
Game for two players or more of the shedding family of card games, in which players try to get rid of all of their cards first Website

Approval Rate: 71%

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    Fri Nov 12 2010

    Imbecilic shite. A suitable vehicle for the unbelievably wooden Keanu Reeves. Or a cigar store indian, not that there is much difference.

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    Sat Jul 19 2008

    An entertaining action thriller with some absurd stunts but it's fun anyway.

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    Wed Jun 06 2007

    I really liked this movie and I could have met him and Sandra Bullock while they were shooting this film because I kept driving by the Chinese Mann Theater on Hollywood Blvd. Man did I ever miss my opportunity to meet Keanu and Sandra!!!

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    Wed Jun 06 2007

    Let's make a deal:  You can have ALL of Keanu if I can have all of Sandra.

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    Sun Apr 08 2007

    This is the first movie that I liked Keanu Reeves in, a good action flick with excellent chemistry between the two leads.

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    Mon Apr 11 2005

    I hte werewolves and I hate salt and vineger pringles. Once i pop I just cant stop puking. this movie was stupid. Alls im saying is if you really wanted to blow people to crap it wouldnt be as difficult as they make it seem. uuuh rahhhh anarchist cookbook

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    Fri Oct 22 2004

    A thrilling picture from start to finish. Keanu Reeves put on a stellar performance!

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Better than the crappy sequel Speed 2: Cruise Control.

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    Sun May 30 2004

    One of the best movies starring the ever wonderful Keanu Reeves. Not only is he an outstanding actor in every way, but he is very good looking. If anyone brought the movie to a lower level it would have been Sandra Bullock. But even she did a really good job compared to usual. A wonderful movie jam-packed with action and excitement from beginning to end...I highly recommend it...

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    Sat Apr 03 2004

    Just amplified my belief that Keanu Reeves is the worst. actor. ever.

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    Wed Jul 09 2003

    I loved this film

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    Sun Jun 08 2003

    Very good movie, although I haven't really seen it in awhile, it had everything...suspense, action, drama and all that.

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    Mon Jun 02 2003

    Who knew a movie filmed inside a bus would be so great?

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    Wed Jan 15 2003

    Interesting and action-packed, but features too many wasted performers and far too many cliches to get into. Hopper and Bullock...two great actors given weak and silly material to work with.

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    Thu Dec 26 2002

    Non-stop action. Very suspenseful!!

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    Mon Dec 09 2002

    Great story and always suspenseful. Say what you want about Keanu Reeves, but it didnt affect this film.

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    Sun Aug 04 2002

    Terrible, terrible movie. Why? The acting is the worst i have seen of any movie ever. The plot makes it even worse. Who wants to watch a movie where it is around the bus all day?

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    Mon Feb 25 2002

    Only 4 stars. Edge of your seat action that would have been 5 stars if only Keanu could act.

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    Mon Feb 04 2002

    this movie was interesting, it seemed to never end! keanu reeves is a very boring actor, he gives himself away every time. filled with lots of catch frases. not bad, I like to watch it when I'm bored.

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    Tue Jan 15 2002

    Action Packed all the way. Great acting. Not quite perfect though.

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    Fri Oct 26 2001

    Sensless movie, bad acting, bad direction, horrible script, just good special effects.Good movie for airheads.

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    Sun Sep 16 2001

    Greatest.... Movie ..... Ever...!

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    Wed Jan 24 2001

    Entertaining. I liked the movie but the plot, once you think about it, is pretty lame. Oh well, it was good nonetheless, and made you want to keep watching 'till the end. I think making Speed 2 was pushing it.

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    Sun Jan 21 2001

    Okay, I really didn't intend to write a review, but what that first girl said annoyed me. First of all, everyone doesn't share you opinion in movies missy! And Sandra Bullock is really funny and beautiful, an awesome actress. Keanu Reeves is cute. Anyways, if you enjoy action movies, you'll definately enjoy this thriller.

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    Mon Jan 08 2001

    Out of all the action movies that I have seen in the past, this was one of the most thrilling of all. The suspense never faded, even though most of the film took place on a bus. When the actors/actresses paniked, I paniked with them the whole way through. What a way to fall in love with someone...one a trip such as this!

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    Wed Jan 03 2001

    Speed was the worst action/thriller movie I have ever witnessed. The plot was shallow and the acting was horrendous. After viewing this movie, I wish I could have gotten my money back. It shouldn't be sold. That, as well as Speed II.

