
2008 American independent drama film directed by Blue's Clues co-creator Todd Kessler Website

Approval Rate: 70%

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    Fri Feb 16 2007

    Keith was good, but after Evil Jerri was booted, he became useless and his true colors finally showed through. It takes a lot to really piss off Colby, and the man succeeded. I know Tina and Colby were strategic in voting off Elisabeth + Rodger, but if they voted off Keith, the final people would've been way more interesting.

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    Wed Aug 28 2002

    he was too fake!

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    Sat Mar 16 2002


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    Sun Dec 02 2001

    I don't see why at the end people started disliking him. He played quite a good game, and should have won that one immunity challenge at the end involving picking up the locks.

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    Wed Nov 07 2001

    People liked this guy?!?!?!?! I am in a state of shock. Not the guy who could cook soooooo well. In fact, I heard his rice tastes like chicken. (Not! It probably tasted more like tree bark). He was always soooooo nice and he was sooooo smart. (Note: I didn't mean a single word I said there). He even did sooooo well when he made the final three (Actually, Tina and Colby dragged him along because he was sooooo smart. What would they possibly do without his yummy rice meals). The only thing that's true about this paragraph is that Keith was sooooo terrible.

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    Wed Oct 31 2001

    Borrrrrring. Had no purpose when Jerri left. And what chef does not know how to make rice? Give me a break.

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    Mon May 07 2001

    I disagree with the way Keith was portrayed toward the end of the show. It was Keith who convinced Colby and Tina to vote Mitchell out. I remember early on the show when Keith said his purpose was not longer to win the game but not to allow Jerri to win the game. I don't like the fact that Colby and Tina took credit for Keith's good thinking and strategy. He was able to rise himself above's Jerri's bulliness. Way to go Keith.

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    Thu Apr 05 2001

    HOT GUY!

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    Sat Mar 24 2001

    I like Keith alot. I have liked him more as time has gone on. #1-He has hated jerri from day one #2-He did not vote against Maralyn and realized they might need her for more cerebral challenges like the very next one, whcih was the quiz game that they lost, because of dufuses like Jerri and Mitchell #3-It was so sweet that the vote he cast against Mitchell(not Maralyn) got Mitchell voted off. I really hope he wins. Seems like a good guy. Glad Colby moved to his side.

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    Fri Mar 23 2001

    Kind of anal retentive but he's o.k. Maybe he will strangle jerri LOL

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    Thu Mar 22 2001

    Well, well, well, I've got a clearer prospective about what happened with the Ogakor tribe. And I have to say, it's Jerri that was bringing the team down, causing dissention and negativity within the group. I believe that the should have eliminated the people within this order, Tina, Marilyn, Mitchell and Amber. Without Amber and Mitchell sucking up to her, Jerri would have NO CHOICE but to tow the line or be eliminated. Jerri was clearly the reason why Ogakor lost with that "Blind Leading the Blind" game. Even though I'm a big fan of Keith, I don't like the way he was pointed out as being arrogant and surly. I mean, think about it, you cook for a living and how would you like it if you couldn't utilize your skills??? You'd be churlish, surly, persnickety or whatever! I just want them to end our suffering, AND VOTE JERRI OFF OF AUSTRALIA!!!! Thank you for letting me rant.

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    Thu Mar 22 2001

    It must be hard putting up with Jerri, huh? Well, you do a good enough job of it. If Ogakor winds up getting rid of Kucha one-by-one, may you and Tina be left as the final two.

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    Wed Mar 21 2001

    Keith Famie totally deserves to win! His even-keeled personality is for real...he is very well respected in the Metro Detroit area (biased, yes, I'm from MI) as a superb chef, friendly local personality, and just an all around well-liked person. On the show, his tactics are smart and relatively low-key, which could definitely place him on top! Go, Keith!! PS... the buzz around Detroit is that Keith had lost a significant amount of weight...hmmmm...

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    Thu Mar 15 2001

    i Like you alot just because of what you said about Jerri and I hope you go far. You have got to be a great chef to make that stuff look appetiziong.

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    Wed Mar 14 2001

    I like him... he has handled Jerri's obnoxiousness very well. There would definately be a fight between Jerri and I if I was in his shoes. He is doing well considering what he has to put up with. Cheers for him.

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    Wed Mar 14 2001

    I care for Keith in the sense that he is what it takes to make a team! That is key here, he also is willing to stand in the rain in the middle of the night to keep a fire going while everyone else sleeps. But I do have mixed emotions about him! But hey to the best man or woman at this point!

