The Time Machine

2002 American post-apocalyptic science fiction film loosely adapted by John Logan from the 1895 novel of the same name by H. G. Wells Website

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    Tue Aug 26 2014

    Awesome movie about George who travels through time. In any case, I wish I had a time machine. If anyone here has a time machine, pick me up at 2:30pm. We'll do lunch.

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    Fri Jun 12 2009

    The DVD is excellent. DVD was received in excellent condition and before expected delivery date.

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    Mon Jun 01 2009

    The Time Machine (1960)was an excellent five star movie produced by George Pal starring Rod Taylor. This old movie has held up pretty well with the passage of much time. I first saw it at the Loews Paradise in the Bronx back in 1960. Many of my old friends from the neighborhood took the trek up to Fordham Road to see this movie with me and were not dissapointed with this great film. Although the special effects are a little dated they are nevertheless still effective. The movie owes much of its success to the original Wells story.

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    Fri May 29 2009

    Boy, did a nice DVD transfer like this one not only make me appreciate the visuals in here more but made the story seem better, too, for some reason. I only acquired the DVD as a memento, so to speak. I had to have at least one movie which had the woman I had a crush on back in the early '60s: Yvettte Mimieux. She still looks great, too. Since time travel stories also fascinate me, my favorite part of the film is when "George" (Rod Taylor) is actually in his time machine and experiments with it, slowing it down here and then and then stopping it a couple of times to observe World War I and then WWII. Then, he stops in 1966 when supposedly there was a nuclear attack. (Apparently, scare-mongers back in '60 thought that was a short-term likelihood.) Anyway, when "George" (H.G. Wells, the author of this story) finally stops, in the year 200,000-something, the story loses some of its momentum. However, it's a fairly interesting study of a group of ultra-passive people being dominate... Read more

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    Mon May 25 2009

    Several 3rd grade classes in my school viewed this movie (rated G)after reading a version of the book. We'd read it chapter by chapter and reviewed with EOG-style questions. Wow-talk about a page-turner! The children could not wait to read the next chapter just as soon as we finished the last. Watching the movie was a fun way to see the images we'd created in our minds come to life. This was the original version (I think the best) and because it is rated G, I felt very comfortable showing it to my students.

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    Sun May 24 2009

    The chronological setting of the movie is New Year's Eve 1899. George Wells (named in honor or the author of the original book) is just hours from seeing another century. But he is not satisfied with that, nor does he have to be. He wants to go many centuries into the future. The H.G. Wells book this movie is based on was written in 1895 close to when this movie is set. It was also the first story of time travel by mechanical means. "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" written by Mark Twain six years beforehand was about time travel via a bump on the head. In fact it was this book that coined the phrase "time machine." The movie closely follows the book except that it takes advantage of knowledge of 20th Century history not available to writers in the 1890's. When traveling into the future George stops during the two World Wars and the year 1966 which was a future year when this movie was made. Then he narrowly escapes a nuclear blast. This encases him and his ... Read more