Macy’s Reviews | RateItAll


American chain of high-end department stores founded in 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy Website

Approval Rate: 63%

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    Sat Sep 03 2011

    OMG.....Macys is the worst place to work. I am so happy I came to this site, I thought it was only my store. The higher up the managers are the worse they get. I just love when its time for a corporate visit. Two days before the visit, the sales managers are in a panic. Yelling at associates because things are not right/perfect. Why cant these corporate snobs come in for a surprise visit to see what the store really looks like???? And why to they have to come during store hours??? They stand in the middle of the aisle picking their noses trying to decide what to move where. What the best part of that is, is when the customer has to walk around them. My favorite part of working at Macys is when the store manager stands in the middle of the department "observing" the sales associates making sure that they are connecting with customers and creating magic. REALLY!!!! Like that makes the sales associates want to connect with the customers. I feel sorry for the ones who dont, bec... Read more

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    Fri Sep 02 2011

    This is the worst place to work. They are always on you about opening up charges and are all about the sales. They are all ways coming over reminding us that we have to get 3 accounts a week. No body wants them. The interest rate is way to high. We just started this new msp scheduling and now none of us can have a life because our schedules are all over the place. They kept telling us we would like it and it would be better for our families. They were wrong. There is no rotation. HR and the managers won't help you at all with the scheduling. They say that they can't do anything about it. You have people that want to get all the sales while you have people stuck cleaning and not getting their sales goal in because of the register hogs. Mangement does not care about this. All they see is that these idiots are always making their goals. Mangement is always following you around with their little binder watching you when you are working with a customer to see if you are foll... Read more

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    Sun Aug 28 2011

    This is actually a question, but i really need help from employees, who don't work at my store in arizona. i cant trust anyone there. i have been lied on constantly since i started there, despite the fact that im a hardworking employee,i was there whenever macys needed help, and i was good at opening credits. i am currently thinking about transferring to a different macys. my store is so gossipy and they lie so much that im afraid if i try to transfer, they will tell the other store not to hire me. will my immediate manager have to sign off on my transfer? my immediate manager is the worst liar of all. have you heard of managers gossiping about associates between stores? do you think i should quit and apply elsewhere or transfer? another thing, my store manager is male and all the department managers are female. they are very catty, and it is overboard. i sometimes wonder if the store manager has been intimate with any of them. the managers and female office staff act weird whenever i ... Read more

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    Tue Jul 26 2011

    I have worked at macy's for 9 years. "Crazy huh" Recently the store has gotten a new manager. She is the worst store manager EVER. If you're not kissing her behind you're an outcast with the other managers and all the other little minions. I don't know where to start with this bully ran store at hulen mall in Fort Worth,Tx. Just a few weeks ago i changed to part time on the merchandise team. "TEAM" thats funny. There's a new merchandise manager as well. She sucks! She doesn't give me any hours to work the truck and do many of the things i use to enjoy. She picks who she wants to give the hours to. Some weeks im not even on the schedule. I'm the only one there that loves making this store look it's best. I clean, dust, pick up items from the floor that i'm sure i'm not the only one who sees these things. Everything is rush rush rush. When i'm at work i HELP the customers. This means helping them find what they are looking for. Because the new sales person doesn't know and doesn't care t... Read more

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    Sun Jun 26 2011

    I wish I had come to this website and read everyone's comments before I was hired by Macy's. Had I known Macy's was such an awful place to work for I wouldn't have applied in the first place. I just finished the job training and I thought it was so complicated. There's so much stuff you have to learn I don't see how I'm suppose to remember it all. I also agree that the people who work there are rude. While I was doing my job training nobody wanted to help me. Anyways, I haven't even started working there and I already feel like quiting. Should I just quit then?

