Jerry Maguire

1996 American romantic sports comedy-drama film written Website

Approval Rate: 77%

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    Fri Jul 22 2011

    I know I am gonna get horsewhipped for this, but I thought this flick was just so so. The old tried and true bad mope who is redeemed and supported by a loving woman with a nice minority guy in the wings is just too tired.

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    Tue Dec 29 2009

    Just a horrible movie all around; Cruise's annoying mid-life crisis, Zellweger as a boring nurturer with no personality, Gooding Jr too over-the-top with his lame catchphrase, and don't get me started on how annoying and corny that kid was. Crowe is desperately trying to make all the demographics happy and fails miserably, despite his manipulative attempts to tug on heartstrings. Jerry Maguire is not serious enough to be a drama, not funny enough to work as a comedy, too womany to be a sports movie, and too sporty for a Lifetime movie. It DOESN'T complete me!

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    Fri Apr 10 2009

    Cuba Gooding Jr.'s role as the over the top show boating athlete made this watchable. The rest of the movie, on the other hand, just wasn't that good. When it wasn't just plain boring, it was just downright sappy.

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    Sat Jan 28 2006

    That movie was hilarious. You gotta love the little kid.

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    Tue Jun 21 2005

    Show me the crappy movie.

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    Sat Apr 09 2005

    whatever! this movie sucked.

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    Tue Feb 17 2004

    cruise and crowe could become the stewart/capra of their generation.

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    Thu Jul 10 2003

    Show me the value!! This catchprase-originating movie isn't worthy of doing so. Bad all around.

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    Sun Feb 09 2003

    I have to give this movie a five because I think Cameron Crowe has such a talent for portraying reality with such entertainment. I really appreciate Crowe's dedication to character development (something often sorely lacking in today's movies), his meticulous attention to casting actors that fit the part, and overall his natural talent for depth. With most movies, there's the hero, who's usually flawless for the most part, the supporting characters and the villains. Usually I'll only like/appreciate one or two of them, but in Jerry Maguire I just fell in love with everybody.

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    Tue Jan 28 2003

    to me a 4.5. A Jerry Maguire is a sports agent who is at the top of his profesion when he starts to question his ethics. he writes a report about it which gets him applause but it backfires when he can no longer get athletes to represent.He finally gets an athlete with Cuba Goodings character and tries to put his new ethics to work aobut caring about the athletes feelings and well being. he also meets a future wife and her son. A pretty good movie with good acting.

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    Tue Jan 07 2003


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    Thu Nov 28 2002

    You had me at hello, You complete me, blah blah blah. Nice ending, but not the contemporary classic everybody makes it out to be.

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    Sun Jul 29 2001

    I just don't understand why this movie got so high ratings and is still talked about today. When I watched it, it just seemed like a plain movie to me. It has such a common, uninteresting plot. Maybe I just didn't get the meaning behind this movie. I'd be more than happy to learn more though, if anyone's willing to discuss it...

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    Tue Jun 26 2001

    I can't say I liked Jerry Maguire that much. Yes, it did have some very funny moments in it and did manage to make me smile a couple times, but its attempts at being a heartfelt sentamintal movie fall short over and over. Cameron Crowe has only created one great movie and that was Say Anything. He has not regained that magic since. Jerry Maguire tries hard to tug at the heart strings, but it is hard to do when alot of the characters are very superficial and hard to like. Could have been a much deeper and meaningful movie like it was advertised to be. Pretty big let down. Still, it is very cute and funny from time to time. Just don't expect to be moved at all in any way.

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    Sun Jun 10 2001

    Renee Zellweger's charm is enough for me to love this movie. I have seen this movie more than 20 times, but whenever I see it, I find what a luck it is that Renee got this role. Cameron Diaz? Mimi Rogers? Mira Sorvino? No. If they had played Dorothy Boyd, Jerry Maguire might be just so-so. Anyway, Tom Cruise was good, Cuba Gooding Jr. even better, and the kid, Jonathan Lipnicki was great.

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    Sun Apr 15 2001

    Tom Cruise should retire from acting, because mainly he act act for beans and that he makes a total fool of himself in them. He also makes fools of the other actors and actresses acting with him. Jerry Maguire is a perfect example of how bad Tom really is.

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    Tue Apr 10 2001

    Aww..everytime I think of this movie, I just smile. It's such a great movie. I own it and watch it whenever I can..."you know!!!" lol. Tom Cruise did a terrific job, and I don't WHO says he doesn't know how to act, the guy can freakin' act...Renee Zelweger is one of the best actresses I've ever seen perform in my whole entire life. Long live Renee!!!!!

