Michael Jackson

American singer, songwriter, dancer, and philanthropist Website

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Michael Jackson was one of the essential people of the 1980s. What would we do without those red jackets with the zippers all over them or if we missed out on his tunes? I actually don't care for his music but my favorite decade is the 80s, it is when I grew up and it was a fun time to grow up. Michael was a part of that and I give him credit. As for the supposed child molestation charges, one kid recanted his story multipule times. Michael had his day in court....twice....and won. If the judge said "not guilty", that's good enough for me. Michael was weird, freakish even but I don't think that he molested anyone. For all you people slamming Michael even after his death, there is a good possibility that he is looking down from Heaven laughing at you. I am with LadyJesusFan777 on this one. Michael's eternal fate rests with 1 Judge, God almighty. God isn't the least bit swayed by the millions screaming "child molester!" Even if he was guilty, I could care less. That's between him, God ... Read more

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    Thu Mar 28 2024


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    Wed Mar 27 2024

    Test save button

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    Mon Sep 04 2023

    Who is this guy? Never hear of him at all!

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    Thu Aug 24 2023


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    Sat Aug 19 2023

    kjhjk hi there

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    Mon Dec 20 2010

    What I find annoying is that nobody gave a damn when he was alive and not many people had a good word to say about him. Now people worship him like he's the second coming. Now that's what I find annoying.

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    The Queen of Pop. Sheesh, this fruitcake was so over the top it was almost funny. Besides his fervent desire to turn himself into a doppelganger with the Creature of the Black Lagoon, he enjoyed sleeping with little boys. One sick little perv.

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    Sat Jan 23 2010

    I miss you. RIP

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    Tue Dec 22 2009

    I'm still in a 'State of Shock' over my #1 Man in my life passing, and this cold hard reallity is too harsh and bitter to even acknowledge. Truth is is i can't wait to die too to be with him in paradise. It is there that i will forever be at his side and be in total bliss. So until then Michael darling,Love Forever, Rebecca A. Reynosa, Ramona, Ca.92065!................................

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    Never a fan, but he was definetely talented and even more misunderstood. he is a legend in his own right and I am sure his ginormous fan base will miss him dearly.

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    I was sad to see him die,I loved his music in the 80's and some hits in the 90's,Im not sure about the allagations of molestation of some kids. A jury found him not guilty though. I mostly feel sorry that had the family he did,his father abused him as a child,his father is a hateful racist,anti semite,and his other brothers just wanted to cash in on him,I always felt sorry for him in that respect.

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    Mon Dec 21 2009

    Devastated, yes. Surprised? Not really, given all of the prescription medication, he was given. He definitely had a rough life, and never did get to make the comeback he wanted to make, or that his fans wanted him to make. Perhaps in death, he will have the peace, he din't have in life.

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    Sat Dec 12 2009

    While I had not been expecting Michael Jackson to die any time soon, news of his death did not shock me, maybe because he seemed to be slowly self-destructing. The changes he made to his physical appearance -- the dimpled chin, straightened hair, lightened complexion, reduced nose, moribund quality of his restructured face -- gave indications of a person who in some ways, at least, no longer wanted to exist. I don't feel indifferent about Michael Jackson's death, but I don't empathize with those who are mourning his loss either. I acknowledge his incredible success, but I also see him as tragic and pathetic. Looking back on Michael Jackson's career, I remember that though I enjoyed songs such as "Man in The Mirror," "Beat It," and "Rock With You," compositions that indicated his supposed genius, I most liked "The Love You Save," "Never Can Say Goodbye," "Got To Be There," and a couple of others he did with his brothers almost forty years ago, when, sadly, the causes of his antisoc... Read more

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    Sun Nov 08 2009

    I have been reading a lot of people's comments and I see a few "good riddance" statements. I personally loved Michael Jackson's music and respected his efforts with many charities. As far as the pedophile allegations, he was acquitted of all charges.....period. Everyone has problems in their lives and he seemed to have more then a few but "good riddance"? What a horrible, cold and disgusting thing to say.

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    Sat Oct 24 2009

    to me mj is my hero i dedicate all my life to him and his family. he means everythin to me just hope he sees my grandpa up there and also be much happier

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    Sun Oct 18 2009

    One of the greatest and most innovative pop artists in the world! :] Haters can go somewhere and SIT DOWN! >:]

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    Sun Sep 13 2009

    I liked Michael Jackson. He was very talented. I liked his songs 'Beat it' and 'Bad'. Both of those songs were parodied by Weird Al Yankovic. MR. Jackson was accused of child molestation but Macauley Culkin said that he didn't molest Children and I take his word. Jackson was a Benny Hill fan. When Hill died in 1992, he was sad. Now people are sad because of Michael Jackson's death.

