
Online social media and social networking service owned by American company Meta Platforms Website

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    Sun Aug 25 2013

    Had a breakdown and jumped into the networking fray. Had to get Mom's pics, she uses it more than I do!

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    Tue Aug 06 2013

    I use facebook daily to connect to friends , and to know what is happening around me. its a great social site allowing us to chat with others around the glob and make friendship , discus anything we want etc. we can post pictures n videos to the site . the account is free

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    Sun Jul 28 2013

    Sevenk.co.uk is a good online dealer of all kinds of purses, bags and wallets for both men and women. These include mens wrist bags with combination locks, laptop bags, briefcases, binders, mens wallets, conference folders, pilot cases, wrist bags, attaché cases, computer cases, and leather look zipped binder etc. http://www.sevenk.co.uk/

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    Tue Jul 23 2013

    Yes Friend, Facebook is an a Social Website by using this site we can exchange our views all the our family members as well as the other friends too. I think the main advantage of this site is that, the security features provided on this site, more ever we can upload the images , videos on this site.

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    Mon Jul 22 2013

    I use to love facebook when it first came out. It was exclusive, it wasn't excessive, it didn't regulate content, and it was strickly for college students. Today, FB is just a fat bag of shit with far to many rules. I stay far away from FB

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    Sun Jul 14 2013

    Weight Loss Clinic Farwell When it comes to weight loss clinics in Farwell, California Medical Weight Management stands as the best. CalMWM offers three-step weight loss program that is carried out under expert supervision. http://www.calmwm.com/locations/farwell-tx

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    Tue Jun 18 2013

    Facebook is the most versitile social web site. It has email games apps all on a platform meant for friends and family to connect

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    Thu Jun 13 2013

    Today facebook is considered not as a social network but a garbage network. Facebook was started with the concept of love at first sight and dropped in favor of an open API through which you can easely use the data members of the site. Outrageous! I prefer to use sites closer to the people such as http://www.nice-people.be

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    Tue Jun 11 2013

    Originally launched as a networking service, Facebook.com is now open to anybody. It's a social networking service that helps you keep track of your friends. my comment on this is "best of rest following unity network"

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    Tue Apr 16 2013

    its awesome! i use it everyday to talk to my family & friends & even use it to waste time when im bored lol facebook is a great site it has connceted to many people. i even found the love of my life on there. we went to school together & ended up catching up on facebook & falling in love. thank you facebook for changing loves

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    Sun Apr 14 2013

    After making an account and proceeding to play one of the game applications that facebook has available i was completely clueless of how many fraudulent profiles are on facebook, Upon reporting the frauds to facebook nothing has been done to eliminate the potential breach of security also not mentioning the violation in facebook TOS. Upon adding new friends i became aware of most players of games have upwards of 5 to 10 fraudulent profiles, I have reported over 100 that i have came into contact with, facebook has yet to delete or suspend anyone, Had i known there was such a huge security issue i would have never made a profile. Facebook allows known frauds to remain basically to keep their ratings high on clicks and number of users which keeps them at or close to being the number one social website. In my opinion i find the website to be a huge security risk for anyone, I would not recommend joining because of the lack of supervision, lack of security,lack of enforcement on fake p... Read more

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    Sun Apr 14 2013

    A great easy to follow networking site that enables you to keep in contact with friends, it has lots of apps, games and groups to keep you interested. The downside is facebook seem to think they have a right to use you information and pictures for there own profitability without even consulting you, if you want there account then you have to accept it has part of there terms and conditions.

