Stand by Me

1986 American coming-of-age drama film directed by Rob Reiner Website

Approval Rate: 88%

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    Tue Dec 04 2012

    Loved this movie. Great portrayal of how young boys handle situations around them. The friendships and messed up childhoods give you that "chin up" kind of attitude while watching this movie. You want to see them find "all' that they are looking for. I watched this long ago and just recently watched it with my sons. They loved it.

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    Fri Jul 15 2011

    Probably the BEST "coming of age" movie I've ever seen!!! "Suck my fat cheap dime store hood!" Classic

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    Sun Jun 12 2011

    I like so little of Stephen King's "work" that I may not have rated this movie as high as I should have. I am also not that impressed with Rob Reiner's work, but again, maybe King drags him down in this situation for me.The movie is not that bad, I guess. I wouldn't pay a farthing to see it again, however.

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    Fri Feb 05 2010

    Well done and well acted. I really liked the narration and seeing the guy at the end with his kid.

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    'Stand by Me' is a solid movie, and as many know was adapted from a Stephen King story. Good cast of characters who go on an adventure to find a dead body. Anyway, the movie holds up well but I think it's one of those movies where you can't watch it too many times. On that note, Lard Ass Hogan never gets old.

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    A simplistic and rather sophomoric film that somehow manages to rise above its many flaws to be average instead of the terrible which its director, writer and several of the cast suggested it would be. Directed by that ungodly hack Rob Reiner, and based on a story by that other ungodly hack Stephen King, it tells a story of four boys in search of the dead body of another. The characters involved, as is typical with King are easily recognizable cliches (if King ever writes a story about a Second World War platoon it will be certain to include stock characters like the wholesome farm boy, the preacher's son, the wise cracking Brooklynite and the thoughtful college boy) That being said, there is some decent acting here, notably by Kiefer Sutherland in a supporting role, John Cusack in a very small role, and River Phoenix in one of the primary roles. Its prettily filmed, which is something in its favor, and it seems to be better edited than Reiner's other work. Its worth a look, but... Read more

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    Sat Oct 03 2009

    This is a great movie. Everything that comes from Stephen King is great. Four boys go searching for a dead body. In this film Richard Dreyfuss narrates. Near the end of this film Dreyfuss says that one of those boys was murdered in the future. When the man tried to stop a fight, one of the two men stabbed him in the throat. I give SBM a 5 star rating.

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    Tue Aug 04 2009

    A terrific film based on yet another piece of brilliance from Stephen King.

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    Wed Apr 29 2009

    I ordered the DVD of the movie, "Stand By Me". I had seen this movie in the theater, back in the '80s, with my sister, Eva Cassidy---the wonderful singer who died in 1996 from cancer...... Eva and I LOVED this movie, and us watching it together in the theater is a wonderful memory I will have forever....... This movie delves deeply into the hearts, minds, and souls of these youngsters. It is at times funny, and then heart-breaking, and most people who watch this movie will recall their own childhoods. This movie is one you will want to watch again and again, which is why I bought the DVD in the first place! This movie was directed by Rob Reiner, and was based on a story by Stephen King--need I say more?!!! Buy this for yourself--you will not be disappointed!

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    Sun Apr 05 2009

    I'm a baby-boomer that has seen and enjoyed this movie many times. I have read a number of reviews complaining about the profanity of the four boys. I lived for over 20 years across the street from a grade school and, believe me, boys that age (and even younger) DO enjoy tossing profanity around when teachers or adults aren't around, and many of them are quite adept at smoking cigarettes, too. (In this day and age, little girls are just as likely to do so.) Back in the 50's, though, I can't recall hearing boys or girls using the f-bomb as these kids did in the movie. That word didn't gain popularity until later...Just an observation.