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    Wed Jun 15 2011

    Macy's is a shit-hole to work for. They continually harp at the associates to open new credit accounts. At our store, the store manager walks around handing associates coupons encouraging them to use 'discounts' to open new credit card accounts even though the use of 'extra' discounts is against company policy. He has said 'give the store away to open credits.' At the same time, the L.P. bitch is walking around firing associates for doing just that. The Store Manager pretends to be clueless as to what is going on. This company is notorious for talking out both sides of it's mouth and then being in denial when cornered. Their merchandise is no better than Target or JC Penney. MACYS SUCKS! The interest rate on a Macy's Star Rewards (CREDIT CARD) is 23.99%. The store manager gets a HUGE bonus when associates meet the expectation that they open 3 credit card apps for every 8 hours worked. Your job is on the line of you do not open accounts. The store manager at Houston's Baybrook Mall ... Read more

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    Mon May 16 2011

    The managers were always onto us and never said anything to people who actually were guilty or should be kept an eye on. LP harassed us every now and then and when I finally decided to quit and put on my two weeks notice, they called me and told me to come to the LP room while I was on the floor. It was my official last day since i put my 2weeks notice. I went in there, leaving the floor without a single employee and they started asking me questions, harassing me with their words. They accused me of doing a price adjustment for myself. I said i could have easily returned the item and re-bought it, it would be the same. They said, customers can do that but u cant.... So I said, do whatever u want to do, but i have already put on my two weeks and this is my last day, and I will go now and there is no way you can stop me. They said, ow ok, we didnt know it was ur last day, but boy, what a last day,right? u are good to go. They used to pay us the minimum wage with no raise for the one year... Read more

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    Tue Apr 19 2011


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    Sun Apr 17 2011

    OKC Macy's has so many ghetto employee's, it may as well be WalMart! Our store is very shabby, it could use a paint job, new carpet, how about some real toilet paper and restrooms that don't smell like doody? How about some fitting room attendants instead of customers abusing the 5 garment limit, stealing, or leaving 25 items all over the floor? I don't like the way the all mighty Thank You for Your Loyalty is broadcast whenever someone suckers someone into opening an account, nor the way people guard the registers so they can get the sales. This is not customer service. Macy's doesn't have that old school cachet anymore, they used to be on par with Nordstrom, but I think they are slipping. And what is up with forcing employees to wear all black? I enjoy the customers, and working with the merchandise, petty coworkers leave a lot to be desired, as do phony managers who smile vacuously.

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    Mon Mar 28 2011

    I am currently employed with Macy's, and have been for the last 9 months. I started as a part time employee, then my full time "specialist" co-worker quite after they started cutting her hours. When I first started there, I loved it...but now that I have her position its a completly different story. I have had great scorecards, but now with the year beginning sales are down, and so are "loyalties". Now my scorecard is a 15 and I get a constant reminder of I'll be let go if it doesn't go up. When I first started I was 18 fresh out of high school and didn't see any problems with getting people to sign up for their shitty card. They tell us to call it a rewards card and that it doesn't have to be a credit card if you click one tiny little box....well that's not true because it still gives credit, and you still have the high intrest rate. I feel like I'm intruding on peoples credit and lying when i tell them about our "rewards" card, but I have to in order to keep my job. I was jus... Read more

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    Tue Mar 22 2011

    I used to work for Macy’s. I only had one great manager there, the rest were bad. I loved the way we would get paid right away for opening Macy’s cards, but I think they needed to focus on other things more. I eventually left, because towards the end of me working there, I had just had surgery. My dr said I needed to be out longer, as my condition was more serious than I they thought, when I went to work, I tried to talk to her, but she kept avoiding me. I eventually had to quit, and couldn’t talk to her about that either.

