
Elaborate, confusing structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos Website

Approval Rate: 89%

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    One of my all-time favorite movies when I was a kid. This classic fantasy film is filled with adventure, comedy, music, and fine performances. When a teenage girl named Sara (Jennifer Connelly) wishes for Goblin King Jareth (David Bowie) to take her baby half-brother, Toby, away, her idle wish is granted! Now she must solve a vast maze in 13 hours to save him, or else, he'll be transformed into a goblin himself! I probably watched this movie 300 times when I was a kid. I thought it was entertaining to watch. The film has some catchy songs like "Dance Magic." It's a great movie for all ages.

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    Sun May 24 2009

    Another all time fave!

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    OMG, i could watch this movie all day evryday. Oh and David Bowie is so yummy :)

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    Good fantasy film for the era. I haven't seen it in a long time. Maybe time for another look.

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    Wed Jul 23 2008

    Despite the fact that I was frightened of David Bowie for years as a result of this film, I still think it's a nostalgic classic :)

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    Best puppet movie ever!

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    Great movie! David Bowie is hot!

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    Mon Jul 21 2008

    I put this on at night so I can fall asleep easily.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    OMG David Bowie!!!

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    Amazing movie!

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    Sat Jul 19 2008

    I loved this movie. The puppets were good and David Bowie was good in it too

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    Wed Sep 13 2006

    This movie is totally cool. And it's proof that fantasies can be enjoyable for adults as well as kids. And...the girl in this movie is so MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!

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    Tue May 17 2005

    I liked it up until the part when sh ecomes into the palace, then nothing amde sense.

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    Sat Feb 05 2005

    My favorite movie of all time...great for any age. A classic! My first crush as a little girl was David Bowie as Jareth, the Goblin King. Even today I still get giddy when I watch.

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    Mon Nov 08 2004

    This is a fantasy film, the story of which centres around a girl, trying to negotiate her way through a fantasy Labyrinth in order to save her baby brother who has been kidnapped (by David Bowie).They used alot of puppets for many of the characters, David Bowie is the only named star I could remember?

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    Tue Aug 31 2004

    This movie is one of my favorite if not my favorite. The dialouge is so inventive and shows the realization of an adolescent that growing up isn't so bad. The performances were amazing Jennifer Connelly was amazing and David Bowie was mesmerizing and there is still much to be said about his choice of costume.

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    Fri Apr 16 2004

    A huge fan favorite, bordering on recent cultish appeal, I have always loved this film. Jennifer Connelly in one of her first films is beautiful and shows early glimpses of the great actress she would become. David Bowie is delightfully dark and frightening (although it could have just been the spandex pants he wears throughout). The best part for me was definitely the incomparable characters from Jim Henson's workshop. As always his creations were fun marvels. Not to mention, George Lucas also teamed up on this film. A fantasy classic.

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    Tue Feb 17 2004

    This is & always will be one of my most favorite movies ever. The costumes are great, the music is fabulous, the special effects were state of the art in the 80s, David Bowie looks REALLY hawt, & it's funny! Normally I dislike George Lucas stuff & Henson's creepy muppets, but they actually made the movie better.

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    Sun Sep 28 2003

    This movie is great!! it has great songs, dialogue, and muppets. its one of the most underrated childrens movies out there.

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    Sun Sep 28 2003

    Labyrinth is one of the best fantasy movies ever made. It is completely entertaining from beginning to end. I absolutely loved it ! I would recommend this movie over and over again.

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    Tue Sep 23 2003

    David Bowie is HOT as the goblin king, Jarreth. I was a little girl when the movie came out and now my little girl loves it as much as I do. Jennifer Connley was great as the big sister who wishes her brother away and then goes on a journey to save him from becoming a goblin. I love the music and the overall look of the movie is beautiful.

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    Tue Apr 15 2003

    The best movie of all time.

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    Sun Mar 02 2003

    David Bowie is one hell of a sexy man. i love the Labyrinth

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    Mon Jan 13 2003

    SO sad, and thus so funny

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    Thu Nov 28 2002

    I found this to be too slow going to be really entertaining. There were several interesting characters, but the story was slightly confusing at times, and I wish they had refrained from letting Bowie sing. Just because he can doesn't mean he has to.

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    Sat Nov 02 2002

    Incredible!!! What do we do now that Jim Henson is no longer with us? Who's going to give us such imagination in a movie? This movie is timeless. I was watching it the other day and my teenage nieces tried to make fun of it saying that it was for kids.before I new it they were hooked. The next day when I woke up they were watching it again. Sure technology has brought us far with all the computer animation, but how I miss the puppets. I only wish that Jim Henson could have done at least three more movies like this.