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    Thu Feb 01 2001

    This must be one of the best films Tom Cruise has ever been in. His character is very realistic and has depth. Renee Zellweger is very convincing as a young single mother - and the boy who plays her son is outstanding as well. I can't think of a single actor in the film who isn't particularly good - and thats rare. The movie runs along very smoothly and the music matches the tempo of it. It reflects that society now works too hard and often forgets that there are other things in life to think and enjoy. It also points out that in the workplace, you can never really know what people think about you. I love this film, when I want to feel soppy and realise that what I have in life is so amazing (my partner, our flat, and just about everything) and I am so lucky.

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    Tue Jan 16 2001

    This movie rocked! Tom Cruise and Remee Zellweger are phenomenal, and the theme song, Secret Garden with the cleverly placed dialouge is awesome!

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    I enjoyed the plot of this movie because it didn't involve sports only. It incorporated family values. It showed a different aspect of professional players along with agents.

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    Tue Jan 09 2001

    Beautiiful story. Encourages people to go ahead with their feelings. It's funny. Tom Cruise acted great in this movie.

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    Tue Jan 02 2001

    the best romace i had seen in a while.

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    Tue Dec 12 2000

    I gave Jerry Maguire a 5 because it's such a great movie. Tom Cruise does so well in it. He is such a great actor. Also the plot of the movie is good because it is based on true life events. It also has a really good storyline.

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    Sun Dec 10 2000

    This is your basic feel good romantic movie. I was interested in the film and was semi-impressed at the end. Tom Cruise and Renee Zelweiger gave good performances, and the direction was well done. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys those "falling in love" movies.

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    Fri Dec 08 2000

    A very interesting movie about sports and businessmen. I liked Tom Cruise in this movie and I think the girl (forgot her name) is very cute too. The little boy is the cutest thing. It is a very charming romantic comedy.

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    Mon Dec 04 2000

    This is such a cute movie. It made me want to start something of my own. It just was one of those feel good movies where you can believe in yourself and anything is possible. If you want to feel warm and fuzzy, this is one movie to see because it has a happy ending!

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    An exceptional love story and powerful portrayal of resisting the standards set forth by corporate America. The acting was great. I thought the character played by Gooding was phenomenal. All the roles were played with depth and conviction.

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    Mon Nov 13 2000

    I have mixed feelings about "Jerry Maguire." It was pretty entertaining, and the acting was great overall, but there was one thing that really bugged me about it- Renee Zellweger's lips. What was going on there? (I'm guessing that it was a lip injection job gone haywire.) Her lips were huge and distorted. She appeared to have some difficulty manipulating them at times, too, and the camera zoomed in for close-ups at every turn. Seeing those bloated, bizarre-looking lips in such detail over and over made me feel kind of nauseous, and they were definitely a distraction. Beyond that, the movie was entertaining, and the performances given by Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr. were excellent. There were several memorable scenes (Show me the money!), which added a lot to the show, too. If you can ignore Renee Zellweger's monstrous lips, you'll probably enjoy "Jerry Maguire."

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    Mon Nov 06 2000

    I really enjoyed watching this movie because I liked the storyline. I also think that Tom Cruise did a very good job. Also I think that little boy was very cute.

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    Fri Nov 03 2000

    A man tries to find his own meaning of life while starting his own business, marrying his girl and saving his marriage.

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    Fri Nov 03 2000

    I loved the movie, it was so emotional. I loved when the beginning had the sex scene. That was my favorite part of the whole damn movie.

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    Mon Jul 24 2000

    Didn't like it. Didn't understand all the hype either. Cuba Gooding was good though.

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    Wed Jun 21 2000

    I saw it once, it was good and there is no need to see it again. It is very cute and appeals to both girls and boys but there is no need to watch it again. I, of course, melted for the 'you complete me' line.

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    Tue Jun 20 2000

    This movie is outstanding. Everything seems real in this movie; the relationships, the characters, the emotions. And that is not very common in the movies these days. Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Tom Cruise are able to create intense chemistry in the player / agent relationship and the little kid is really cute as well. I'm surprised this movie wasn't more of a hit - guys like it because it's about sports, and girls like it because it addresses relationships.

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    Sat Dec 11 1999

    I don't like Tom Cruise. But, the film is enjoyable to watch. I wish Cruise wasn't in there. :P

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    Thu Nov 25 1999

    Jerry McGuire inspires people to do the right thing and to stick with your instincts. Also a great love story

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    Tue Nov 23 1999

    It was a romantic but yet realistic expression of love.

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    Tue Nov 23 1999

    Jerry McGuire was not only a cute movie, but a romantic one as well.