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    Tue Feb 24 2009

    "Stand By Me" is the BEST movie ever made about the "growing up" years, when one is about 13 years old. Think of it as sort of a "Wonder Years" of the big screen. All the young actors gave AMAZING performances, but I have to say that River Phoenix's is the standout. It's a tragedy how the River Phoenix story ended. Such a TALENTED young actor. Who knows what movies he would be making today. Perhaps he would be as big a star as Johnny Depp is. I think he would. Rob Reiner has directed FOUR films I consider to be CLASSICS. These are "This Is Spinal Tap", "When Harry Met Sally", "Misery" and of course, "Stand By Me". I must mention what I think are the two best scenes in this movie. The first (and best) is the "pie story" Gordie tells by the campfire. CLASSIC! The second is the "train dodge" by Gordie and Vern on the trestle. If you want to see a pre "24" Kiefer Sutherland, check him out here. "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Does an... Read more

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    Wed Jan 14 2009

    This is a classic and a must have to any DVD collection. Brings back memories of the good old days and youth. It is the adventure which molded their lives forever.

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    Sat Jan 03 2009

    The Bottom Line: A maudlin movie which coasts on a wave of pure nostalgia to its shattering anti-climax of a conclusion, Stand By Me is inexplicably beloved despite being a completely forgettable film: unless you happen to love the song Lollipop or want to see lots of boys crying and hugging, stay away.

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    Sat Dec 20 2008

    I enjoyed this movie.

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    Top notch film with an excellent cast, direction, and story. I think any young person who grew up in America can identify with these kids. Kiefer Sutherland did a fine job as the boys nemesis as well.

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    Sat Jan 19 2008

    great film =]

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    Sat Dec 08 2007

    The Best movie I had Ever watched. It had a great story line and showed true friendship between 4 young boys. the BEST!

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    Sat Dec 08 2007

    A personal favorite of mine  though it's been a while since I have seen it. It evokes a certain sense of nostalgia in me. I remember the friends that I had at that age and we were really tight. At that time I thought it would be that way forever, but as we entered our teens we seemed to drift apart. I have seen some of them over the years and we are congenial and polite and we  reminisce for a bit and then move on. We never found any dead bodies but we did have plenty of adventures.As for the movie itself I thought all the boys did a great job.

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    Fri Jul 15 2005

    this movie was ok but not good as i thought it would be but i like the stroyline.

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    Sat May 14 2005

    Only saw bits and pieces of this one when it was on TV. From what I saw it was cute, but I'd have to see the rest before I can really state my opinion.

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    Another favorite of mine and has been since I was a kid. This is a classic film... Great story full of humor and sadness.

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    Sun Mar 27 2005

    I love Stand BY Me. Four boys age 12 go off to find the body of a 12 year old who was feared dead.It takes place it the late 1950s. this is mainly about friendship between the boys.All four boys have their own issues to deal with. in their personnal lives. they are at the end of childhood and on the brink of adolesance. this movie is a combination of humor, and sadness.All the kid actors are great. A well done movie.

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    Wed Mar 02 2005

    was my favorite movie as a kid, i still watch it on occasion

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    Thu Jan 20 2005

    Four young boys out on an adventure before they're to old to be ruined by adulthood. The relationship between these boys, their interactions and behaviors are all believable. The boys parts are acted very well-River Phoenix was great, so were the other 3 who I can't remember their names right now. I've probably seen this movie 5 times, it's on my top 20.

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    Sat Jan 01 2005

    Very interesting movie. I loved it.

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    Fri Dec 17 2004

    A movie close to my heart, my friends and I were these kids, we did the exact same things growing up in the rural Midwest, hanging along the railroad tracks, getting in to minor trouble. An American classic movie. And River Phoenix was the best teen actor of his generation.

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    Sun Sep 12 2004

    I find this movie pretty good. It's about two gangs trying to get together and find a missing dead body that was hit by a train. The younger gang found it first, but find themselves in a fight against the other gang for the body, The younger gang won cause they had a .45 but didn't use it.

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    Wed Jun 02 2004

    oh my god i grew up with this movie

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    Fri Apr 30 2004

    Just as good as the book The Body. River Phoenix shined in this classic. Rob Reiner did an excellent job of directing in this epic on an adventure, set out to find the body of a missing preteen boy.

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    Thu Sep 11 2003

    There should be more movies like this one-a simple, compelling story that you will remember always. What drew me into this story is that it reminds me of childhood adventures. Although I am a female and this story is all boys, I very much identified with childhood friendships and adventures. I would see more movies if they left me with the wonderful feeling this movie does. Most movies leave me with a feeling of alienation and lost values. My all time favorite movie!

