
Indie adventure game developed by Thatgamecompany, published by Sony Computer Entertainment, and directed by Jenova Chen Website

Approval Rate: 81%

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  • by


    Sun Oct 16 2011

    Great band, before and during the Steve Perry years.

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    Thu Jul 28 2011

    5 stars for Journey fronted by Steve Perry. 1 star for the other guy. Not that he isn't good, but he is no Steve Perry. They are coming to town this week and there is no way in heck I'm paying $300 to see some sad version of Journey. JOURRRRRRRNEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY. Journey.

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    Wed Mar 23 2011

    ONE the best band EVER.... JOURNEY MUSIC..

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    Fri Sep 03 2010

    Considering the amount of success Journey has had, I think it's time they were acknowledged. I just hope Steve Perry is not snubbed by the other band members since they currently have a new lead singer. I also hope he has enough class to treat them the way he would like to. Think about it, guys. Your biggest hits came when Steve was in the band.

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    Sun Aug 22 2010

    This band, while many have similar styles, has no peers in rock and roll history! They had it all...great guitarist, great song writing, and the best rock singer EVER!! They DEFINE an entire genre and period of time. How they aren't in already is a travesty!! I will not step foot in the Hall of Fame until Journey is inducted, and I live in Akron 30 minutes away.

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    Sun Jun 13 2010

    The entire concept of a Rock Hall of Fame is a cynical commercial joke, so it would be entirely fitting to put these worthless commercial hacks in. I'd put bar bands like Humphrey and the Dumptrucks or Doug and the Slugs ahead of them in terms of talent though.

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    Sun May 02 2010

    I liked the original stuff these guys produced in the late 70s and early 80s. After they fell from grace and tried to make a come back with a different singer, it just wasn't the same. The chemistry just seems a bit off to me. I guess it just goes to show that great guitar riffs, vocals, and power ballads do not a band make.

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    Journey is a difficult band for me to rate. I think a lot depends on the reviewers frame of reference. Two members (Steve Smith drums) (Neal Schon guitar) are blues/jazz musicians, and both are excellent with their respective instruments. Why they departed from their musical roots to play with Journey is a question that's not hard to answer. Some of their early stuff was respectable, I would even say good. I agree with others that say they sold out to the ballad, lots of ($$$) if you play ballads. And in the interest of honest disclosure, I liked a few of them too.

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    Journey came up with the power ballad and made it personal to people's hearts. They were one of the first bands to make it big enough to pack stadiums 5 nights in one city. They were one of the first bands to use computerized lighting and large video screens at their concerts. They had one of the best rock vocalists in history. Its a disgrace that this band is still not in the rock hall of fame. They are one of the best selling American acts of all time.

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    Sun Dec 06 2009

    Lovin', Touchin', Sneezin'...

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    Fri Nov 13 2009

    As long as I can travel in the opposite direction.

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    Thu Nov 05 2009

    Are you kidding me... Dont stop believing?

  • by


    Sat Oct 17 2009

    lovin, touchin, sneezin

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    Fri Sep 18 2009

    One of the most popular/influential groups of the late 1970s/1980s. They weren't corporate rock, they were very talented singers, songwriters, and musicians.

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    Sun Sep 06 2009

    There must be something here. In recent years they have graced the final scenes of the epic SOPRANOS TV series, as an intro for former prez-Clinton, been sung by the world champion White Sox, and now featured in the pilot of GLEE. Maybe there is something to this Believing after all.

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    Sun Sep 06 2009

    Lovin', Touchin', Sneezin!

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    Sat Aug 15 2009

    Before I would even consider Journey, more than half of the artists listed above them on this site, should be inducted. And many more listed below them. I just can't see them in the Hall.

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    Wed Aug 12 2009

    Their music still resonates as one of the greatest rock bands of the 1970s & 1980s. Get them in!

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    Sun Aug 09 2009

    lovin, touchin, wheezing...

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    Thu Jul 23 2009

    One of the greatest rock bands ever, in my personal opinion, the San Francisco-based Journey, like its power love ballads, is both timeless and enduring. Going through personnel changes throughout its long and fabled story, the group nevertheless was able to succeed and come out with new material and multitudes of albums. You can literally play Journey's songs, and people will stop and sing to their many famous lyrics. Led by Neal Schon, Gregg Rolie, Aynsley Dunbar, George Tickner, and Ross Valory, the addition of the golden-voiced Steve Perry in 1977 gave the group its greatest success. Journey, especially under Perry, proved that power love ballads were not exclusive only to female singers, but that males could also deliver them effectively. Also part of their legacy lies in their unique musical style, utilizing pianos, synthesizers, air drums, and electric guitar licks (usually by the gifted Schon). Many of Journey's songs are punctuated by a stirring guitar solo at the end (such a... Read more

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    I am only 12 years old, but I have loved Steve Perry for years now. His voice is like an angel. I love Steve Perry!!!! It is my dream to meet him!!!!! Induct Journey into the RNR Hall of Fame!!!!!

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    Journey redefined rock and roll in the late seventies and early eighties. Whether or not you like their contributions, it is fairly easy to identify a rock song as either pre-Journey or post-Journey (more specifically pre-Infinity and post-Infinity). They are the fathers of polished arena rock and power ballads, but also explored a number of different musical genres ranging from acid rock and jazz fusion, to the r&b influenced numbers like "After the Fall" "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" and the drum and scream-heavy "Back Talk". The epic "Mother, Father" is the most powerful rock song after Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" and Journey has more than proved that good melodies and expert playing and singing are what make songs last; the lyrics, which I admit can be corny, really are secondary. We are talking about Rock and Roll, not poet laureates.

