
Multi-player economics-themed board game Website

Approval Rate: 81%

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    Tue Jul 19 2011

    I really love this game! i played it since i was 8 years old and i think there are a lots of board games inspired by monopoly. I played monopoly on my mobile phone too. It's really fun and challenging but suitable to play even for 7 years old kids as it is simple. i like the board because it is very colorful and it's unique kinda statue. haha! i could'n express the way i fell about this game. I think you should try it too.

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    Wed Feb 09 2011

    It is still fun for the family and there are now so many varieties to fit everybody's personalities.

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    Wed Jul 07 2010

    a great classic fun game. A bit long though. I highly recomend it.

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    Wed May 12 2010

    This is one game I'll never get tired of and how I wish I invented it. Even more fun when there's more of you or you play it over Christmas or any other family gatherings. You definitely need time to play this, but even now with the game on Blackberry and on your PC you can play solo or pause it which makes it even more addictive. For me personally Monopoly is more than a money game. It requires a lot of stratedgy and quick thinking. It's still going since the 1930's, been formatted for different countries, they have limited editions and it's also available on various computer and phone formats. The fact that it's still a success and continues to be so surely speaks for itself.

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    Wed May 12 2010

    I will give this game about a 3.5. I know that Monopoly is one of the most famous games ever. And now you can even buy it in all kinds of versions. {my son and daughter each have differerent versions of Monopoly} There are some good things about Monopoly. It is a great learning game. It helps you learn how to deal with money and how to be a business person and learn different strategies.My biggest problem is it can go on forever! I like to play games but not for hours on end. Maybe it is just because over the years I seem to play with those people who are downright ruthless and forget that this IS just a game.Sorry I know that there are a lot of Monopoly fans, I am not one of them.!

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    Wed May 12 2010

    I'm with Bird on Monopoly, fun, with a perspective that's a bit "crustier." My mom and dad loved to play the game. They raised us on the farm, so we (three sib's and me) begame good players young. There was not much to do in rural 60s-70s life (one TV channel received if the wind blew the right way). In short, Monopoly probably contributed to my current way of thinking. My advice to any kids growing up in a Monopoly family is read the rules, your dad is making things up to his advantage. Bird mentioned adjustments in the game from country to country--I believe those started in the 80's when the game's owner (was it Milton Bradley or Parker Brothers?) lost exclusivity as copyright expired. Does the UK version use Boardwalk and Parkplace, or business district streets in London as prized property?

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    Wed Jan 13 2010

    Loved it when I won! Hated it when I lost! A real pain in the butt if the banker is skimming off the top or trading in derivatives. The cheating all stopped when the eletronic versions came along.

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    Wed Jan 13 2010

    This game is not based in reality. If it was, one player would own 97% of the property at the start.

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    Wed Dec 09 2009


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    Mon Jun 08 2009

    The longest, and yet best game ever! How many hours have I spent playing this game? All worth it. Whatever you do, don't start this game if you have other plans for the day. This game taught me a lot about money and trickery and trading. So all in all I would say that playing Monopoly provides valuable experience for children (provided they don't kill each other over it).

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    Sat Jun 06 2009

    lovee this gameeee

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    Tue Mar 24 2009

    Been around since the 30's and still popular. No body really plays board games any more tho.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    lmao!! yep as a kid my dad used to win all the time...... now my kids wonder how i do it.... lol.... since there is tricks to this game my daddy taught me.... such as be the banker lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    takes soooo long to finish.... >:O boringgg

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    Sat Dec 06 2008

    personally i love it but who wants to spend three hours trying for freaking bordwalk ave

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    Thu Nov 20 2008

    easy to learn

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    Wed Nov 05 2008

    love to own the whole board!!!! take no prisoners!!!

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    SO BORING!!!

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    Sat Oct 25 2008

    i love getting drunk and playing monopoly

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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    omfg best game ever!

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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    GAH! causes fights(lol), and takes sooooo long

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    i could never win at that game..and it would never stop!

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    Sat Oct 18 2008

    This economy is rotten: that's the grave reality. Put away your troubles on a cloudy day with a fun-filled game of Monopoly with your family and friends. This game is a good excuse to pretend you're rich even if you're not. :-D All kidding aside, this is a true classic spanning generations. They loved it in 1935; we can still love it now.

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    I use to purposely buy Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues...and called them my ho-tels. Seriously, and I used to win a lot.

