Mary Poppins

1964 American musical fantasy film directed by Robert Stevenson and produced by Walt Disney, with songs written and composed by the Sherman Brothers Website

Approval Rate: 88%

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    Fri Jul 13 2012

    I was forced into watching this movie with my class once, it drove me insane.

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    Fri Aug 22 2008

    Practically perfect in every way! Julie Andrews was never more perfectly cast than as Mary Poppins. A bit of a subversive in her own right she sets about straightening out a family that is on the verge of breaking up in part due to the womwn's suffrage movement. Great musical and fun for all ages. The entire cast was excellent.

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    Mon Jun 30 2008

    Mary Poppins is a classic film, and is still fun to watch to this day. Very creative film with excellent performances.

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    great movie for kids and adults too

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    Sun May 06 2007

    I love Mary Poppins, there is some great acting in this movie along with some really good songs.

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    Mon Feb 12 2007

    Mary Poppins is such a classic!! It has great songs and dances in it and it will get kids jumping up and down!! However do not see a remake of it because they do not compare at all.

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    Sat Oct 08 2005

    The highlight of Walt's career as a film maker. Brilliantly cast, directed and produced. A fun creative film that leaves you smiling.

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    Tue May 24 2005

    Great cast and great music. I still love those adorable little penguins in the animated sequence. Order what you will, there'll be no bill, it's complimentary...

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    Fri Apr 15 2005

    Good Disney release. A great way to show off the talent of its stars. Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke shine in this mix of animation and live action.

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    Fri Jul 02 2004

    I LOVE that movie. It's a really good musical with amazingly entrancing songs. I just watched it a few days ago for about the 100th time, and many of the songs are stuck in my head.....

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    Wed May 19 2004

    When I first saw Mary Poppins I was four years old and loved the songs and the magic. Julie Andrews is fabulous as the practically perfect eponymous heroine. I am now 21 and still love Mary Poppins, it is still my favourite film, and any film that can captivate different generations after almost half a century has to be something special. As a child you will love the energy and enthusiasm of the film, it's playful creativity and the way that it brings out the child in each character. As an adult you will appreciate a depth to the story that is rare in children's movies, the redemption of the father figure is truly touching and David Tomlinson's performance is incredible.Much of the movie is aimed at pleasing all generations. This is the one movie which can truly be called a family picture. There can be no better advert for Disney and for children's films than Mary Poppins. Splendid, splendid!

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    Fri Apr 02 2004

    loved it then , love it now--measures up practically perfect in every way!

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    Sun Dec 21 2003

    This was a really annoying movie *just a spoonful of sugar* ugh.

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    Mon Jul 07 2003

    It doesn't get any better than this. Its one of those rare movies that is even better than the book/s. Incredible cast. Great songs. And one of the early movies with scenes containing both live actors and animation.

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    Mon Jul 29 2002

    feed the birds tppins a bag toppins toppins toppins a bag. love that song. loved the movie. very origional and entertaining. What an awesome idea for a movie

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    Sun Jan 13 2002

    The movie's great -- almost as good as the P.L. Travers book. The scene on the rooftops of London is fantastic, magical.

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    Tue Jan 08 2002

    Looking back it amazes me that there were so many great films released for children when I was at just the perfect age to appreciate them and file them in my best loved stuff memory archive. This was no exception. Regardless of the fact that I wasn’t much into musicals even back then (I have always much preferred hearing straight dialog) - I really loved “Mary Poppins”. It was wonderful on so many other levels for me. First of all, I adored the turn of the century London setting as well as the great old house, the costumes and the wacky adventures Mary took the children on. Running around on the rooftops of London was probably my favorite – what a radically magnificent thing to do! I was also fascinated with the way Mary traveled – via umbrella. And, of course, I still mist up when I think of the sweet old lady sitting on the steps of St. Paul’s feeding the birds. Mary Poppins is definitely a classic children’s flick.

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    Tue Sep 04 2001

    Marry Poppins is one of the best family movies of all time. The songs are just outragious especially "A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down".

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    Wed May 23 2001

    A terrific movie about a magical nanny who takes the children she watches on wonderful adventures. Takes place in England in 1910. Dad is a banker who has no time for his kids. Mom is a suffragette who also has little time for Jane and Michael Mary Poppins arrives after the children write their own letter for a nanny.Julie Andrews is wonderful as Mary Poppins, so is Dick Van Dyke as Bert. my favorite part is when they jump through the pictures in the park. and they mix animation with live action.good songs too!

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    Tue Apr 24 2001

    This movie was on TV at the beginning of Feb. 2001, and i was upstairs, and suddenly heard "Chim Chimney" or what ever they call that song, and I was ready to cry! It was something to hear it again, and being that it was a dismal, rainy day, I was instanly reliving my olden days of that movie, my favorite through much of my childhood, and I was actually crying when I came downstairs and saw it on tv. I was so caught up in my memories and the past that I couldn't believe myself!

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    Sat Apr 21 2001

    This film is truly practically perfect in every way, and it's one of my all time favourites. Julie Andrews plays the part of the irrepressible nanny, Mary Poppins, extremely well. Her voice is so soothing that I have fallen asleep during he song "Stay Awake" on numerous occassions! Dick Van Dyke is an excellent Bert, despite his absolutely AWFUL attempt at a cockney accent. David Tomlinson is also on top form as the uptight father, George Banks. All in all, a superb film, which will make you cry and laugh at the same time. I LOVE YOU MARY!

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    Sat Apr 14 2001

    Mary Poppins was such a cute movie as a kid, and as I watch it today, I still get enjoyment out of it. It's kind of silly watching Dick Van dyke, a 35-year old man acting like a 10-year old dancing on top of the roof, and acting like a total fool, but it is fun.

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    Tue Dec 12 2000

    A very sweet movie for all ages, Warning, the song Feed the Birds is so beautiful I used to cry whenever it was on!

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    Fri Jun 23 2000

    One of my top 5 Disney favorites. It never gets old.

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    Wed Jun 21 2000

    An ace movie that has stood the test of time, I'll provide one little warning. As a child, I was strangely scared of the "I Love to Laugh" scene where everyone floats to the ceiling. If I remember correct, it was track one of side two of the record album and I made my mom skip over that song every time I played it...

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    Sat Jan 15 2000

    Mary Poppins has everything: music, magic, suspense, and a happy ending. All ages can watch it and enjoy it together. It's "practically perfect in every way."