Life Reviews | RateItAll


Breakfast cereal produced by the Quaker Oats Company Website

Approval Rate: 85%

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  • by


    Wed May 12 2010

    A tedious game that you'll wish you never started once the novelty of spinning a wheel instead of rolling dice wears off. Thank goodness real life isn't this dull.

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    Wed May 12 2010

    My sister kept me playing the game with a line, "Just like Monopoly only mom and dad won't play." I lasted a few months. The game continued to interest Sis and her tweenie girlfriends for a couple years. Puberty killed "Life."

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    Wed May 12 2010

    Life is OK, but there aren't enough choices to make. Other than the decision to go to college or not in the beginning, and a split path or two later on, the game more or less plays itself.

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    Mon Jul 27 2009

    educational in some ways, generally fun for everyone of all ages.

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    Sat Feb 23 2008

    This game was so fun to me as a child. I loved getting a degree and having lots of babies! My favorite house was the Tudor. And I wanted to be the accountant so I didn't have to pay taxes haha. It's just a feel good game that lets you pretend life is always peachy. Who doesn't want that feeling?? :o)

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    Tue Aug 29 2006

    It was fun when I was a kid--especially setting it up. I can't play it now unless I play with my nieces. It does not have the ageless appeal of Monopoly, Sorry or Headache.

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    Thu Jul 20 2006

    I remember playing Life (introduced in 1960) when I was growing up without much fanfare. For some still unexplained reason, some years ago my (now ex) girlfriend wanted to play, so I went out and bought the game. As an adult, playing was fun the first time as a retro experience, but it was clear that Life (at least the game) was almost pure luck (apparently the developers at Milton Bradley have yet to hear of birth control) and held little replay value for mature gamers. While not terrible, the bottom line is that there are many games on this list that are better than Life.

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    Thu Jul 20 2006

    It is kind of a dumb luck game, isn't it? No real strategy to speak of and I must agree that now that I'm older I never play it anymore.

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    Tue Jul 18 2006

    Overrated. . .dated. . .not worth the trouble for me. . .

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    Tue Jul 18 2006

    I think Life is a fun game but you have to be in the right company.

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    Sun May 07 2006

    Game of Life is a guilty pleasure for board gamers. I mean, its kind of dumb, but still pretty cool.

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    Thu Jul 14 2005

    The old time game was fun and educational and actually good for kids to play. No shooting, no bodies, no splatter!

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    Never overly appealing to me. After the initial novelty wore off, it wasn't much fun to play.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    I really like this game too. Does anybody actually start a career right off the bat though? Everyone I've ever played with goes to college at the beginning.

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    Mon Dec 20 2004

    the thought of earning millions of dollars (and dozens of kids)is fun... but life goes on. Maybe if there was more strategy involed, it would be more realistic.

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    Mon Aug 30 2004

    It's okay, but it's nothing I'd recommend.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    I liked this game when I was a kid, but I can't bring myself to play it anymore. Even though the little people in the car are fun...

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    Tue Mar 02 2004

    A pretty good game. Our family enjoys playing on occasion. It is kind of fun to see what kind of money we will be making and what career we draw. As we go over the board we could end up getting married and see how many kids we end up with. At any given moment Life can change and you may have to trade salaries with another player. It is interesting to see how Life can change with the throw of a dice or a draw of a card. It has been around sice I was a kid.

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    Mon Mar 01 2004

    For cretins. Below average ones at that. Too much luck, not enough (or any) thought required.

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    Thu Dec 18 2003

    This was a fun game when I was a kid. I didn't realize then that it had a darker side: life really WAS that way, huge decisions made as casually as by the throw of the dice, with consequences as unpredictable.

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    Fri Oct 24 2003

    Pretty good game. The first week I got it, me and my best friend played it every day for like 1 month because we enjoyed it so much so that sort of turned it down a little.

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    Tue May 13 2003

    This was always a fun game to play. The more people playing, the better as far as I'm concerned. Also, you were sure that there would be an end. The game will not go on for an eternity like some games (Monopoly for example). Bordem can rear its ugly head when that happens.

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    Tue May 13 2003

    Godd game for all ages.

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    Mon Apr 07 2003

    A lot of fun, definately stresses the importance of higher education and insurance. It's a little scary when the little station wagon overflows with "children", though . . . .

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    Sun Sep 23 2001

    I've always enjoyed playing Life with my friends when I was younger. We could be anything we wanted to be and all that. I haven't played for a couple of years though.

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    Fri Jul 27 2001

    Anything is possible with this game. If you have the time...

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    Wed Jun 27 2001

    A truly great game, but only the old original version with betting the wheel and tons of possiblilities, NOT the new simplified version. PLAY ONLY THE OLD VERSION, DON'T BOTHER BUYING THE SIMPLE NEW VERSION.

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    Sat Apr 14 2001

    Life is a really fun game that should be played with by the whole good old american solid family. The fact that you are paying bills in the game may not please you, but the fact that you can retire early?? Life couldn't be better!

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    Fri Dec 15 2000

    Life is a great game. I mean where else can you get $100,000 every payday?! It's cool to kind of look at your "life" and plan it out, who you're gonna' marry, what kind of house you're gonna' buy... it's a lot of fun with a lot of friends.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    Life is fun at first but it drags on. I feel that it is too long and it gets to the point where you never finish the game. At least that's what I think.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    Life is a fun game to play, although I think it runs short and could be lengthened. People who made it up had good imaginations.

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    Mon Sep 11 2000

    The only redeeming quality about this game was the board itself. Who wants to play a board game about getting married and having kids (not that there is anything wrong with that)?

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    Against six people, who's got the patience? And the new video game is worse.

  • by


    Fri Jun 16 2000

    I like it! I like it! One of those cereals that may not be my first choice to buy when I am at the grocery store, but it is always a safe bet if I am unable to make a decision on what flavor to buy. Good tasting and good for you too.

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    Sat Mar 04 2000

    Moral: Go to college. After that, there are no decisions to make -- spin the wheel, yippee.

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    Tue Feb 08 2000

    No game taught the importance of an education and insurance better than the game of life. Plus, I could spend hours (ok, minutes) just spinning the wheel.

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    Tue Feb 08 2000

    Not a bad game, but nothing too special. Now that PC games like "Sims" are out, Life seems awfully primitive.