Fidel Castro Reviews | RateItAll

Fidel Castro

Cuban revolutionary and politician who was the leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008 Website

Approval Rate: 61%

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    Wed Sep 16 2009

    Fidel has brought about one of the first truly egalitarian countries in the world where wealth is not the measure the country is held up to, but instead its the fact that every citizen of cuba is intitled to free education, free health care, sudsidised housing, subsidised food ect. We keep hearing about how many people keep risking there lives to escape cuba every year and that this in some way shows that socialism/communism has failed, but millions are escaping over the Mexican border into the USA every year but no one ever says this is because of the failed model of capitilism. If the american government hadn't put up a blockade around the island of Cuba for the last five decades maybe Cuba would be in a better state, but in saying that it hasn't done bad. We must not forget that a lot of places in the us are a lot poorer than Cuba

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    Sat Feb 23 2008

    The fact that he resigned (if he is still alive) is one of the biggest failures of U.S. foreign policy in the 20th century.

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    Mon Feb 04 2008

    Charismatic communist leader that could preserve the communism in the stand-alone country in South America until now. His deeds terrify, but they are nothing in comparison with leaders of the Eastren European countries and China.

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    Sun Nov 04 2007

    Cuba is great! Fidel is not perfect, but he's held out against the US and maintained his county's culture and reduced inequalities.

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    Fri Jan 26 2007

    Fidel is THE personality and leader of the 20th century.

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    Wed Jun 22 2005

    I heard that he's a Communist.

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    Sun Mar 27 2005

    Still alive, still going strong and still the biggest arsehole in Cuba, how much more can the people take from this decrepid old piece of garbage,,,,,,,

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    Betrayed Che.

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    Tue Dec 07 2004

    A friend of mine has parents who came here from Cuba and the stories they told me about their life under Castro were absouletly horrific. Oh yeah, leftwingextremist- can you please list the etc. part? Then again, you probably can't because if you could you wouldv'e mentioned them...

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    Tue Sep 14 2004

    He's not perfect but I'd rather have Castro as my leader than Bush. Americans can be free as long as they have got money, but in Cuba they all have healthcare, higher education, etc no matter how much they earn.

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    Fri Aug 20 2004

    Does anyone realize why thousands of Cubans brave the waters between Havana and Miami each year? It is because they are trying to escape towards freedom- a freedom too many ungrateful Americans take for granted and fail to realize that many who are less fortunate than they are actually willing to die for. Fidel Castro is a dictator who has repeatedly oppressed Cubans. Not to say life under the Bautista governments of the 1950s were any better, but certainly, Fidel Castro did not (and has not) contributed to the positive welfare of his people. Perhaps many might disagree with this opinion, but Cubans can definitely do better (if given the chance).

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    Wed Jun 30 2004

    georgebushit hit it right on the button. Fidel Castro is a modern day genius. He is the best political leader of our era and forever will be. He has had conflicts with Eisenhower, JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Bush, and the best thing is he has out lived all of them. Hmmm I wonder why? The United States of America portrays him to be this evil dictator and a devil. The U.S. government puts things out there for us to believe and for us to understand how bad of a man he is. But what they don't show you is all the good things he does as well. I will one day visit Cuba and see that beautiful island. Viva Fidel Castro & Viva La Revolution!

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    Mon Apr 19 2004

    No other political leader tells more truth than him. I wish people visit Cuba and learn about its democracy before accusing him of being a dictator. His Legacy will Live Forever!!

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    Wed Mar 17 2004

    My family left Cuba after 1959 Revolution which brought Fidel Castro to power. Obviously, I grew up hearing about all the atrocities of this regime, but nonetheless I will try to be as impartial as I can when discussing his 45 year tenure as dictator of Cuba. I'll give Castro credit, here's a guy who has held on against the United States for so long. Castro ironically enough came to power on a platform of popular support in the late-1950's. Rather than enact democratic reforms, Castro's new government began to impose political purges and a reorganization of government along Stalinist lines. He still violates human rights even into today by executing political dissidents who dare rise up against his leadership. Those who give him hero status must realize that this is a man who doesn't respect basic freedoms that we all take for granted here; freedom of speech, assembly, and due process. Castro really isn't a communist, even he himself realized, like the former Maoists, that you can't im... Read more

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    Tue Aug 19 2003

    Large and in charge.

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    Tue Jun 17 2003


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    Sat Mar 08 2003

    Hideous dictator who oppresses Cuban citizens to the point where ordinary people risk their lives to leave. A prime example of how Communist theory always leads to tyrannical dictatorships. Jimmy Carter had no business trying to "make nice" with this criminal. Shame on you, Jimmy.