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    I loved Monopoly.  Of course we had to improve the game.  We allowed borrowing from the bank and then the insidious practice of immunities crept in.  Immunities were a grant of protection from paying rents for certain periods of time in return for properties, money and more.  Then we had some law students playing with us when I was in college and we developed the concept of corporations playing.  A player gets $1500 to start, so if you could cough up $1500, you could start a corporate player and put another man on the board to gather up the goodies.  The rub came with the less than arms length transactions between the player who founded the corporate player and the corporation itself.  We had more such rules but I can remember now.  All in fun.

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    Caused many fights in my family unit- but this was a fun game that could get as heated as anything. . .but the female family members wound up teaming up whereas the male family members flew solo and thus usually lost. . .

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    Like Genghis, I used to play with a circle of acquaintances who improved the game. We allowed borrowing from the bank, from each other, buying futures, and side bets on almost anything. A great time, two decades gone.

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    Alright, after reading a couple of those reviews, I gotta play a game with git and GTH...

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    Game Description: Monopoly is a real estate buying-and-trading game. There are many variations now on the market, using different themes and different locations or settings as their bases, but I am reviewing the original version, where all the place-names are derived from Atlantic City, New Jersey. The board is square, and has forty small squares around the perimeter. A good image of the board can be found by looking on the page for the game. Play starts with a Banker being chosen, and each player getting $1500 US in Monopoly money, with the following denomination-distribution: Two each of: $500 bills (orange) $100 bills (beige) $50 bills (blue) Six $20 bills (green) Five each of: $10 bills (yellow) $5 bills (pink) $1 bills (white) Players each choose one of twelve pieces: a wheelbarrow, a battleship, a sack of money (1999 editions onwards), a horse and rider, a car, an old style iron, a thimble, a cannon, an old style shoe or boot, a Scott... Read more

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    Can i play it niow??

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    Sun Jun 29 2008

    AHH ~ oldie but goodie...if you have hours available.

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    Fri May 02 2008

    What did children do before they had 100 channels on their televisions, the latest I-Pods, cell phones, computer games, and door-to-door transporation? ANSWER: They played Monopoly! Having gone through my formative years in the 1950's, when we had two channels on a snowy black and white screen and the use of our aunt's eight-party telephone line, we learned how to have a good time with what we had. And we had a rip-roaring good time playing Monopoly, the king of board games. We played it fast paced, and we developed many skills. We learned from interacting with each other in a nonthreatening environment, as we sat around a little square table. (Imagine a family sitting around a table and conversing for hours!) We learned how to handle imaginary money, count, add without paper or a calculator, make change, handle real estate, roll with the punches, lose gracefully, and win without too much bragging. We developed social skills and vented our frustations as we played Monopoly.... Read more

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    Who would have guessed that the street names of a small and seedy New Jersey wouldn't be the basis for a fascinating and fun game? Surprisingly, Monopoly turned out to be a game that (1) was incredibly long; (2) involved slow, grinding failure for those who were losing; (3) involved almost no skill but also (4) none of the excitement of chance. As far as I can tell, the only joy people get out of it comes from handling play money. In many board games one goes round and round. But generally there is the sense one is going SOMEWHERE. In Monopoly--more true to life--there is nowhere to go. Just keep working and paying the man. If one is attracted to the idea that repetition can be the highest ethical moment, one only needs to play this game to be quickly disabused. In contrast to, say, Mousetrap [see my review] which highlights the nature of irreversible transitions, in Monopoly one orbits around a gaping hole of debt, slowly circling inwards towards failure. This is also, un... Read more

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    Sat Feb 23 2008

    I like the thought of playing Monopoly; however once I begin I quickly remember why I hate this game. I do think it's fun to get Chance and Community Chest and try to get pieces of property. And I most certainly enjoy the variations they have come out with (like the Here and Now, or the King's Island one for our amusement park in Cincy). But once all the properties are bought it's like pulling teeth to get someone to trade or sell their property so you can get monopolies. And the game lasts FOREVER!! I have rarely finished a game. I preferred playing a hand-held electronic version; they haggled with you better. :)

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    Sat Jan 12 2008

    Never get too old for this game....must have for every kid, no matter the age. I enjoy playing it with my granddaughter as much as I did playing it when I was a child with my brothers and sisters.

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    Thu Jan 10 2008

    Monopoly is an excellent game for almost all ages (eight years and up). The object of the game is to use your money and income to buy properties, railroads and more--and then charge rent to the other players when their tokens (playing pieces) land on them. Players simply roll the dice to see how many steps ahead they have to move their token; and the game can go on for hours and hours if the players are savvy enough and have the right experience playing the game. I agree with many reviewers when they note that part of the fun of Monopoly is that you can make up a few of your own rules as you go along. You can get more than $200 for passing the "go" space, for example. You can trade properties, print your own extra money if you need more money and of course Monopoly official rules let you mortgage properties so that you can buy even more real estate. The game also comes with a special set of rules for a shortened version of the game. The real estate starts relatively inexpensively... Read more

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    Thu Oct 25 2007

    A great game but I don't like plain ones.