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    Sun Apr 14 2013

    On the upside: this is an excellent way to keep in touch with friends/family in your life. One login and you get status updates, pictures, and videos at the click of a button. In some ways, this is the only good way of keeping in touch with people who have moved away or changed numbers, etc. Also a good place to share your life and ideas and have your friends communicate with you about these topics. Particulary good place to look at cute pictures of your friends, their families, and their pets for a nice smile or chuckle. Starting an event and inviting others to it is also a good way to host events/parties/business ventures. Downside: privacy settings are highly important and the rules seem to be ever-changing so you never know what other people can view, exactly. Companies look at FB of potential job candidates so it is very important that people understand their privacy settings and how they may come across professionally. "Declining" a freind request is also awkward. And if you ... Read more

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    Mon Mar 04 2013

    I like facebook because I can keep up with friends both far and close. Sometimes in our busy lives we don't get to chat and hang out in person as much as we'd like so facebook facilitates that. Also I like that my friends can ask for prayer and have a very wide prayer chain for every need. I feel like it have brought me closer to some people and shown my some that I do not need to waste my time with too.

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    Sun Feb 24 2013

    Love Facebook!!

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    Tue Feb 19 2013

    For all that we complain about privacy invasions, almost no one seems to actually leave Facebook. It's addicting, and I love all the fanpages I can be a part of. Plus it makes it a lot easier to keep up with friends and family.

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    Sat Feb 09 2013

    It is a necessary evil some people might say. You can get addicted pretty fast, luckily I do not spend more than needed to chat on it any more.

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    Fri Feb 08 2013

    Again I say it is ok for those who enjoy the social networking sites. I don't care to join them.

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    Thu Feb 07 2013

    it's the best social website at world he is another world :D i love it so much

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    Wed Feb 06 2013

    The privacy options are desirable and connecting with people is always nice. For entertainment, I would go somewhere else. Most of the apps and games load very slowly, freeze while loading, or freeze mid-game, and slow down the internet speed or computer.

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    Tue Jan 22 2013

    Facebook nice

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    Sat Jan 12 2013

    Facebook is a great way to keep up to date with old college friends and recently made ones if they have an account.

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    Sun Nov 25 2012

    I made my face book account last year, when I was 11. Facebook is awesome

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    Tue Oct 30 2012

    I use fb everyday...nothing bad to say about it!

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    Tue Oct 30 2012

    Facebook is great for staying in touch with friends and family but the reality is that people are taking Facebook as their problem solvers. Don't get me wrong you can blog and post anything you wish it's yours but people get out of hand and posting private stuff about themselves and then when other put in opinions it causes trouble so people be careful what you post because others will take it against you!! Keep it clean and remember that kids that shouldn't be on Facebook are reading your post!!

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    Mon Oct 22 2012

    Really great you can connect with tons and tons of people that you may have never even thought of seeing again. The downside, all the games. Some of them are fun, but they are consistently trying to get you to buy stuff. However, it's not a big problem. I use Facebook every day to see what the world is up to.

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    Fri Oct 19 2012

    I have 9 brothers and sisters. Lol facebook is the only way we all connect

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    Tue Oct 16 2012

    I love my facebook. Its great for staying in touch with family near and far.

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    Wed Sep 19 2012

    i love fb

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    Thu Sep 08 2011

    Kamylienne says it all really. This is just another 'thing that everyone is doing', issue. I have friends that cannot sleep unless they have the newest telephone, computer, or whatever piece of tech is on the bleeding edge right now, just as I have friends who cannot live without going on FB about zillion times a day on their phones at home for hours or hell even when we're out having fun. Which brings me to my review of FB. Friends and I were out listening to a live band and I thought having a helluva time. When I got home and checked my email I saw a FB alert from one of the gals I was there with and so went to check it out, the whole thing was about what a skank the lead singer was, what a bunch of children all the guys in the group were for checking out this girl who probably had every STD in the universe and few new ones she made up. Just full on catty behavior that I'd never once heard from this person. Of course later that next day we got the age old cry of the coward, I was d... Read more

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    Wed Feb 23 2011

    I see Facebook as a fad and a non-productive timesink. Some use it to keep up with friends or family, but I prefer more direct means to do that, like the phone. Others use it for "networking". To that I say, get up off your butts and make something happen for yourself instead of looking for shortcuts like this that rarely yield to leads or dividends in the long haul. This site is total fluff, in almost every respect. From a business standpoint, Facebook has no real value, with no tangible assets or intellectual property (contrary to what their management would tell you). In fact, the only real asset that they have is not only intangible, but it is not owned by the company. That asset is the key driver to Facebook's success and it could disappear in a very short amount of time. It is buzz for the website--it is what has been responsible for the huge increase in new users. FB's earnings are based only on the size and strength of its user base, but that could change at any... Read more