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    Fri May 15 2009

    These guys are good musicians, singers, and songwriters. They produced many of the rock anthems of my generation. My second favorite AOR band, after Styx. Let them in!

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    Thu Apr 23 2009

    Sure they broke no ground and critics hate them but let's face it, their best song have stood the test of time. People my age who were not even alive during the band's heyday love their songs. Like it or not, these guys have something timeless about their sound and sooner or later that is going to be aknowledged!

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    Fri Nov 14 2008

    Horrid abysmal rating given by the haters. Time to do my part to fix it. I happen to enjoy a lot of Journey's work. One of the better bands as far as classic ballads are concerned, among other talents. Great lyrics and singing, nice combination of keys and guitars, just the right fills and feels from the drummer, very nice sounds all around. Not nearly as hard as later bands, and that might be why the haters are circling. Hard does not equal good, people. Some of the most challenging works in music, both from a technical and an artistic standpoint, are quiet pieces, or slow ones. Doesn't always have to be fast and furious to be excellent.

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    Sat Oct 25 2008

    It amazes me that Steve Perry did much of his work while he was still a teenager. What an immense talent from a legendary group that has stood the test of time. One of my top 5 favorite bands of all time.

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    Fri Oct 03 2008

    Simply the best!!!

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    Fri Oct 03 2008

    Any band that spent more time blow drying their hair than trashing hotel rooms is unworthy of induction, and that comes from someone who fronted a Journey Tribute Band - me.

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    He is horrible and unamerican. This is a Bay Area band not a pinoy band. Fire him... I will never see Journey again. Heart was great...

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    Thu Sep 25 2008

    Journey is the gayist band ever.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    they definitely deserve it, give us 30+ years of great music and now they've made a comeback..

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    Wed Jul 09 2008

    Like watching paint dry.

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    Mon Jul 07 2008

    Revelation is an incredible body of work. Nice job of redos, 11 wonderful new songs and a nice glimpse of their live performance on the DVD! Arnel is a true "find" and the real deal. I hope this band continues to turn out equally well-crafted tunes in the future. Their musicianship is top-notch! Live and studio work is great, although I prefer to see them live and continually witness with my own eyes just how really talented they are!

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    Sun Jul 06 2008

    Some friends of mine were into Journey but I always hated that. I always thought their songs were wimpy lol

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    Fri May 23 2008

    I've been blown away by the present find of the group. The new Frontman rocks. Arnel Pineda is a rare gift this band needed in a long time. I can smell the rise of the new Journey. Thirty years of following the band and I thought I was gonna witness as they wilt and perish, this time around I felt that they took a whole bottle of Rock Viagra, if there is such a thing. It's only been 5 months since they announced Arnel got the gig I see You Tube exploded with hits on this band. I wish the band the best since now they have the BEST. I look forward to getting old with them ala Rolling Stone.

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    along with Kansas and Styx beligned by most, but they had sone big moments on vinyl.

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    Sun Mar 30 2008

    Do you mean to tell me, with a straight face, that Journey is not already in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? It is a travesty! A sacrilege! A mockery! My favorite Journey fan site:

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    Tue Mar 25 2008

    Why not just ask the lonely? They'll tell you to let them in.

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    Thu Mar 13 2008

    Don't stop beleivin'!

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    Thu Jan 31 2008

    What a phenomenal band! They are one of the greatest rock bands ever. Certainly more deserved than most and should have in their first year of eligibility.

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    Tue Jan 29 2008

    Their music still stands up and that should be a sure sign that they already should be in.

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    Wed Dec 26 2007

    Their music was the soundtrack of the 80s! Everybody liked them and when a Journey song came on the radio, you had to turn it up and sing along. Steve Perry's voice is one of the greatest in the history of rock. They were very skilled musicians and all these years later, people still can't get enough of them. There is no reason they should not be in!

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    Thu Dec 06 2007

    d ont get me wrong they sound great but they dont have shit when it comes 2 a consistant or good carreer

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    Mon Dec 03 2007

    Great music. Steve Perry has an absolutly amazing voice and is an excelent lyricist. Dont Stop beleving is and awesome song that realy showcases the allround tallent of this band especialy Perry's vocla range. Many other great songs as well and at least three vary strong cd's.

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    Wed Oct 03 2007

    When they first bagan they were very good, but for some reason they decided to bring steve perry into the band, after that, each album became worse with the same whiny slush.Some bands like this are better off without trying to make hits and just stick to the format that made them ineresting.  I say no to inducting them

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    Sun Jul 08 2007

    Steve Perry is one of the greatest vocalists of all-time and Neil Schon is a terriffic guitar player. Lots of hits and great live performances and they should be in the R & R Hall of Fame.

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    Sat Jun 23 2007

    NO! NO! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO!!!! Journey sucks. They are the epitome of the type of music that made Punk necessary. They were the original Nickelback. If you like Journey you have bad taste in music. That is not an opinion. That is a mathematical fact. Yes, millions of people love(d) Journey. Phenomena like this occur all the time. It's why Jerry Bruckheimer is a multimillionaire. It's why Michael Bolton got to sleep with Ashley Judd instead of Wynonna. It's why Pauly Shore isn't a homeless virgin. It's why George W. Bush is President.

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    Thu Mar 22 2007

    Steve Perry.  Don't Stop Believin'.  What more needs to be said?

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    Tue Mar 13 2007

    So many great high school memories associated with their music, even though I lean more toward metal, Journey was definitely lighter, but still delivered great music. Now they have IMO their best front man in Jeff Scott Soto (a MAJOR crush from my early metal days), and he and Neal Schon are going to take the band in exciting new directions, and if anyone from the band deserves to be honored by the Rock Hall, it's Neal!

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    They were better when Steve Perry was with them. Love Wheel in the Sky, and Faithfully.