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    Fri Jul 06 2007

    One of the best board games ever made. It really has stood the test of time. I know a lot of people complain about it being too long, but that's one of the best parts about Monopoly. My little brother and I used to have games that lasted for a couple weeks, most other board games seem to end just when you're really getting into them. Although the best game we had we never finished. We had the game set up in the spare bedroom, and my mom, being somewhat absent minded, went into the room and opened up all of the windows to help get some air movement in the house, but didn't bother to tell us. A couple hours later a summer storm popped up, and the wind blew the money all over the room. Game over.

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    Sun Apr 15 2007

    This is a great "real-world" business game for kids and adults alike. Although really unethical, this game surprisingly is very good to train young people into the mindset of a real estate tyrant. There's no parental guidance rating on this game because it is fit for the family, but really, if reality were to be taught in this game, then people would start getting hurt with crime, unemployment and all the good stuff society has in store for people who don't "make it." Its also a long game (like most people's lives), and you will become proficient at counting money. It is a very good 1.5 to 2 hour game on a semi-cloudy day. Hopefully when these kids grow up, they don't act like money-hungry animals, who's sole purpose is to acquire more wealth. Hmm?

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    Wed Apr 04 2007

    Great game, try playing by the rules: No free parking $, limited housing (if the houses are used up, none can be built, 10% penalty to get property out of mortgage) it is a superior game that people often play inferiorly...

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    Wed Apr 04 2007

    Solid 5.  Teach your kids to be a ruthless slumlord.

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    Tue Apr 03 2007

    I've always been a fan of monopoly, however its rare we would actually finish a game. But theres also a shortened version of the game, where you can just divvy out the property randomly, and play from there. I dont know if thats as fun as buying all the property yourself, and its certainly not fair when your board game rival gets Boardwalk AND park place just by chance. Just a suggestion, though.

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    Fri Jan 26 2007

    As a kid, we used to play Monopoly for hours and hours, yet I can count on one hand, how many times we actually finished a game. Monopoly is a classic that helped open the door to some really great board games, but by today's standards, it's extremely outdated and boring. Anyone who gives Monopoly more than 2 stars is obviously ancient themselves and has never played the really great games offered today. Monopoly - The Bored Game!

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    Mon Dec 04 2006

    I am interested by your communicate where you need some men and women for the job work,like i am a refugee,and i have not a job,any family here in congo(i am from burundi),please i want to be taken in your company,thank you in advence

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    Sat Sep 16 2006

    a classic, i mean where else can you build up a property empire in order to bankrupt your friends and family.

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    Fri Sep 01 2006

    This is a very fun game, but you better have a lot of free time because it can take forever and a day to play it.

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    Tue Aug 29 2006

    An American classic. I can play it every night and never get tired of it. Love the "retro edition" in the wooden box. Board game lovers should get it, as well as the retro editions of Scrabble and Stratego.

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    Wed Jul 19 2006

    From the cruiseship management canada: I Mrs Laurina M. Ewards from canada, the manager of canadian tourist company, wish to inform you that the cruiseshipping tourist company need men and women who can work and live in cruiseship tourist company canada ,cruiseship tourist line will care of your tickets,accommodation and the visa assistance in your country,if you are interested ,you should please contact me back and apply via the mail address below: [email protected] Thanks , Mrs Ewards manager

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    Tue Jul 18 2006

    Love Monopoly but it can be time consuming!

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    Tue Jul 18 2006

    Though obviously an undisputed classic, most likely a common human experience in the developed world, and the biggest selling board game in history (not counting chessboards and the like), I can't recall the last time I played or wanted to play Monopoly. The game is overly long, resulting in rarely finishing a proper game, as some opponent will get bored relatively soon. I remember playing as a kid, but looking back I don't understand why the game is attractive to children playing amongst themselves, other than for trashing the board when losing (another common experience). (Though along with adults the game could teach some real world experiences such as business and dealing with money). As other comments have noted, the original properties are based on Atlantic City (with other versions adapted for other locales). Contrary to popular belief, the game was actually created in 1903 by Elizabeth J. Magie and patented the following year; however, it took Charles Darrow's repackaging (and ... Read more