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    Sat Mar 12 2011

    I actually work at Macy's in the Jewelry Counter; I've worked there for a close to a year now and will be leaving after this year just so I have had a full year to really analyze the company. First thing about me, I am a bachelors in marketing and I am currently going back to school for webpage development and graphics and I am only here to will I'm at school. This is by far the worse company I have ever worked for. I wanted to leave after 3 months of working there, I only stuck on since sales associates sort of needed me at the time and they were nice so I didn't feel like screwing them. The pay is garbage, there are no raises, and when there are its only 30 cents. They have score card system that rates you on your performance, but it's never accurate and usually if one part goes up another part is set up to go down so you never can reach their perfect score. They use this to basically excuse themselves of giving you any raises. Hours are horrible, there will be weeks you don'... Read more

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    Wed Mar 09 2011

    I made a payment on my Macy's card on 1/28/2011. This payment cleared my bank on 1/31/2011. I have not been able to clear this up. In fact everyone treats me like a criminal. I had someone tell me they would not look into anything until I made my account current. They keep requesting a copy of the check front and back. The transaction was done electronicly so this is impossible. Clearly a mistake was made by cashier or someone in thier accounting department. I have faxed copies of my bank statement to two different fax numbers provided by Macy's along with a statement from my credit union. Yesterday I was told it may take two to six billing periods for them to resolve - in the meantime I either have to pay again including late fees etc or risk being turned over to collections. Please do not shop Macy's

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    Wed Mar 09 2011

    Actually, this should be a -3 stars because working at Macy's is a joke! I can only speak for my own store and experience but if you are in Houston, Tx DO NOT go to the West Oaks Mall Macy's. The managers are lazy and delegate all their responsibilities to the AST members and then yell at them for not getting their duties done. Speaking as an employee no wonder the turn over is so high. It's the most unprofessional, catty hostile work environment I have ever worked at. Employees are written up for everything from not making sales to not smiling enough (true story). The store manager shops and puts merchandize in her office till it goes on sale so she can get it for pennies on the dollar. The store looks like crap and no one has loyalty. I am sorry but when you are nit picked to death, you as a employee don't have much "Magic" to spread around. No wonder your satisfactory rating is below 50%. I hope this location closes in the near future. Even as a customer I will not shop in my store.... Read more

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    Sun Feb 20 2011

    If I could give negative stars I would. I was shopping at Macy's in Rochester, NY (specifically Marketplace Mall) yesterday (02/19/11) and I was appauled at how the store manager (I presume) was treating an employee. Why do companies keep store managers who literally scream and yell at their employees on the floor in front of shoppers? This is not acceptable -- or is it? I do not want to shop where the store manager tells an employee to "Get a f**king rag and dust your GD department". He offended me and I felt horrible for the girl he was so nasty to. I thought Macy's was better than this. I will take my business where professionalism and respect exists -- this is apparently not at Macy's

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    Sun Feb 13 2011

    I opened a Macy's Amex card for the 20% discount on a $289 purchase and asked the clerk for the total balance so I could pay it off immediately. Apparently the clerk did not calculate the balance correctly (probably a mistake in sales taxes), leaving $13.60 remaining. However this balance did not appear on the Macy's Amex card (which I confirmed had a $0 balance since I had paid it off), but on something called a "Macy's Store Account." By the time I realized what had happened, I was already hit with another $15.60 in fees. I paid the original $13.60, but there was no way I was going to pay the fees. It took over 30mins on the phone with first a customer service rep, then a supervisor, and then a manager to get the entire $15.60 waived. The service rep and supervisor were thoroughly obnoxious. I'll never shop at Macy's again.

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    Tue Feb 01 2011

    I agree with you..........Macys employees are treated with total disrespect. The "magic" that they shove down our throats is a flop, just like their attempts to make the word "outstanding" a success. Their expectations are ludicrous. You can't win.......if you are at the register too long you end up being reprimanded, but if you are out on the sales floor and it doesn't lead to a sale, you also get reprimanded for that. They try to make you feel like you are a failure. I am tired of their threats and harassments. Today, they are the ONLY store that is open in the mall. No one will be there to shop or to work there because of the horrible blizzard that we got hit with. They are a bunch of greedy bastards who only care about money. Because I work full-time I am expected to make my sales goals every day, even when there are hardly any customers in the store. I have had it with Macys.

