here comes a stinker!" I guess being a chick flick is Hollywood's answer. This was completely implausable in the class-ridden British society of the time.

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    Fri May 20 2005

    The love story had its poignant moments but in retrospect was mediocre, the costumes absolutely rocked, the special effects (i.e., the sinking of the ship) was spectacular, and I think it was overall a pretty engaging film. It wont go down in my personal history as one of my top favorites but I enjoyed it. So, sue me.

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    Fri May 20 2005

    How boring! There was so much hype about this movie, and the movie was meant to be this all beautiful movie, make the girls cry type of movie. What a lot of rubbish. I hate it when they ruin a potentially good movie by making it a lovey dovey romance movie.

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    Fri May 20 2005

    Rarely have I felt such indifference to the fates of the main protagonists in a romance. They were both so unlikeable, I just did not care if they got together, drowned or were separated. They would not have been people I would have wanted to hang out with.

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    Fri Apr 29 2005

    Dumb, dumb and dummer. Don't seem to see the director making anything these days so maybe there is some justice in the world. A rip-off, Super 35mm is just another version of the cheap Superscope that came out in the 1950's. Only good fim shoot in that process was Vera Cruz.

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    Sat Apr 09 2005

    Sad movie but a good one to watch on a rainy day when you feel like crying.

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    Fri Mar 11 2005

    The ship was beautiful. The special effects, especially during the sinking, were breath-taking. And the plot could have been superb, were it not for the fact that these actors did not act like 1912 people, did not talk like them, and did not demonstrate the moral values of that time. In the real event, there were heroes all over that ship. But in the movie, we were treated to more of Hollywood's class warfare mindset, making it appear (falsely) that the rich people were kicking aside the poor people. Another point: why does Hollywood think there was no second class on the Titanic? Everyone was first or third. But the movie did put my wife in a romantic mood, which is more than I can do, so I'll always appreciate that.

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    Fri Mar 11 2005

    I luv this movie..my absolute fav movie..leonardo is so frickin hott...luv him !!!

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    Sat Mar 05 2005

    This movie was about 2 1/2 hours to long. I cared more about the ship then the useless made up characters that brought very little to the plot. Most over rated picture of alllll timmmmeee.

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    Sun Feb 27 2005

    This movie is way overrated. It is a good movie but not sensational. Why all that hype? I don't get it. I hated the Leonardo/Kate storyline. Just an average love story. The effects were very nice, and the stories around the two of them were touching. And it is way too long for my taste.

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    Sat Feb 12 2005

    I can't believe this movie is so underrated. It made me cry badly at the end! I do care about what happened to the Titanic, but the charactors gave life to the story. I still cry every time I watch it. (Well, nearly.) One problem though, it was a bit too long.

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    Fri Dec 17 2004

    An especially good movie once you look past Leo to see the whole story. Like the song, hate it being overplayed, even several years after the release date. Love Cameron's attention to detail in replicating the look and feel of that time and place.

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    Fri Dec 17 2004

    This movie admittedly was very well made. The sinking of Titanic was true to life, very realistic, but the romance was lame and very unrealistic. Watch it just for the history of a major tragedy. The movie was so over commercialized if i ever hear that Celine Deon song again I'll scream.

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    I enjoyed the sequences about the ship sinking, which were mostly helped along by the bit part actors. But the main performances (DiCaprio, Winslet, Paxton) left a lot to be desired, especially Paxton, who has not shadow of acting talent.

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    God-awful maudlin junk. The ship should have sunk an hour earlier and saved us all the angst.