
Battery-operated game of physical skill that tests players' eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills Website

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  • by


    Tue Apr 03 2007

    We should all start collecting this board game, because the people of 2050 are going to wonder how human beings in the late 20th century could play something so stupid. If this is how the surgeons of the future find their first inspiration, I'll be worried when the time comes for me to be rolled into the O.R.

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    Sat Jul 22 2006

    With its loud buzzing, Operation has been torturing parents since it was released in 1965 by Milton Bradley. As another comment noted, this game was often a gift from other adults (e.g. your evil uncle), anyone besides your parents. Committing medical malpractice against poor Cavity Sam has become a common human experience in the U.S. (I can't say for elsewhere), and I dressed up as Sam for Halloween last year, complete with glue-in-the-dark removable bones (my best costume in years).

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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    An incredibly irritating and stupid game. Anyone older than eight caught playing this (unless its with their child) should be forced to watch Barney episodes until they beg for mercy.

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    Wed Jan 26 2005

    loud noises and overt failure make me want to drink. Operation has both. if you fail, you hear a loud noise. i prefer games where all they make you do, is go back a few spaces.

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    Tue Jan 25 2005

    I'm with Classic on this -- that buzzer freaked me out, about the same way as the buzzer in Perfection and the temple guards on Legends of the Hidden Temple.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    Ugh! A stress-causing game if ever there was one. (And there was.) The only game more nerve-racking than this was Perfection. Still, the bad puns on the red-nosed guy's body were slightly amusing. But the buzzer just ruins all of it for me. *sigh*

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    Although creative, the concept just doesn't gel with me. Also, the buzzers frightened me when I was a small child.

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    Sat Sep 20 2003

    I hate the noises the game makes, and my hands are too shaky for this type of a game anyways...

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    Sun Jun 29 2003

    I love hitting the edges when I'm trying so hard not to and that noise scares me half to death!

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    Tue May 06 2003

    Does anyone have the sound wav of that commercial? "Butterfingers!" That annoyinng woman at the end..."May I play?" Well basically the whole thing. We're having a laugh about it at work.

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    Tue May 06 2003

    I'm ashamed to say that I had forgotten about this game. This is one of the few board games that are really fun to play and I wish I still had one.

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    Mon Apr 07 2003

    This is one of those games that people OTHER than your own parents would ever get you--I think I drove my parents nuts with that awful buzzing noise. I got pretty good at it after a while, though, it's good practice for fine hand-eye coordination. I sure hope that guy on the table had good health insurance . . . . It taught me two very important things: 1) Patience is a virtue, and 2) I probably should avoid being a surgeon.

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    This game kind of freaked me out when I first seen it. Its very fun, but sucks up batteries and the game itself feels of cheap quality.

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    Just get prepared for that nagging "buzz". It helps when you listen to music really loud while playing the game, that way it won't startle you as much if you hit the sides of those holes. It works for me.

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    Thu Nov 28 2002

    You have to be a kid to get the full enjoyment of this game. So the buzzer goes off. Big deal if you're a grown up.

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    Sun Sep 23 2001

    Operation is the closest thing to being a doctor that I'll ever get. BUZZZZ!!!!

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    Wed Sep 05 2001

    "It's MY turn to operate!" "OPERATE?!?" BZZZZZ!!! "Butterfingers!" (Laughter.) "It's Operation, the wacky doctor's game! Batteries not included." ----anybody remember that ad? This game was fun to play, and I always thought you'd get a nasty shock whenever you touched the metal border with the tweezers. My favorite piece to operate on was the water on the knee and the funny bone. I didn't care if I was adoctor or a specialist; I just liked to see if I could get the pieces out without buzzing myself. (Which is the object, anyway!) A classic MB game.

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    Sat Apr 14 2001

    If you guys would stop that stupid thing from buzzing every time I hit the silver sides, I would enjoy this game. Until then, this is the rewview that you are going to recieve from me.

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    Tue Dec 12 2000

    Operation is fun to practice if you are young and want to be a doctor when you grow up. It builds precision with your hand eye coordination. Has a fun look to it.

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    What ten year old has the hand-eye coordination to play this?

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    Thu Feb 17 2000

    Don't touch the sides!!

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    Tue Feb 15 2000

    Precision, good eyesight -- lots of great fun and that annoying noise. I loved it but would be hesitant as a partent to share it with a child! That buzz can still be heard in my childhood home!

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    Tue Feb 08 2000

    A bit stressful and kind of nasty..I loved it!

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    Tue Feb 08 2000

    Pretty fun, nerve-wracking game. But it got old fast, and I think I busted mine after about 2 days.

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    Mon Feb 07 2000

    Pretty nerve wracking for a little kid, but I guess that was the idea . . .