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    Sat Jan 29 2011

    @ amd12345, I wholeheartedly agree with your comments about what it is like as a Macy's employee. I was recently hired, a few months ago, at Macy's as a price support associate, and this experience has only served to confirm to me that a lot of these companies do not care about their employees, in any way. You are absolutely right that there is no respect or consideration for employees, and the managers don't care about making any kinds of improvements, but what they will do is continuously demand for people to meet their expectations. I loathe that kind of working environment, because naturally employees aren't going to be valued or acknowledged and when any problems come up, management will often gloss over them and wait them out, hoping that employees will stop complaining and tolerate the problems, instead of expecting resolutions. The supervisor I have is so lackadaisical in her attitude when it comes to responding to any of my observations or complaints. The only time she was rea... Read more

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    Sun Jan 23 2011

    I primarily shop only online because of where I live. Fifteen years ago I liked Macys. Not anymore. (1). two years ago I canceled my credit card. Then I received a bill from them a month ago for $200.00!!! I have not had time to write a letter yet. You must WRITE A LETTER to a certain address to dispute, no phone service. (2) Over christmas I ordered some shoes. They were defective, the leather was not attached to the sole. I contacted customer service, which was not easy. You have to send an email and wait. No phone service. I received a email saying they would credit my account in 10 day and to discard the shoes. Twenty days later, no credit. I forwarded the email back asking what was the status of the credit and was told now I must return the shoes at my expense in order to get the credit. (3) I returned to the store last fall, which is 90 miles away, to exchange a pair of brand name jeans which were purchased for teenage daughter, for a smaller size. They no longer had ... Read more

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    Thu Jan 20 2011

    What the hell is wrong with this company?! Customer service, so so, but I had a Macy's club card to pay off an engagement ring monthly and more than once they added fees that should not have occurred for late payment, even though my account shows it was on time, or return check due to insufficient funds, even though I had over $1000 in my account. Always as a courtesy, they remove the fee when I dispute. If I don't say anything they'll keep the charge. It's not worth the headache. Look elsewhere.

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    Tue Jan 11 2011

    Okay, everybody needs to take these reviews with a grain of salt. One experience or bad employee does not mean that every store is the same. With different stores you will get a different experience. I have been working at Macy's for two months and have great customer service skills. Most of the employees that I pay attention to do the same. As far as being a bad job, it is not. When you have a diverse work background (which I do), you can more accurately judge situations and compare them. The things that other people are complaining about happen almost everywhere, depending on the type of business. I like the people I work with, and most of them truly try to help customers. That being said, there are always going to be a few bad apples, and customer service in every business seems to be an option nowadays instead of a requirement. That is not exclusive to Macy's.

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    Sat Jan 08 2011

    Worse customer service. Would not help or call manager over to answer our question. Disrespectful and rude associate. Will not order anything if it isnt in store for us even though it says "Cant find, just ask, and free shipping for orders over $50." It is untrue and nobody helps. All they say is I can not do it and thats it.

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    Fri Dec 31 2010

    I actually have more of a question than a review. For those who have worked for Macy's or currently work there- is it store policy to pull commissioned sales people to cover other departments when they are shorthanded?? I am working there part time as I complete a doctorate of all things. I worked in retail cosmetics about 16 years ago and since I needed something part time I decided to go back into to it temporarily. I was hired for a counter as a part timer and my pay is covered by Macy's and the cosmetic line that I work for. Last night I was pulled to cover a clothing department in addition to my counter- how that is even possible is beyond me. It was very busy everywhere and I could have generated sales for my own counter had I not been ringing up clothing. I felt bad for the customers because the place looked like chaos and the floor manager was a spaz- clearly overwhelmed by the crowd. I'm really professional and deal with life and death situations in my clinical work so this w... Read more

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    Tue Dec 28 2010

    i worked for a high end department store in the Detroit area...started as a sales person in 1994...left for school, to get my Apparel Design degree, came back to work in visual while i was finishing...have been doing it for about 10 years. we have been owned by macy's for about 5's gotten worse every year. the customer service is terrible. there is no other way to say it. the company is very management heavy, and sales associates are not scheduled many hours and they never have enough people to cover the store. thus, they are stuck at the register and cannot recover the floor. the coupon and marketing strategies are so confusing to customers most walk out without purchasing. the quality of the merchandise is poor, seams come open, twisted arms and pant legs not sewn correctly. as a company, macy's hires either on-call or 20 hour people, thus, they don't have to pay out health benefits. the wages are low and employees are expected to accommodate last minute schedu... Read more