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    Wed Sep 02 2009


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    Fri Aug 28 2009

    The Pop King is in the news again. The Coroner has officially listed "Homocide," as cause of death. The mix of sleepers and sleepers put him to sleep. I wonder if his personal Physician regrets the video he put on You Boob? Elvis killed himself at the hands of a candyman...did Mike do the same? What is the Dif'. Science makes this one murder. Me and Mike are 50. Well, I'm 50, Mike is as old as you get. I won't miss the weird. I will/have missed the "cool" I grew up with at sock hops, 1978 MTV where he pioneered the video as a tool to sell records, and the dance steps that reduced Sammy Davis Jr. to Mr. Bo Jangles. Mike won't "die" any faster than Elvis. We won't let him. Passing on didn't "forgive" Either King their gross excesses, but going away makes it easier to focus on the explainable. Both are more cool than weird. *** stars as we can't miss him until we let him go.

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    Wed Jul 29 2009

    Blended average: Up to circa 1990: 4.5 Post-1990: 1.5

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    Mon Jul 13 2009

    Cardiac arrest?! I'm sure the two quarts of demerol along with every known narcotic and antidepressant on the planet had nothing to do with it. That's like shooting someone in the head and pronouncing them dead of a brain injury. Plenty of blame to go around here, including MJ himself, but the sycophantic fucks that allow this shit to happen are ground zero.

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    I am glad we will not be subjected to any more of his antics eventhough I do not wish harm or death on any individual. Can we please stop all the adulation and constant fascination about him? I expected atleast Fox News to provide some intelligence in the News World but even they have become the Jackson News Channel 24/7. Ok This has to be said- Jackson was a precocious kid performer and later in life attracted a freakish following. He was a circus side show act at best. His Music was never great. He is famous for having this equally freakish following. His dancing over the years became repetitive. If he wasn't black and filled the void of young black role models of the day, Jackson would have been forgotten like every other preteen pop star of the 70s. Shout out to Donny Osmond probably performing in Branson today. He was also the world's only enabled pedofile as people chalked it up to quirkiness and Peter Pan Syndrome. He also named himself the king of POP as part of his sh... Read more

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    I never paid much attention to the dude myself. He's no Willie Nelson.

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    Mon Jul 06 2009

    Good riddance, thank god the freak show is almost over. Now if I could stop looking at his butchered face every time I turn on the TV I would be, "Thrilled"

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    Sun Jul 05 2009

    Some waste's of oxygen are better off dead- and this is one of them...which reminds me of a joke i just heard- Farrah's last wish was for all of the children of the world to be safe- 6 hours later, Michael Jackson died- Go figure? He was worth something though- he made a great joke subject- rest in eternal death

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    Sat Jul 04 2009

    Micheal will be missed by me especially because of his music. He is and was the absolute best when it comes to performing and entertaining his fans. He reached out to all people and joined music fans throughout the world. As far as his personal life and his tragic lifestyle, not one of us will live a life tragedy-free, if we live it to the fullest. He was not afraid to live and love life. Micheal was not only the "King of Pop," he was the greatest musician that has ever lived up to this point. God will bless you Michael for all the joy, love and generosity you shared with the world. We love you. Peace to you and yours always.

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    Sat Jul 04 2009

    Michael Jackson was one of the great musical geniuses of our time. People like him always have scum sucking nobodies coming out of the woodwork trying to leech of them. He's no pedophile, sex and child sex allegations are the biggest tools in the evil political arsenal. All you have to do is say pedophile and someone's life is ruined, whether he's guilty or not. Those gutless, evil, scumbag parents getting their kids to set MJ up are disgusting they should be dead not him. The ruling Elite also have the nerve to use child porn as an excuse to start restricting and shutting down freedom of speech and file sharing on the net, pedophilia and terrorism are the biggest scams used by the new world order to scare the public into letting them pass laws taking away our freedoms. Research 911, gage. 911 has been scientifically proven to be an inside job. Do you really think 911, the credit crisis, the massive recent rise of cancers and other diseases (they're not spraying the skies with air fres... Read more