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    Sat Aug 02 2003

    This is one of the most amazing movies of our (some of our) childhoods! It show a beautiful portrayal of four innocent boys. The acting is outstanding for these children. They were all around the age of twelve. They all had the lines memorized. This is a feel good movie that sure will get to you in that good way. You feel good for watching it. I just wish movies these days could have such substance. oh well.

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    Thu Jul 10 2003

    Overdramatic, dark, boring and laced with useless profanities, this R-rated terror of the night needs to learn some lessons from other dramatic franchises such as "Star Trek."

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    Mon Jun 02 2003

    Another Stephen King book made into a successful movie. Is there any question he's one of the best authors of his time?

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    Sun Jul 29 2001

    This is an excellent movie about friendship. It's what you'd expect from Stephen King. The soundtrack is simply perfect. Probably the greatest soundtrack any movie could ever have.

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    Wed Jul 11 2001

    I came across this movie for the first time a few years ago and it held my attention right to the end. The way the boys stick together and the things they go through on their adventure is amazing and the movie is very well-made. I look for it all the time when I'm flipping through the channels.

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    Wed May 09 2001

    Wonderful! I thought that this was just one of those depressing 80's movies (and in a way it was; I wish that I had friends like that), but I watched the whole thing on AMC and loved it. Great performance by River Phoenix.

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    Thu Feb 01 2001

    This film is so poinient. The characters are built up beautifully and you really feel the hurt and friendship that is portrayed in the film. This must be one of the best things that Stephan King has written, its so sensitive, makes you laugh and makes you cry. Phoenix River was outstanding in this. Its hard to believe he was 16. I think he's still missed as he was a very talented actor. His younger brother Joquin is following that.

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    Movie that emphasizes the importance of school and the people who help to make the system work. Everyone thought it impossible to make a bad school good, but with the help of everyone and the dream and leadership of one man... it worked!

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Great flick. A mellow movie by Stephen King standards, but philosophical.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    I liked this movie a lot because it portrayed four friends who stuck together even under the worst of circumstances. It was very touching and made me cry.

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    Mon Jan 08 2001

    This is one of those great, feel good about being with your friends, kind of movie. The story is good without being too corny. It's a movie you can watch over and over again.

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    Wed Dec 13 2000

    It's the most classic movie. I love that it made me cry when most movies are so fake these days. It gave me and understanding of young boys.

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    Thu Dec 07 2000

    Stand by Me is a great movie because each character is developed so well. We really get to know the boys and to empathize with their experiences. Even though my childhood was very different from any of those characters, I felt that I was able to understand what they were going through.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    My favorite movie. The acting is so truthful and the characters grow so much during the span of the film. I always cry, though I've seen it 20+ times. I believe the characters are really in the situation and have truly grown closer to each other, but at the same time further apart.

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    Wed Nov 22 2000

    Stand By Me has been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid. It'a a feel good movie for all ages. It teaches you about friendship and life.

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    Mon Nov 20 2000

    A psychological thriller which looks into the minds of a gang of youths coming of age. The movie demonstrates wonderfully the difficult and disturbing times youths face in attempting to define themselves through history, family, and literature.

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    Mon Nov 06 2000

    This movie is a classic. I thought that the lead actor was so cute. It has a great soundtrack too!

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    Fri Nov 03 2000

    I enjoyed this movie because it was a good story about the bonds of friendship. I did feel that it was a little predictable.

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    Fri Nov 03 2000

    Great coming of age story by the all time horror author. Reminded me of my childhood. Loved it!

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    Fri Nov 03 2000

    Such a great movie, excellent acting and a universal story. I really enjoyed the narrating and "looking back" aspect of the film. An excellent and somehow soul searching adventure of these best friends. Of course, since it was based on a Stephen King novella, there had to be that morbid flare (their entire journey occurs because they are in search of the dead kid's body) However, even that aspect played a key part in the movie. That kid who played Gordy did a superb job of acting..the look on his face as he took that leach the size of a small mammal from inside of his underwear was priceless.