The Big Lebowski

1998 crime comedy film written, produced, and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen Website

Approval Rate: 75%

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    Sat Jul 09 2011

    Not for everyone. However, if you can get into the quirky and dark nature of the film you will love it. One of the better examples of dark humor in the past 15 years.

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    Tue Jun 16 2009

    The Big Lebowski may be an acquired taste, especially with the liberal use of the f-word, drug and alcohol use, and seemingly-psychotic tirades from Walter, a Vietnam vet, played by Goodman. The trick is to get past the initial viewing(s), until you notice little masterpieces, like how the conversations of Bridges, Goodman, and Steve Bouchemi are snippets and phrases orchestrated to weave and bob and overlap. With even the smaller roles being played by talented, known actors, even the worst storyline can be raised. And the story ain't bad to start. Then there's many quirky little bits that amuse, only perceptible with repeated viewing. Here's one: Near the beginning, in the store, there's a tv broadcasting former president Bush Sr., saying, "this will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait..." Then, later, during a difficult situation, Bridges says, "this will not stand, man, this aggression against the Dude..." Personally, I tend toward philosophical contemplation. Like the fr... Read more

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    Sun Jun 14 2009

    There are many movies like this. I mean those movies which, upon their release, reach almost cult fandom. You'll find people out there who know every line, every action, and ever intricate part of the film. There will be fans of the movie who are so enthusiastic about it that they make Al Qaeda look like a bunch of casual believers who visit the mosque every other Friday. Finally, of course, you are engulfed with so much praise for the film that, out of mere peer pressure, you have to see the movie. And then, as the end credits roll, you lay back with a sigh and say to yourself... "THAT was IT?!" "The Big Lebowski" is a film about a lazy, casual man known as "the Dude" who happens to have the last name of a wealthy man named Lebowski. Having some thugs mistakenly attack him instead, and subsequently urinate on his carpet, Dude heads over to Lebowski's mansion to get a replacement rug. Acquiring a rug (rather cunningly) Dude is later recalled by Lebowski for an urgent manner: Lebo... Read more

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    Sun May 24 2009

    The individual DVD arrived very efficiently and in perfect condition. "The Big Lebowski" is one of my favorite movies and I'm glad to finally own it. The only complaint is that the "menu" - such as it was - consisted of two options for viewing the film (widescreen or full screen) and nothing else. Otherwise, the disc was in great condition and I recommend the seller highly.

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    Mon May 18 2009

    I watched it this weekend while Mrs. Twan was hanging out with her sisters, as she'd already seen it, said it was stupid, and had no desire to see it again. It was entertaining, and there were a few hilarious moments. John Goodman's part as Walter might have been the best character in the movie. But I have trouble seeing how anyone would think that this is destined to become a classic, and I also don't understand how anyone would think this is the dumbest movie ever made.

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    Mon May 18 2009

    I absolutely love most Coen Brothers movies, but when I tried to watch this one when it first came out, I hated it. Wanted to give it another try, given its rise in popular culture to iconic level. Unfortunately, I still hated it. Didn't like 'The Dude', didn't find it funny, and didn't care for the plot. For the second time, I turned it off before getting halfway into it. I just don't get it.

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    Fri May 15 2009

    not one of my faves.

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    Tue May 12 2009

    It had its moments.

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    Tue May 12 2009

    Another movie I have yet to see, I hear its awesome though.

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    Tue May 12 2009

    It was alright, not one of my faves.

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    Mon May 11 2009

    all time classic movie you can watch ten times over and still laugh a must see movie... enjoy!

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    Tue May 05 2009

    You have to enjoy movies like Half-baked and the like to enjoy this flick. Definitely one that you will be quoting soon after watching.

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    Mon Dec 29 2008

    if i could rate lower than 1 i would

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    Not quite the success the Coen Brothers hoped it would be when it was at the theatres, The Big Lebowski is arguably the best movie the Coens have ever made. A strange plot, numerous subplots, dialogue (often rife with expletives), and not to mention great acting by everyone involved makes this cult comedy classic one for the ages. And all this using, among other things, a bowling alley for much of the backdrop? Pure genius!Admittedly, though, The Big Lebowski ought to be watched more than once. You can actually catch something new each time.***Sample Dialogue from The Big Lebowski:Dude: Walter, what is the point? Look. We all know who is at fault here. What the f--k are you talking about?Walter: Huh? No! What the f--k are you? I'm not...we're talking about unchecked aggression here, Dude.Donny: What the f--k is he talking about?Dude: My rug!!!Walter: Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!***

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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    first of all, I find the blurb above ("A case of mistaken identiy throws a slacker's life into turmoil") to be perfect.  It's how I will describe the movie to anyone who hasn't seen it from now on.I have seen this movie 200 times.  I am not exaggerating.  I'm watching it right now.  I think Jeff Bridges was born for this role.  That is not an insult.  The movie is pure genius.

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    Tue Aug 19 2008

    the dude lives on

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    Mon Jul 14 2008

    have not seen

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    Fri Jul 04 2008


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    Fri Jul 04 2008

    The Dude Abides

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    Great Great Movie! Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are hilarious! Steve Buscemi, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, etc...all great!

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    Mon Jun 23 2008

    I have no idea

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    I wanna see this one again.

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    never seen this either but heard great things about it...

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    Sat Jun 14 2008

    jeff bridges was very likable and funny in this movie. it had some strange spots but it was pretty funny. what was that drink he enjoyed so much, kaluha and something?

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    Tue Jun 10 2008

    how out of touch am i?

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    Good, but pretty overrated.

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    preety good movie. Bridhes/Goodman rocks!

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    Great Movie. My ex and I went to the Lebowski Fest in NY at this huge bowling alley where everyone dressed up in character and all they served was sarsaparilla and white russians. If you ever have the opportunity to go, I highly recommend it!

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    Mon Jun 02 2008

    Saw it, but can't really remember it...

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    Sat May 31 2008

    Very strange but funny all the same

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    Thu May 29 2008

    Some people love this movie. I only think it's okay.

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    Sun Mar 23 2008

    93century's favorite line from actor John Goodman who was explaining about bringing the pomerainian dog bowling:  "I aint buying it shoes......I aint buying it a fuc#ing beer!"

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    This movie is one that I can watch all day!!!! Very funny! A must see in my oppinion.

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    Tue Nov 20 2007

    Great movie, absolutely!

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    Fri Aug 24 2007

    Everyone in this film is perfect. Jeff Bridges is surprisingly great as The Dude. I never realized how many "F-words" were used in this film until someone did a u-tube clip of all the F-words and it was mind-boggling. So be warned if obscene language bothers you avoid this movie. I thought it was very clever and funny and as usual for the Coens, very different from what we are used to. I can never understand how someone would not find this film to be humorous, but comedy is personal, some people just get off on repeated kicks to someone else's crotch. To each his own.

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    Fri Aug 24 2007

    Maybe liking this has something to do with how old you are. Personally, I think its hilarious, with great performances by Bridges, Goodman and Buscemi. As with all Coen Brothers movies, well and wittily scripted. Very funny.

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    Thu Jul 19 2007

    One of the best comedies of the last 20 years.  The dialogue is in the top 2 of all movies (alongside Pulp Fiction), and the characters are unforgettable.  It's hard to think of Jeff Bridges and John Goodman as anyone but the Dude and Walter.

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    Wed Apr 04 2007

    So concerned with being original... no, more like wacky that it forgets to be funny. But watch out for John Goodman who is brilliant and manages to give his scenes some good laughs.

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    Fri Aug 04 2006

    this is my favorite movie ever! its a true original. this movie cheers me up when im down