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    Mon Dec 27 2010

    Ordered three (3) items from Macy's online, was afraid they would not arrive in time for Christmas, (ordered 12/13/10), called back and they were able to change my order and change shipping to over-night, BUT, they shipped one of the items via U.S. mail, (???????). Got the item two days after Christmas! I emailed & called from 12/17 to 12/23, they claim they will get back to you within 24 hours, I'm still waiting for the call back.

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    Mon Dec 27 2010

    I order gifts from Macy's online on Dec 5th for Christmas. I recieved a confirmation email of the order. I also recieved a shipped confirmation on Dec 9th. On Dec 16th, I was told it was in route... on the 18th, the same... On the 20th, I was told I needed to speak to a manager who would call me back in 15 min. The next day, (after no call back,) I was told a manager would call me in 15 minutes,.. (rrep promised manager would call, or 'they' would personally call me back in 15. No call. On the 22nd I called again... I was told the items weren't shipped or available as they were out of stock. So the items my wife and sister picked out, that I ordered 3 weeks earlier, would not be opened on Christmas. They said they were sorry, and they would be willing to give me a full refund. (WTF!!) I was extremely upset,.... They admitted all wrongs and in exchange for all my troubles and efforts,.... they were going to 'award' me a $15 gift card. This huge company does not care a... Read more

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    Wed Dec 22 2010

    All I will say is that I will never shop at Macy's again. As a former employee, working there has been an absolute terrible job experience to say the least. Please continue reading for a huge enlightenment if you are a current and frequent Macy's customer: There is constant drama that cannot be avoided, and I'm a guy, guys don't normally care about drama but with Macy's, they are vicious, employees are not valued by management, those who work on commission will literally do anything to take down a co-worker, there is no respect in the work place, the credit card is a waste, the coupons are a scam, and management is a JOKE. Managers are rude, short-tempered, and will tell you to "suck it up" when dealing with a difficult situation with a customer, even when the customer specifically requests to speak with a manager. Management is absolutely weak, unprofessional, and failing. There is really no other way to put it. I have been lied to my face by co-workers and other "authorities" of M... Read more

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    Wed Dec 22 2010

    Will never shop again. 2 out of 2 orders shipped with major issues. Wrong sizes, parts of outfit sets missing and paid for gift boxes but no gift boxes. And forget about trying to get someone on the phone to resolve any issues. Email only or sit on hold for an hour. TERRIBLE ALL AROUND. So disappointed.

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    Wed Dec 22 2010

    I can't believe anyone rated macy's anything better than terrible. Are you telling me that someone had a decent experience at Macy's - or do you own the stock. You can NEVER find anyone to help you. Try checking out, IMPOSSIBLE. Better yet, if you have something to return (if our case, they put the wrong product in the box we took home), then prepare to be treated like a criminal. I hope this company goes the way of Blockbuster - you know, the company that used to rent video and treat people like Macy's. My only good thing to say about the place is that they're not Verizon cable company. Just in case you think I'm a corporate hater, here are some companies that I LOVE: Walmart, Archstone apartments, Target, Holiday Inn, Zipcar, Bank of America (that might shock some of you), Southwest Airlines, FedEx, and Geico. In summary, Macy's sucks!