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    Fri Jul 03 2009

    Since I got the news of Michael's passing I've been in a state of shock. I feel like my heart has been ripped out of me. I feel I've lost a life long friend. He was the greatest artist there ever was, is and ever will be. No one will ever top him. EVER. It's hit me harder than I ever thought it could. When you spend your entire life listening to and loving someone, they become a huge part of your life and let me tell you on June 25th a huge part of my life got ripped away. He had a soul that was bigger than this world. He had a kindness and gracefulness about him that just shined through him. He was an angel, and far to good for this old place. He gave and gave and gave and left a legacy that has changed music and the world forever and all he ended up getting in return was disrespect and hate over lies and all the sick trash that people come up with. I hope he is able to look down now and see how loved he truly is. I've loved him in the best of times and stood in his defen... Read more

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    Fri Jul 03 2009

    I won't miss him at all. Every day thousands of people die around the world and some of them might be more talented than Mr Jackson. No one will remember them. These days people are celebrating his life - actually his terrible life - and speaking about his message of love and happiness that he had for the world. I can't believe it. What kind of message was that. A message of happiness that couldn't bring the happiness to Mr Jackson himself. A message of love, oh my God, what love that could be taught by a person who didn't love himself, so, he did the possible and the impossible to change his color and face. Mr Jackson is an example of person who worships himself and cannot give love to the others because has no love. Elshish, Libya

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    You can only be accused of same crime of nature so many times. Children are safer now across the globe. Not to mention, the constant morphing every 6 months of his facial operations. He got away with his child molesting because of who he is and his money. Life proves its time is short for everyone again. You, me and the pedophile of pop music. I prayed for him when I heard the news. God said we all are sinners and desearve hells fire, but He made provisions through Jesus. If you are one who dares not to believe, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. Jesus is no threat to you, He is the cleansing stream of water that washes away your decay. This is not an opinion. Good day, angelomichael

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Too many people liked him. Most remember him for his dance and then his music. It's interesting he's remembered for something I really didn't like about him - his feminine dance moves along with too much pelvic motion (right in front of every child on the planet.) IMO, Mikee was a homosexual, not bisexual. I doubt he was a pedophile. Why is it so many people with the most money seem to have the most problems. Mikee Jackson got my respect, mostly because so many people liked him and imitated him.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    About Michael. Where do I start? This is a man that has given me alot of great memories from my childhood. When I was a kid everyone I knew wanted the "Beat It" jacket, was trying to master the "moonwalk," and wore the one hand glove. Yes, Micheal has truly left a legacy unlike any other. His body chemistry and movements were unmatched for the style of pop-lock dance he was so great at. Yes, maybe Micheal has had his faults. All the scandals, the rumors, whose to say if it was true or not. If the negatives he was accused of in his life were true then so be it. But I and I hope many of you will remember him for the good he did as well. Like us all, no one is perfect. Michael has passed way, but his memory will live on, and so will his legend from our generation. May he rest in peace.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    While it is more than evident that possibly through a lessened indication that it was completely his fault, Michael Jackson experienced a crazed and sad and regrettable life. I know the media has to do its job and give us the unseemly details, as a published music critic I would rather mute these horrible but factually correct snippets and remember the Michael I knew. He was threaded with his brothers to the unreal brilliance of the Motown performers and just as Little Stevie Wonder sang Fingerpopping Time with a huge harmonica bigger than he was, I vividly recall the genius of little Michael on the Sullivan show. Stevie as an accomplished adult prodigy gave us Songs in the Key of Life and likewise. Michael miraculously created Thriller and Billy Jean and Beat It. I want to think of the genius of Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross and Michael Jackson; sure they all had their problems,but the music is what it is all about for me. I in some ways do not think Motown and its players got the accolades... Read more

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    He's gone after Michael Jackson buried He never cared whether public recognized him or not. He was with Michael Jackson the whole of his life. He sang, danced and behaved the way the superstar did. He knew all Jacko's secret, but he kept quiet if the press came for it--this never happened. He always had the knack of being secluded, yet Jacko never hid it from anybody when he was alive. Besides, who cared? When he was a kid, he was not as black as that of Jacko's skin and neither would he have turned white after Jacko had plastic surgery. However, he admitted that Jacko was black. He was always of a breast of Jacko's debut. But he was too timid to admit to being Jacko. Nobody could separate him from Jacko, as if they were twins. He would never answer if anybody ever asked about this. We can't say, that one thing about this man, when Jacko set his mind to something, he would react. Did he learn early on about life and unscrupulous few? was he of the man who had endured much--loss o... Read more