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    Sat Dec 30 2000

    It's a nice and interesting movie. Lacks a better story line. Guy meets girl. Guy gets girl. Guy saves a bunch of people. A little bit of innovation but not much. Same old, same old. Nice to see at a movie theater and then once at home. Then don't watch it again for ten years.

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    Tue Dec 19 2000

    It's no wonder why Sandra Bullock has disappeared from the movie screen a bit. The film that "made her a star" was the worst of its year. In the movie a bus in manipulated by a terroist, who for some reason finds it necessary to put a bomb on it, so that if it reaches over (or was it over?) 50 mph it will explode. Great, all we need is another cheesy-ass wanna be adventure movie with Keanu Reeves.

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    Sun Dec 10 2000

    When the movie came out, I thought "I have to go see this movie." It was a great movie with lots of action and it made the audience and I feel like I was on that bus. It was one of the best movies I have ever seen. I have watched that movie about 10x!

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    Mon Nov 27 2000

    This movie is very exciting. It keeps you on your feet. I also liked it because Keanu Reeves is very fine.

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    Mon Nov 27 2000

    This movie was cool because they got chased by so many people. The bus couldn't stop and they were going so fast, especially when they jumped the broken bridge. They were smart to change the video camera so it will give them time! I liked this movie.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    This was a good movie, but Keanu Reeves is a horrible actor.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    Speed is the greatest movie because Keanu Reeves is the star. Sandra Bullock is good to except when she kisses Keanu. Anyway, I loved this movie because of the buildup of tension and excitement. I also like how the villan dies at the end. Blood, guts, decapitation and more blood; makes a great movie in my book. Oh, and the bus rescue/blow up scene was the best. Lots of action, but the love bit between Keanu and Sandra was a bit much.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    I feel that the scriptwriter had a great idea, but didn't know what to do with it and out came Speed. The plot was alright, but nothing seemed to be finished; the bridge, tunnel, tracks. I mean, c'mon, really. This is okay one time, but I see it as more of a Mystery Science 3000 film.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    This was one of the top hits when it first came out. I believe that this was the movie that boosted Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock's stardom. This movie was entertaining, fast paced and suspenseful.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    Old movie but it was on cable TV the other night, and my family watched it again. Another one of the classic kind of movies. Nice plot, with some surprises. Had enough action.

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    Mon Nov 20 2000

    It was okay, but I really have a hard time taking Keanu Reeves seriously after the Bill & Ted movies (even though Bill & Ted were funny).

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    Fri Nov 17 2000

    Keanu Reeves plays the good cop with one facial expression, tracking down a mad bomber with a thing for revenge. Violence abounds, and good special effects, but improbable events bring the quality down. Very suspensful climax. Riveting, though not good enough to pay money for. Catch it on network TV.

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    Fri Nov 17 2000

    Saw it 400 plus times, have all the best lines memorized, and still continue to watch it from time to time. Isn't that enough for a five rating?

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    Fri Nov 17 2000

    I gave Speed a good rating because Keanu Reeves looks good in the movie. Besides that, it was filled with action and excitement. It was suspenseful in a way. It was a good movie overall.

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    Thu Nov 16 2000

    Speed is a very good movie because it is a mixture of action and drama. I say this becuse Keanu Reeves falls in love with one of the passengers in the bus, even though he was saving her.

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    Speed is a crappy movie. It smells like wet frogs on a hot sunny day. I like cats. Speed was very well directed.

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    This was a blockbuster movie to most people, but I think the movie was bad. Too predictable and the acting was bad. The stroy was weak too.

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    Mon Nov 13 2000

    This movie is a classic. I loved the storyline. Keanu is a good actor. The bus was kool.

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    Sandra Bullock is hot! The action was cool. It was exciting, but the bus clearing that gap was a little fake. I liked the villan's head falling off at the end.

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    Wed Nov 08 2000

    The movie had more hype than good action in the movie. I thought this was an average action picture. I thought Keanu was better in The Matrix.

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    Wed Nov 01 2000

    Speed is the action thriller of all time! I have seen it at least 10 times. It has a suspenseful plot and the villian is completely realistically evil. I admit the train scene was kind of corny, but the bomb on the bus part definitely made the movie an awesome thriller.