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    Mon Dec 20 2010

    I am a professional and a good customer. But honestly...MACYS SUCKS. Why? I placed an order for a rug. It was delivered. It was too small. I called Macys. They said, "no problem" return it, order the larger rug, we'll credit your account for the exchange." Great. Sounds easy, right? I wrapped the old rug, returned it, they show the rug returned on my account EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: They WRONGLY issued me a Gift card for $1100 instead of giving me a dollar for dollar credit. I don't want and should not have to spend MORE money at Macys, they even told me I am correct, that I am supposed to get a credit to my account. But GUESS WHAT! They keep punting my issue from one department to another. The call center is somewhere in India, they have no f'n idea what they are doing. I am NEVER EVER EVER shopping at Macys again, and I advise EVERYONE to NEVER shop there. It is horrible. Meanwhile, they are always giving coupons, but they EXCLUDE practically everything you'd even want... Read more

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    Fri Dec 17 2010

    1 stars Placed an order on the 15th, went the extra mile on shipping and paid for the fastest option. The expected ship date is the 16th, today is 17th. Delays have happened to me on other websites but they're nice enough to update their stuff and let me know. Regardless, there is no one I can ask about my order, tried calling the contact phone but it's just a computer telling me what I already know: it should've shipped yesterday. Normally I wouldn't mind a delay, but I did pay top dollar for shipping because I need it by Monday 20th. Odds are my order won't arrive on time but I can't cancel it because there is mo such option on the website (they tell you to call their phone number) and there is no such option on the phone service either. All in all I'm never buying from them again. .

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    Wed Dec 15 2010

    Former employee of Macy's and all I can say is the store manager was so rude. Always made rude comments towards me for no reason and a lot of the store associates are the most unhappy people I have ever met. I'm sorry you're 50 years old and have been in retail since you were a teen. Never forget always an opportunity to go back to school. Security: I understand that you need to protect your assets but at the same time when an employee drops something and a customer gives it back and conversation happens and they want to make sure nothing that they bought was stolen that does not mean that employee stole something from you. I quit that very day when I got accused. I'm so over Macy's, their ridiculous policies, horrible managers, and the security that likes to assume things. I don't even shop at Macy's because everything there is over priced and all they care is making money I would shop at walmart or the salvation army before I buy one thing from Macy's. You don't even make commission ... Read more

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    Mon Dec 13 2010

    By far the worst department store I have ever shopped at. There is never anyone at the registers, and no one ever seems very happy to help you. Then when there is a problem online, customer service either tells you there is nothing they can do, or they just don't respond. I would love you see Macys go out of business. I used to buy almost everything there. Not anymore! I'd rather buy everything at Walmart.

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    Mon Dec 13 2010

    execellent card got a credit limit of 30,000 on dec 9 maximum for income 425,000

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    Sun Dec 12 2010

    Macy's customer service is pretty awful. The store is generally ok, but the people there are just idiots. One lady wouldn't give me an extra bag. The sales people are always angry about something, and there's never people at registers. And they're always so quick to fire random people. Only one person I've seen was genuinely interested in helping.

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    Sat Dec 11 2010

    I've worked at Macy's for almost a year now, and I'm currently looking for a new job. The store policy is designed to rip off the customer and pin the blame on the associates: you're not allowed to stand at the register, yet when you don't, people complain that there's no one to ring them up. If you work the night shift, like I do because I take classes in the morning, you are not allowed to leave until the floor is clean. There have been some nights where I was supposed to get off at 10:30 and I stayed until 11:45 just cleaning up after other people. The managers are extremely disrespectful and will call you a liar to your face, and the older employees want nothing to do with you. There are cameras everywhere and you are constantly being watched: it makes you feel like a criminal. There is a lot of pressure to open new accounts, but I don't recommend doing so: you only save 15% to 20%, and those are only on use your card events, which is twice a month. The prices are made up at the ... Read more

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    Fri Dec 10 2010

    I do not plan on making ANY more purchases at Macys. We bought an item and let the sales associate talk us in to getting their card. We sent the payment on time, but they neglected to post it on time. We then were charged interest plus a $25 late fee without even knowing it- all the while thinking we had a $0 balance. We then got another $25 late fee for not paying the last $25 late fee. We now owe $58 on something that was paid in full!! We have perfect credit and no problems with any other card.