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    The lady made me get it. It was a compromise for absolutely revolting sex acts that annoy the faithful. . ..the things you do for love. Overrated chick-nonsense whose wave of popularity will eventually fade as it becomes clear it's a method of gathering your personal data to sell you more shite. Look, it does have its uses - but there's a reason why it first caught on with high-strung Harvard chicks.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    It seems I may not have had quite the same feeling about this little vine when it first began to sprout. Like millions I signed up and, among other things, started observing the growth. It was amazing how many people cropped up. I would hesitate to say that this amazingly fast growing vine has now gotten to the point of actually choking users but, it is undeniably thick and, I would guess, a bit out of control. And, though it is a potential danger (especially if you ignore basic, common sense Internet safety rules) still doesn’t make it impossible to deal with. You really can limit what you put out there, block pests, limit people accordingly or, quit the site entirely. The part that kind of bugs me is the thought that, in a sense, adding various “friends” to your page is like filling a large room with a variety of people that I’m not entirely sure would be all that comfortable as guests at the exact same party.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    Any way to network can be a good thing. If you're looking for a quick invite to get people out for a weekend basketball game, if you're trying to promote your charity event, if you're trying to reach out to your contacts to see if anyone might be hiring. The drawback is that facebook can be a substitute for human contact. We can think it's connecting, but it's nowhere as valuable as meeting your friend at Starbucks for that lousy cup of coffee.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    I joined FB back in 2007 and I hate to admit this, but back then it was exciting to catch up with old friends and family and to see photographs of what they were doing. I was on there posting ridiculous status updates everyday without fail. My one rule to FB always applied and that was to only add people that I knew personally or had met. Then it went from exciting to downright tedious in the space of a few years. They changed the privacy settings which was annoying as everyday I got friend requests from some Joe Schmoe who I never heard of and people who I didn't want to see anything about me (including my profile picture) were able to. No point in blocking them I just had no interest in sharing any information about myself. Now it's a case that I no longer give a damn about what people choose to do in their lives and as time went on I became more and more picky as to who was trying to befriend me when I haven't spoken to that person in over ten years. Some people just add you ... Read more

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    I don't have a facebook account (it's okay, you'll live). My sister has a page, and I'll occasionally look at her page while she's on. Basically, her friends' page is composed of what most pages probably consist of: family we don't really like and 'friends' we wish we never knew. It's just a Pandora's box. Anyway, according to a report I saw on facebook, 1 out 12 people in the world have it. It's not really a fad, but I certainly hope people grow out of it. It just seems pretty lame.

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    Tue Feb 22 2011

    I tried to check out Facebook at one time with the consideration of registering for it. What I observed, I did not like. It just requires too much personal information to be a member, and the thought of this information being spread all over cyberspace does not appeal to me. It is one thing for administration to carry this information, and quite another to allow everyone in the world to see it. I simply don't care to open up a can of worms; therefore, I don't wish to register. UPDATE: Kamylienne and Bird808 have some really meaty reviews regarding Facebook. I mean, I know that every online community will have a few problems, but Facebook sounds like a big mess, to me, and more trouble than it's worth.

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    Mon Feb 21 2011

    I'm with Molfan on this one. To me, it is no different than being on a reality TV show. Once it's there, it's there, and can never be taken back.

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    Mon Feb 21 2011

    I reviewed Facebook some months ago when I first signed up for it at the behest of my birth mother. I didn't quite get the point of it then, but I figured--- Ah, what the hell. Now that I've been on it for a few months, I get the point less than I did when I first signed up for it. I'm embarrassed to admit that when I first signed up, I scrambled to "acquire" as many friends as I could. I'm also embarrassed to admit that some friends from the past, and even some family members, failed to confirm me when I asked them to be my "friend", which didn't do much for the always precarious state of my ego. Really? Family members don't want me as a "friend?" I shoulda known what I was getting into then. Currently, I have a fair number of friends and family on my "friends" list. When I want to communicate with them, I phone them, send them a regular email, or visit, like I used to do. I very seldom if ever communicate with them through Facebook. The point of having them on a "friends" list is...... Read more

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    Sun Feb 20 2011

    no thank you! Kamylienne wrote a very good review stating many of the reasons i do not want a facebook account. i do not want to have myself out there that much.