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Michael Who? I had several people who subscribe to my blog write to ask if I would write about Michael after his death. I said, "No." But it appears that I will after all. It is a good thing when people like Michael Jackson die. I know that sounds harsh...but we will all die, eventually. But the earth is a better place when those who defy the law and pursue immoral lives are gone from us. I didn't really want to say those things about Michael because I understand that pedophiles are made - not born. And I would have rather waited for the death of the rapists who shaped his sexual preferences when he was just a young boy. We all know who they are. And these big shot record label moguls (as well as the other 'esteemed' recording artists who abused him) are all members of N.A.M.B.L.A. - as was Michael when he became the abuser later in life. Our society has certain laws governing the use of children as sexual toys - and these are not arbitrary laws designed to impose any hardshi... Read more

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    It is sad to see a very popular and well-known artist gone so soon. Michael Jackson had contributed a lot to the music industry. He shared his unique talent and had a wonderful time showing this amazing gift to the world. He was happy with his career as many had seen him fully blossomed from child performer to a great singer then he was given the name "King of Pop". The only thing that he was not so happy about was the way he was raised as a child since he was reported to be beaten by his father and when he became a family man of his own, he also had two divorces from two different marriages. I hope he is now happy and in peace with the Lord.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    It's always sad that somebody died, but a lot of people died on June 25th, and most of them hadn't contributed to the downfall of popular music with 30 years of commercial, slick, soulless crapola. "The King Of Pop"? Do you always repeat everything some corporate marketer told you you should say? Dynamic performer and amazing dancer, definitely. So two stars instead of one. One thing this whole frenzy of analysis has done is make me petrified of what will happen when Madonna passes away. Her music is just as cheap, shallow and commercial as his was, and, she was still sort of relevant beyond 1987! Can we move on now?

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Approaching the tender young age of 50 myself this year I am stunned to here of his death. I feel and still look 30! He had so very much one would have thought he'd live to 150! With doctors on staff why did he pass? I wish he didn't alter himself. He was a super good looking kid with his dark pigmented skin. Why does color matter? In the end we all are Gods children and we if we are blessed with legs we all have to put our pants on one leg at a time. You will be greatly missed Michael. Barbara Joy! ce Chief Pet Pamperer www.decadentdigs.com

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Oh please. The man molested children. Everyone goes around putting this man on a pediestal and really, why? I bet the families of all the children he molested aren't going around doing this. Just because he has the label "The King Of Pop" doesn't excuse his actions. A once bright star quickly stopped shining after he abused little children!!!! For his family, I feel sorry, but, as for him, the world is rid of one less bad seed!!!!!

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    When will we stop admiring people just because they can dance or sing or have a lot of money. Michael Jackson was no one to be admired. Judging from his lifestyle, I doubt very seriously that he was Christian and that saddens me. No one surrounding this man ever truly cared enough about him to focus on what really mattered. The real Michael Jackson died a long, long time ago. It's hard to miss the fake one.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I can't believe he is gone! I'm still In shock! Michael Jackson was and will forever be the king of pop. Growing up poor in the eighties me and my sister didn't have much but we cherished our Michael Jackson tape. He was a voice that made you hold onto to hope. People can make fun of him and joke about him all they want but no one will ever have the amount of talent he had.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Everyone whining about that Diana Ross-looking cosmetic surgery freak makes me wanto to puke. One less bleached pedophile ..... good riddance!!! ..... same to you.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Michael Jackson was a fanastic icon and i am still shock about his death and i am a big fan of his dances and songs. RIP Michael Jackson.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    He was the best at what he did, and he electrified any stage that he was on, I hope he finds peace in death that he could not find in life.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Immortal Michael Jackson. You will be immortal forever in our souls, your songs will always be topical.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Greatest of all time! People should stop hating and do better things with their lives.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    He hasn't been this stiff since he was caught with those little boys.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    We will miss you Micheal.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    I used to be a real fan of MJ. But then he morphed into a plastic albino that was hideous to the eye. His peculiar behavior and the secret nature of his children were shameful. I feel sadness for the 3 kids who lost their "dad" and only hope that they can recover from being a part of his strange world. I'm sure that they will always have "issues" with the environment they were raised in. MJ's music was masterful, but he certainly is NOT anywhere close to a role model! His family is now showing their true colors and the handling of the will and estate will be a circus. It's a true tragedy, but life goes on. There are still some celebrities who I feel are worthwhile to put on a pedestal and display the type of behavior that you would want children to imitate. Michael Jackson is NOT on that list.