
American multinational technology company focusing on online advertising Website

Approval Rate: 85%

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    Thu Mar 07 2013

    When it comes to search engines, Google is by far the best. It provides you with information, articles, images, videos, and more. When I need information on a subject fast, I can always count on Google to have it all. The internet is full of facts. Without Google, it would be very difficult to find information. By typing one word, thousands of results pop up. For example, if I was planning on going on a vacation, I could look up hotels in the area I am staying. Instantly, thousands of hotels in that area will show up. If I wanted to narrow that down, I could research hotels in that area within a certain price range. To go even further, I could look up the information and say the hotel needs a pool. Google lets me be as specific as I need to be. Not only does Google give me a surpassingly large amount of resources, it also gives me choices. I can get the information from any of the websites. Google gives me clean result and the ability to refine. Anything I throw at Google can meet my... Read more

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    Mon Nov 26 2012

    While Google has expanded way beyond being just a search engine, the search engine is still by far the most useful aspect of Google. If what you're looking for is on a public webpage, and you're moderately clever at entering the right keywords in the search box, Google will find it for you. UPDATE: I still don't care about a lot of the extra crap that Google has added (Google Plus, the scam they refer to as Google Adsense, etc.), but in addition to being the best search engine out there, I do think that Google Chrome is far superior to both IE and Firefox.

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    Fri Nov 09 2012

    it is a great site that help people in getting information

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    Tue Dec 13 2011

    Thank you Google! I've found everything I ever need to look up!

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    Mon Dec 12 2011

    awesome website ... only place i use to search

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    Tue Nov 01 2011

    The very nice site

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    Fri Mar 25 2011

    Google is best and most search engine on the web since the company has been started. I found that they provide more relevant results then any other search engines like Bing. It is good that they present the website and the map of the searched item among the first results. The image and books search and integrating Google Maps is something that kept Google the king of search engines. I really like the suggestions while I am typing something in the search bar. They are very useful and prevent you from typing a lot or having any typo. Similar function is the suggestion of correct search terms if there are search results without that typo.

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    Fri Feb 18 2011

    Amazing search engine, the best engine on the web with advanced search features. Google has books, videos, images and tonnes more! Very cool and an amazing search engine altogether, great for finding things that i hard to find on the web.

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    Tue Feb 15 2011

    Google is best search engine as well as provide the gmail as best mail provider , other services from google are too good and all free

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    Google used to be the king. They didn't run advertisements, they appeared to try really really hard to be a stand up corporation. They even ran with the slogan "don't be evil". I'm a cynical bastard and i liked em. But what the hell google? 30 second advertising? Thats annoying! Lowest rating on 'Privacy international'? (A watchdog consumer report type company) Thats my privacy! Wha..Wait a minute Google!! You're helping communist china suppress its freedom loving people!? THATS FUCKIN EVIL!! (contrary to bushian belief, everyone loves freedom..retard.) Don't take my word for it. But don't take googles word either. They're gaining a monopoly of the internet. And like any fresh evil corporation, they clearly want your piece of the pie. I'm not saying surf yahoo. They also have an evil hard-on for china. a.php

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    Sat May 08 2010

    This is best search engine, and... just NOW there's on map with Street view map is now available in some cities including: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Dallas, Boston, Indianapolis and others. There's no one would be better than Google. GOOGLE ROCKS! UPDATE: 5/9/2010 - There is still no street view for my old hometown. Darn it. Also, I can't wait for Google internet optic-fiber in our area. :)

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    Sun Apr 04 2010

    Updated Comment 4/4/2010: Seven years later, and here I am: Google's virtually has the monopoly as far as search engines go, and for good reason. It's pretty much the standard (I know Microsoft's Bing is trying to compete, but it really does suck): Hell, "Google" is so ingrained in our culture that it's now used as a verb (as in "I looked it up on the internet"; "I googled the name, and I found this." Kind of like how "Kleenex" is synonymous with "tissue"). I use Google for searching, Gmail for e-mail, Google maps for directions . . . I wouldn't mind using Google Docs, but I'm pretty skeptical about putting up personal business documents on the internet. It does what it's supposed to, and it does it well. Orig. Comment 4/2/03: Out of the search engines I use (Yahoo, Google, Alltheweb), I prefer Google, specifically for what I do. I often search for pictures to help in making 3D models, and their ability to search for pictures is very good. It's easy to navigate, and allows... Read more

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    Sun Jan 31 2010

    A bit biased here I I use google, and gmail...and google docs. I use them for a reason though, they work for me...I've never actually been let down by them and they are absolutely priceless when involved in any sort of collaboration. In reality they actually are...they are in free. I use google docs with everything. I am quite proudly a google fanatic.