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    Sat May 18 2002

    One of Jennifer Connelly's first films and se is fantastic. Jim Hensons muppets are fantastic and David Bowie is fantastic as per usual, even if he is singing awful 80's songs! I agree with bascillam if you like this, you'll like Dark Crystal (why don't they show this on TV anymore??) It is very good for kids because it shows they have to take responsibility for their actions. Overall a very fun, dark film that appeals to all ages.

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    Thu Mar 07 2002

    This movie is awesome. I have seen a thousand times, but it never stops entertaining me. It's just the whole idea of magic and castles done in such a fasinating way. I also love Bowie he is so great in this movie and oh my god girls check out his pants!

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    Tue Feb 05 2002

    I adore this movie. Bowie became my hero after I saw his performance in this great movie. I have seen this movie probably over 100 times and I still love watching it.

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    Tue Aug 21 2001

    i've been watching this movie since i was a kid. i am 22 now and it's still one of my favorites of all time. the soundtrack and costumes of the main characters are really 80's, but everything from the sets and props to the dialogue is so well executed that to me it remains timeless. as well as it's alice-in-wonderland-type theme. where a daydreaming young girl, reluctant to leave her fantasies behind and grow up (a problem i can certainly relate to), learns to accept and appreciate her life and the people in it for the way they are.

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    Thu Jul 19 2001

    I loved this movie from the first time I saw it at teh age of nine, it took me away to this fantastic world where reality had no bearing, and David Bowie wore tights!!! grins although I didn't notice how great they looked on him till a few years later. All in all it's an awesome movie

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    Sat Apr 14 2001

    Labyrinth was such a cool movie when I was little. I remember it being like The Wizard Of Oz of the 80's. The munchkin guys were so funny, and how the way that they talked and just the way that they acted.

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    Thu Mar 15 2001

    That was good, and funny

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    Tue Jan 09 2001

    Excellent puppetry! I love a good Jim Henson movie, and this is one of the better ones (I'd also like to recommend Dark Crystal, if you like Labyrinth too). The movie is also an excellent loss of innocence/coming of age story (the heroine learns that she has to be more mature and take responsibility for things as she battles the labyrinth and is tempted by the goblin king in an attempt to save her baby brother).

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    Thu Dec 14 2000

    Attention viewers! Do not attempt to watch this movie while on any sort of hallucingenic drugs....the muppets alone will scare the wazoo out of you. Not to mention David Bowie who is even more scary here than he is in real life. But really the thing to watch for here are Jim Henson's creations. They're spectacular, although bound to give on nightmares. Just keep thinking, Bert and Ernie, Bert and Ernie.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    As a pre-teen (12-14) I loved this movie. It played off the wishes often made of having my brother (a nuisance) carried away by goblins (sold to gypsies). The main character is an imaginative, strong female which was important to me at the time, as there weren't many strong female roles. But as I grew up the tale began to lose its fun to me. It's still enjoyable, but seems kinda' childish.

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    Thu Nov 30 2000

    Definitely one of the best childrens movies ever made. A strong female character that uses logic, wits, and courage to overcome adversity and make true friends.

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    Sun Nov 26 2000

    A beautifully composed Jim Henson film with all the easy to love characters and good morals that have graced his other films. This movie is especially terrific because its plot brings a young girl through a 'Hero's journey' and inot maturity with witty and insightful looks into that actual process of development.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    If you haven't checked out David Bowie in tight pants, then you haven't seen the best of Jim Henson and his team of magicians finest hour of power. Keep it movin' Dave!

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    The Labyrinth is a very unique movie about a girl who gets trapped in a fantasy world. It includes multitudes of creature characters and a race against time plot. Some might find it strange but those with a good imagination will find it a delight.

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    Mon Nov 06 2000

    Delightful tale, however, story lapses in special effects use. More use of dialogue would have helped. Age of movie has an effect. First time I saw it I thought nothing could top it.

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    Thu Jun 01 2000

    A strange movie which will definitely baffle anyone seeing the movie as an adult for the first time. If you can handle the idea of David Bowie as a magical, musical villain, you will like this movie very much.

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    Sun Mar 19 2000

    "you remind me of the babe." "what babe?" "the babe with the power." "what power?" "the power of voodoo." "who do?" "you do!" "do what?" "remind me of the babe..."

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    Sun Mar 19 2000

    Labyrinth was Jim Henson at his best in the movie industry. The puppets were works of art.

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    Sun Mar 19 2000

    weird movie, even for david bowie, but the special effects were good for the time...

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    Sun Mar 19 2000

    I am a big David Bowie fan, and this movie was embarassing for him. Even the soundtrack (by him) was poor).