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    Tue Dec 07 2010

    Talk about bad customer service! Cops arrested a Macy’s employee for using a customer’s card number on Sept. 4. The victim told cops that he forgot his card at the Fulton Street department store, which is between Gallatin Place and Hoyt Street, at 2:15 pm. When his wife went to the store shortly afterward to retrieve the card, the perp confessed that he had charged more than $350 worth of goodies on it. The creep then vowed to pay back the cash, but tried to escape instead, and was later arrested by cops.

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    Wed Dec 01 2010

    I worked for Macy's in 2008, started on Halloween night....uuugggh. Noooo Training, no help, they were surprised I was sucker enough to show up for my next shift! All said, the rest of the crew that I worked with would steal your sales in a heartbeat! I would be in the back looking for the merch. the customer wanted, there ya go. Had a sleet storm, unusual for my area, called well in advance that I would NOT be driving in, they had the audacity to call me at home & ream me for not showing up. Adios Macy's!

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    Wed Dec 01 2010

    I recently left my job at Macy's. I was in need of a job just like everyone is in this economy so I applied for a job at Macy's as a Sales Associate since I had prior retail experience. During the interview I learned it was a commissioned job as well as on-call. I had no idea when I applied, if I had I never would have submitted my application. I was hopeful that it would work out. About a week in I started applying for other jobs. A commission job itself is not for everyone. Those who are good at it, are very good at it. If you do not meet your the sales goals set for you then you go into deficit; basically you owe Macy's money. You still get a paycheck every week but it's based on minimum wage and not your 4% commission. Every associate I talked to was in a deficit and that creates unhealthy competition for everyone to make their goals in order to pay their bills. Also, anything that you've sold that gets returned within 6 months goes against your percentage. So even if you've made... Read more

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    Tue Nov 30 2010

    Basically you will get out of your job what you put into it. I make $7.50/hr and work for 4-5hrs 4-5 days a week. I stay busy and get along with the managers and the other associates. I have found everyone here to be friendly and helpful if I needed something. I don't plan on making Macy's a lifetime career, but I am truly blessed that I have a job in this bad economic situation. If you're not happy at your store, apply elsewhere and find a job where you will be happy. You don't have to kiss butts to gain favor from the managers, just do your job with excellence and be prepared to be thanked for the service you do.

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    Mon Nov 22 2010

    I worked at Macy's for a long time and the "Magic of Macy's" I guess means harassing and abusing their pregnant employees. I was pregnant and got very was my 3rd time calling out for that whole year when I was approached by my department's manager and was threatened to lose my full time position. She yelled at me in front of customers and my co-workers. She said, "Pregnancy is a condition not a disease for you to be calling out." I went to HR immediately after which was pointless because of course they stick together. HR is not there to help you. When a meeting was called my manager completely twisted up everything she said and made herself look like an angel. That's what happened with the 2nd time I called off..then the 3rd she complained to the store manager who said "Don't be nervous" and I said "I'm not" and then he said "Well you should be..."..????...they used intimidation to try to get rid of me because I CALLED OUT 3 TIMES BECAUSE I WAS manager had a personal ve... Read more

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    Thu Nov 04 2010

    Coming from a Support Team employee's POV. Okay, so for those not familiar, support team are the ones who come in early morning, unload the truck and place everything in the floor. Warning, if you work this position, you will NOT leave on time...ever, except for your first day. So don't say to yourself, "Ha that guy was full of it, this doesn't seem so bad." Okay, I don't mind staying after an hour so, it's extra money. What gets me mad is when we're caused to stay after and it's totally avoidable. They'll only have like 3 people working different departments, expecting us to unload, unbox and stock dollies upon dollies of product. Not to mention when back rooming the products we have to take them out of the boxes and stock them on the shelves. So take that and tack on them rescheduling at the drop of hat, so most of the time,you come in and be a man short because others will "forget" and didn't bother to or couldn't check the schedule or probably didn't get word of it when they phone ... Read more

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    Wed Nov 03 2010

    I currently work at Macy's in St. Louis, MO. I never believed how bad they treated employees until I actually experienced it for myself. Even my doctor said she heard it was a terrible place to work. All they care about are sales and loyalties (new credit card apps) and most of the employees hate their jobs. You have to call in sick just to get a weekend off unless you kiss the managers ass, then you get the schedule you want. I want to quit, but the few extra dollars I make are nice while I finish school. I may just walk out one day!