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    Sun Feb 20 2011

    I'm not convinced that having a Facebook account is a bad idea. While its true that I think Zuckerberg is a smarmy asshole that thinks he owns any scrap of info that his site gets a sniff of, everyone and their brother having a Facebook account has its advantages. I can get the word out to people about anything. Of late, I've managed to do some fundraising over Facebook for The American Cancer Society, so that's a plus. I also manage to entertain friends with a strange pic, song lyric, and my masterpiece in fucking around on Facebook, my '80s page which I call "Sometimes the '80s Attack." But there is a downside, of course. I would love to kick whoever created Farmville in the nuts, for instance. I've also had some stalker-ish stuff with this ex and the occasional "no, I don't want to friend you" moment. I also quit a group because they were just being dramatic bitches and I didn't need any of that. All in all, its a bit middle of the road for me, but everyone is there, you know?

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    Sat Feb 19 2011

    Do. Not. Want. Only recently did my sister stop asking me when I'm going to get a Facebook page. I knew it was a bad idea from the start, and I kept away from it. Other friends have bugged me about it, but I'm holding my ground. My husband broke down and got on Facebook, and I get to hear his regret stories. SOME of the reasons why I'm not on Facebook: 1) The family gossip. We all know one. The family member that will talk trash about every little pic you post behind your back. 2) The Facebook stalker. I have watched TWO girls from work look up their ex-boyfriends obsessively, months or years after the break up. That's just creepy. 3) The Addict. Some ex co-workers have kept up their Facebook page in the background, and even as the phones were ringing off the hook, they had to finish a comment. That makes ME have to do more work. 4) Old Friends who I have nothing in common with. Most of them would probably be fine. But I'm not willing to get the "post this st... Read more

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    Tue Feb 15 2011

    Meh, nothing really special. I'm on it to keep in touch with people I know over in Europe. Unfortunately, everyone from people I used to ignore in high school to my friend's friend's sister-in-law's second cousin (thrice removed) seems to want to add me. I'm either a very charming guy, or they're starving for Facebook friends and want to make a huge list out of people who've ever said 2 words to them. I also can't help but think that some of these people are creepy stalkers.

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    Fri Sep 24 2010

    Facebook started off slowly, but suddenly, last December it began to take over from MySpace. I have over a thousand Facebook "friends", a few of whom I actually know personally.

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    Fri Sep 24 2010

    The initial appeal of the site was reconnecting with friends and family from afar who you hadn't spoken to in a long time, in some cases decades for me. But that lasted about 6 months and I really only maintain contact with two or three old friends in other cities with whom I would have otherwise have completely lost touch. I haven't added more than a handful of new friends in the last year or so. I've long ago run out of interesting things to post in terms of my status and what's going on in my life. I more or less ignore that part of the site, although I'll post one or two good photos after a vacation or event. Today I basically use it as a utility. It's my social calendar/e-mail service. Most of my social group have pages and we e-mail, message and post on one anothers pages. I keep apprised of what's going on at about a half dozen music venues that I frequent. I also get posts and notices from the facebook page of a handful of favourite musicians.

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    Fri Sep 24 2010

    The site has lost much of its initial appeal, like running into old friends. I still like my cigar feeds that come in. I might log on a few times a week.

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    I joined it recently to keep in contact with my son, who is currently living in Ireland. It allows me to chat, and see the pictures he posts. That benefit aside, the site is garbage. A pain in the ass to navigate, and I keep getting bombarded by invitations to join Vampire Clans, and letting me know that I have a secret crush in Mobile Alabama.