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    Tue Mar 13 2001

    I like Keith more as this show progresses. He is the only one who will disagree with the know-it-all, Jerri. If I were Keith, I'd hold a permanent grudge against Jerri too, for insulting his career by saying she could cook rice better. Guess what, cooking rice with no other ingredients isn't really cooking, you mean-spirited moron. Keith doesn't pretend to be Jerri's friend and I don't blame him. As far as strategy at this point, Keith has to stick with Ogakor to retain an advantage--I see Alicia being voted off this week. The following week could get interesting, because an alliance could break the "tightest" groups--Jerri/Amber, Elisabeth/Rodger. That leaves Colby, Keith, Nick and Tina. Any three of them could control the game and be the final three. I see Keith as one of those three.

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    Tue Mar 13 2001

    Keith is awesome! He's a really cool guy! He's also a good cook, despite what Jerri says. I like his personality, and I hope he makes it to the final four! Go Keith!!!!! We're cheering for you!! =)

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    Fri Mar 09 2001

    Keith, to me, is proving the best player of the show. He smashed Jerri's little clique with Mitchell and Amber by wooing Colby before the merge. He successfully seduced Tina into forfeiting her chance at immunity for him (I doubt she'd have stayed there that whole time of ten hours if Ogakor had planned on protecting Keith). And he's helped Ogakor succeed in getting the one up on Kucha by hiding his animosity of Jerri and making it seem like Colby is the one to vote for. He and Colby seem to make a formidable team and I would not suprised to see these two at the very end.

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    Thu Mar 01 2001

    Not too impressed by the way he gets along with Jerri. Because of this he is hurting his own survival for the sake of not being able to walk away. Enough is Enough !!!

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    Wed Feb 28 2001

    I still don't know much about Keith. What's going on between Jerri and him is pretty comical. 1st off - if that would have been me trying to start a fire on the 1st episode and Jerri was beating that drum non-stop (it was almost like she was trying to get under his skin), I would have snapped "Quit playing that f*ckin' bongo or whatever the hell it is, please." 2nd of all, I agree with him that arguing with Jerri probably gets you nowhere. But she did have a slight point about not putting the dead fish right next to the water. Their tribe is having enough problems trying to find food as it is - they shouldn't contribute to the scarcity of ccatching fish. But I think that Keith is a strong asset to their tribe - plus they already voted off Kel (another strong male probably needed to win immunity challenges), so they need Keith's strenth and endurance!

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    Fri Feb 23 2001

    At first, Keith rubbed me the wrong way. However, I am gaining more respect for him as the show goes on (and his initial opinion of Jerri is coming true). I think his patience and hard work are going to get him pretty far in the show. Last night he mentioned that he could argue with Jerri, but it simply isn't worth the energy..which is true. Instead, he keeps his mouth shut, helps out and is letting her bury herself without any help from the other tribe members. Him and Tina will most likely keep their alliance and Colby could go either way.

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    Fri Feb 23 2001


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    Thu Feb 22 2001

    He is a very good chef that is open to ideas

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    No comment. He's OK.

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    Sun Feb 11 2001

    So far he seems decent enough, guess we'll see as time goes by.

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    I like how Keith handled it at Tribal Council when Jerri was putting him down for his cooking and she took all the credit for keeping everyone alive. 3rd Episode: I do not see Keith lasting much longer. He seems not to have any comadreship with anyone and seems to be a loner. A bad position to be on in this show. No one will feel any guilt and he will be easy for the other members to vote off.

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    Aloof and egotistical

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    He's a great cook, so keep him in the tribe!

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    The tribe will be speaking shortly for Keith. He'll be going soon. Why did they pick him? He can't even cook rice properly! His luxury item should've been a brain!

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    Fri Feb 02 2001

    He needs to open his eyes and see what Jerri is truly about.

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    Thu Feb 01 2001

    I think Keith is a hard worker... and so far he has shown that he can compete with all the hard bodies, even though he's a bit older. Go Keith!!!

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    Tue Jan 30 2001

    Kieth is the greatest cook survivor that ever lived.

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    Tue Jan 30 2001

    Keith might be able to last a while because he can cook. But, first we have to see what kind of meals are available in the outback. I truly know that there is a limit to any human when it comes to a meal or is there?

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    He will probably last just because he can cook...