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    Tue Oct 26 2010

    My wife bought a ring from Macy's which had a 30 day return polocy. She found another ring at another store she liked more. Brought back the ring , which she never wore , with receit. She was told she couldn't return because she did not have certification that came with ring. She was never given the cert when it was purchased. When she complained the manager came over and told her the ring had been altered, which voided the return. The altering was done when she purchased the ring at the store and had it sized by macy's. The salesperson never disclosed that this would not allow the ring to be returned after sizing. The sizing was offered by the salesperson who knew that sizing it would negate any return of the ring. I find this practice very deceitful and will never shop at Macy's again and will spread the word of there deceptive practices.

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    Mon Oct 25 2010

    When I was a customer at Macy's in Tampa, Fl Citrus Park the service was decent. Depending on what department you shop the sales people know the merchandise. The problem is that about half the sales associates actually walk the floor and help you while some just stand at the register until you ring up...and i KNOW that is not that they are supposed to do. For example in the juniors department I always see the same 2-3 people running around and the same 2-3 standing and doing NOTHING. They don't even act like they want to answer questions while their lazy butts just stand around. But the sales people who actually do their job are really great and knowledgeable. I don't know what kind of management they have there but it must not be very good. The clothes are nice though. They have a decent selection of designers, especially Guess. Oh and the managers like to yell at employees on the floor. It is really uncomfortable and akward! Obviously the employees are not professional because the ma... Read more

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    Mon Oct 25 2010

    I will NEVER shop at Macy's again and neither should you!! They have the worst service and sell inferior products. I bought my husband a $700 Citizen watch for our June anniversary at a Washington, D.C. Macy's. He wore it for 2 months and it stopped working. My husband is 59 years old and is someone who is very careful with his belongings. We spent one month trying to get satisfaction after being passed around to different managers, assisstant managers, etc. Finally an assisstant manager said HER manager said to mail the watch to them and they'd send us a new one. After waiting 2 more weeks and no watch in the mail, my husband called the store AGAIN to find out that they've changed their minds and had sent the the watch back to the Citizen company to be repaired not even thinking to let us, the customers who gave them money, know what was going on! I do NOT want a "repaired" $700 watch that I've had for just a few months I want a new watch that I bought for $700!! NEXT TIME I WILL BUY ... Read more

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    Thu Jan 07 2010

    While prices continue to rise, the level of service has plummeted within the retail industry. This is clearly not the case at the Carol's Daughter counter inside Macy's on State. Cory, the specialist for the line recommended appropriate hair and body products, without being a pushy salesperson. I can't wait to use these items. After explaining that I was in desperate need of a natural hair care technician, he attached his hairstylist' business card to my receipt. Hopefully, I'll be giving John of Locology hair salon an excellent review soon.

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    To Whom It May Concern: I am writing because I am concerned with service I had today at the Macy’s Bridal Salon on State Street. I will be honest and say that I did read online reviews before my appointment. I was worried about some of the experiences that we reported but, I assumed everyone gets a little critical and to go with an open mind. I arrived on time and ready, bra, picture, a list and was excited to be in the shop. I filled out the form and clearly wrote my budget at $2100.00. I was informed your dresses started at $1200.00 and went up so I assumed there would be adequate selection for my price range. The consultant greeted me and was given my information sheet. She asked if I like any of the dresses on the floor and I pointed out the ones I liked. I was under the strong assumption that if it was out of my range, I would be informed. She pulled the dresses and set me up in the dressing room. I tried on the Lazaro i liked and instantly thought it fit my style. In my... Read more

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    Thu Aug 20 2009

    I loved Marshall Fields and everything about it...Macy's is an ok substitute, better than the building being empty and nicer than a Carsons', but lacking the charm and class of Fields' imo