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    Mon Jan 25 2010

    The only complaint I would have about Google is that now & then it feels as if it has taken over the entire world of the good ol' "Internets." I like having options to choose from and wish that some of the other old search engines that are now like ghost towns could have given Google some more competition. But I keep going back to Google and Google is the first place I'll go for a search. What I really love the most about Google's search engine is not the main search, as I find that is not as 'real time' as the other spots - peek around Google & check out Google's blog search, news search, video search and group search. It's in those areas where I usually find both the most up to date information as well as finding some hidden gems of info I would never have found on the main search (well, maybe on page 99, but even I stop somewhere! :P ). Not to mention the beauty that is Google's book search, which offers the option to look at the full content of many books entirely for free, an... Read more

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    Fri Jan 22 2010

    I have to admit it. Google is the search engine I use most, by far... I also do usually find what I'm looking for.

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    Sat Nov 28 2009

    Google = My one and only search engine.

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    Thu Jul 02 2009

    You'd have a hard time convincing me that Google isn't useful. But I'd be lying if I said its ubiquity on the net didn't make me a little uneasy. You can't fault the folks at Google for its commanding perspective into our lives because it's the site's (and its applications') utility that has caused Google's cyber footprint to be as expansive as it is. And, arguably, that very utility hinges on Google's ability to "read" our emails, record our search histories, etc. BUT, Google's unique ability to pry open private lives would be devastating in the wrong hands. Yes, Google's motto is "Don't be evil," but we've already seen the good folks at Google compromise their originally purist opposition to censorship when they agreed to provide service to China. Who's to say Google's unique perspective into our private lives can't be bought for the right price as well? I'm not about to dump my Gmail account (it's the best email service out there, and I recommend it), but these are some thing... Read more

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    Wed Jan 14 2009

    Really like some of Google's applications, their only real downside is the number of problems I have to fix with their Google Mini Appliances.

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    LOVE GOOGLE!! It's my opening page and I navigate from it all the time. THE BEST!!!

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    Google has set themselves as the standard that all other search must aspire to.

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    The best by so far that it even has its own verb... and on top of that it provides the best e-mail service.

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    Great Search Engine : Promote the product in positive way . Offer the opportunity like adsense .... Really fantastic search engine

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    Thu Aug 28 2008

    This is my favorite search engine, and it is a wonderful service.

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    Thu Aug 28 2008

    I find google to be the ultimate search engine. If you can't find it on google, you probably don't need to know about it.

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    Google is badass!

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    Mon Jul 14 2008

    <3 I loooove google and pretty much everything they do. Google apps is my de facto office suite, and google reader is one of the things I spend a majority of my time online using in tandem with blogs. There are a number of intutitve power-user functions that you can discover in everything webapp they make.

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    Tue Jul 08 2008

    that's the search engine that everyone should use.

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    Tue Jun 24 2008

    i look up tons of stuff on here and i usually end up with what i want

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    Mon Jun 16 2008

    The best out there, but is very invasive when it comes to privacy. Google saves all of your searches and a lot of your other data.

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    Nothing beats google

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    I love google and anything google related, my gmail is awsome and I google everything

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    Wed Jun 11 2008 is better...helps benifit the charity of your choice

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    I love Yahoo.

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    My favorite!

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    i love google

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    google is a great way to search...but sometimes a little too generalised which gives you a kazillion sites to check

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    Wed Jun 04 2008

    It is ok

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    Wed Jun 04 2008

    ehh. its k

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    Thu Apr 10 2008

    My Fav search engine. I like google very much. Regards

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    Tue Apr 08 2008

    The best of the best and it will take over the world some day.

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    Tue Feb 19 2008

    Pramod Prakash

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    Mon Jul 31 2006

    My earlier rating was 2, and it remained that way for close to 2 years. I am ashamed of saying that I have used it every since. It is obviously the best search engine out there. I previously said that it was ranked so high, because kids simply liked the name "google." I have recently found that out to be bogus. Google, is great. I use it for all of my searches now. I don't even mess with the others. I am ashamed to say I used to use others... because at that point, I never really used Google.

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    Sun Jul 30 2006

    I admit, I am lazy when it comes to searching the web and typically just type what I am looking for in my url box which means that MSN does my search, but whenever I don't get the results that I want from my lazy search I immediately go to Google, because I pretty much always find what I needed. I understand some peoples frustration with the ads that Google works with, but I see them as valuable, after all you don't have to click on them and you can immediately tell which ones pertain to you and which ones don't. Sure Google isn't perfect, but then who is?

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    Sun May 21 2006

    The best search engine by far.

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    Wed Mar 01 2006

    Simply the best and most reliable. The interface couldn't be easier to use. Great services.

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    Sun Dec 04 2005

    Google rules. Find what you want, because they make some smart guesses to match you to the correct site. Interesting company as well. Google Groups, Google Local, and Google Images are the best in their class as well. (And don't forget google maps, which, if you are looking at an area they cover, is incredible).