
Strategy board game set in Frank Herbert's Dune universe, published by Avalon Hill in 1979 Website

Approval Rate: 52%

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  • by


    Sat Jun 12 2010

    Of course,the book was better.The movie wasn't all bad,though- just too friggin long.I loved the part when Sting was floating around !

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    Sat Jun 12 2010

    I loved this movie, and I know it's awful. The new one with Charlize Theron playing... I guess someone attractive? might be good, but I keep hearing awful things. Oh, and it might be in 3-d! Oh, boy.

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    Wed Jun 10 2009

    This was pretty bad, but I saw it again lately and it grows a little. You always know that a film is a stinker when it has a long narrative to bring you up to speed as to what is going on. That happens towards the beginning of "Dune." Think of Donald Sutherland spinning out the conspiracy. for twenty minutes, in "JFK" or the English dude doing the same in "Da Vinci Code." When you see that happening, figure out a scheme to get your money back.

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    Wed Jun 10 2009

    I think after seeing this movie I was left with endless amounts of stupidity floating about in what was suppose to be my brain. Horrible acting, horrible story, horrible EVERYTHING. I've had better experiences getting into collisions & being in the hospital. PLEASE don't waste any time watching this movie. Seriously... or ceiling cat will get you.

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    Every one had huge expectations for this and it did not come close. I am pretty sure that Dino De Lautentus (sp) had some thing to with this as it was over produced. The acting was great but the dialog was terrible.

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    Thu Sep 22 2005

    Hey Jamie, don't feel bad, I like this movie as well. It was weird and uncomfortable in ways but some of the concepts intrigued me. Like the Harkonnens whose views on pleasure and beauty were so perverse, cultivating skin diseases was high fashion.

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    I enjoyed reading Dune in college and looked forward in the movie. When it first came out, being desperate for the company of a nice young lady, I bought a pair of tickets for the midnight showing and went to a nightclub in the premise that I would interest a lady to come join me for Dune. That didn't work out and I ended up going to the movie by myself (with an extra ticket in my pocket). Whether because I was drunk or outright bored, I zonked out after the first half hour and woke up just in time to see the knife fight between Kyle Mclachlan and Sting. When Sting bleeted out the line I WILL KILL HIM!!! I laughed like a nut job [I took great pleasure in the dudes from Mystery Science Theater 3000 always making fun of that line too]. Two days later, i cajoled my brother in seeing Dune. What do you know, I slept through it again. I WILL KILL HIM!!!

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    Sun Feb 06 2005

    Watching Sting act was pretty funny, and the movie drags for a long time. . .but I don't think it's nearly as bad as people think.

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    Sun Feb 06 2005

    I am going to get flammed, but I like this film.

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    Fri Feb 04 2005

    I'm a Frank Herbert fan, or at least a fan of this book, but this movie is a travesty, both of the book and of sci-fi in general. This is to movies what dysentary is to your colon.

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    Sat Dec 13 2003

    It's definately up there! I heard a comment once that anything that De Laurentis touches turns to s**t. Unfair? Well, the book is wonderful, it's full of spiritualism and ideas of enlightenment. Unfortunately the film to me has failed to convey these concepts and just left me with annoying choir music ringing in my ears. To compare the book to the film would be like comparing a gourmet meal in a restaurant to a mouldy, half eaten kekab! I would've given it 5, but I'm sure there are worse films, even if I can't think about them at the moment

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    Wed Oct 22 2003

    watched it for 10 minutes and got frustrated and changed the channel!

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    Tue Sep 30 2003

    Considering how momentous the book was, I think the film was very good. I think you have to be a Frank Herbert fan to appreciate this.

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    Wed Sep 24 2003

    Although the production ultimately fails it's still interesting to watch. I liked Jose Ferrer as Shaddam IV and the spice pilot/navigator was really cool. I thought it was a good effort at least.