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    Sat Mar 08 2003

    Communist dictator for 40+ would have to be totally stupid to rate him higher than 1. Do you like Saddam Hussein, too?

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    Thu Feb 13 2003


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    Thu Jan 23 2003

    He has destroyed an island that went from a very prosperous place to live to the most poor country in the America's. He has separated families. Fidel has poured his gerrillas all over Latin America and now see what is happening in Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, etc. What is the world waiting for?.

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    Tue Jan 21 2003


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    Fri Jan 17 2003

    I'll give him this, he sure outlasted his enemies.

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    Thu Mar 21 2002

    Criminal totalitarian - hence, hero to Liberals.

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    Fri Mar 15 2002


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    Mon Nov 05 2001

    Castro is a suppressive dictator that carries out these merciless forms of government in the name of Marx and communism. It disgusts me that such totalitarian regimes still exist in the world today in which free choice is completely taken away and you are told what you can and can't do in regards to every aspect of everyday life.

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    Sat Nov 03 2001

    Miserable little twit. He has done nothing good for Cuba. I pity that poor little nation. The U.S. needs to do the right thing by Cuba, as we do with our other pet nations. Cuba is like the small pup that cannot care for itself. We must wean the pup of Castro, and raise the pup to be a strong nation of grand, powerful capitalism.

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    Fri Jul 27 2001

    Cubans are starting to like him. Wasn't ignorance what made the Garden of Eden so perfect?

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    Sun Mar 18 2001

    Certainly by now Castro should be able to see the error of his ways. Communism plainly does not work- especially, in Cuba. He should give his people a chance to live better and prosper by freeing them from the shackles of his backward system of self-absorbing, ego-glorifying mindless power; Dictatorship Communism. -----

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    Thu Feb 15 2001

    Castro is a communist butcher. To laud him for his educational and athletic programs ignores the big picture. I am concerned that we in America have had it so good for so long that we no longer appreciate those freedoms we have left to us. We've become accustomed to trading our rights for greater (perceived) safety, security and material well-being. We've come to accept infringements on our constitutional rights, which are occurring with increasing regularity. That's a dangerous tendency. Incidents such as Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez point out the dangers inherent in our increasingly powerful and brazen federal government. America is a republic - a nation of laws. When the government ceases to obey the law, that government ceases to be legitimate. Such is the case with Castro.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    He is a communist dictator, who leades thru intimidation. He got there thru waging war not an election. He should not be considered.

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    leader of a country with no liberty,no free elections, no freedom and a disastrous economy for the whole population population since l959.

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    Sat Mar 11 2000

    not even a good communist!

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    Fri Feb 25 2000

    Hey, you gotta respect a man who loves baseball!!

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    Fri Dec 03 1999

    He started out good--what happened. Cuba could have been a good country. But why are we afaid of him still ? If we wait until he dies, then there will be a power struggle to take control, and it will be the same as all the other former "RED" countries. Blood shed. I was in Cuba before Castro and they are wonderful people.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    Cuba is not a democratic paradise, but they have the highest living standards in Latin America as far as literacy, health and income distribution. Give those guys a break.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    Should have been assassinated a long time ago.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    Over 4 decades, the unfortunate cult of the personality may come to overshadow important facts. Before the revolution, Cuba was operated by the US as a brothel, gambling den ... why do you think people have revolutions? Why have the Cuban people supported their revolution for so long? They have the highest standard of living of any country outside the developed nations. I have been treated at a Cuban hospital. The Cuban medical system, at least 10 years ago before the vengeful and hateful US embargo (and other world economic conditions) really hit hard, was exponentially better than the US medical system. Life may not have been easy, but people didn't die of poverty in Cuba, and women lived with dignity.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    Despite the fact that their primary natural trading partner STILL refuses to deal with them, Cuba is still better off than most south american countries.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    He pauperized Cuba.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    This guy blows. He is an oppressive fool, but then there was Batista....Who was worse?

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    Wed Dec 01 1999

    Got to give the guy credit for his guts and staying power.

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    Mon Nov 29 1999

    I may not agree with his policies, but he has placed a focus on education for his people, and they live a decent life (food and home wise). Better than a lot of countries!

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    Mon Nov 29 1999

    I have respect for Castro, although I don't agree with his policies. Here is a man who through strength of personality alone has defied the most powerful country on the planet for decades. Also, during the heyday of socialism, he built a society with a strong focus on education and athletics, that once had one of the highest standards of living in the Caribbean.