Donald Trump Reviews | RateItAll

Donald Trump

American politician, media personality, and businessman who served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021 Website

Approval Rate: 47%

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    Thu Jul 13 2023

    I'm not sure if I like or hate this man :p

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    Wed May 15 2024


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    Sun Mar 31 2024


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    Thu Jul 13 2023

    Weird guy

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    Thu May 19 2011

    In May, 2011, he announced that he is not running. This was a bad day for the news media.

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    Wed Apr 27 2011

    *coughs "publicity stunt"*

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    Tue Apr 19 2011

    Give it up! I can see him maybe becoming Pres. if the USA was a small, corrupt, South American or African country. He has such wacky ideas, I think he offends people from all political parties.

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    Thu Apr 07 2011

    It's at least refreshing to know that one candidate would be candid and honest. "Donald Trump appeared on the "Today" show on Thursday morning to talk to Meredith Vieira in another stop on his media blitz tour. Vieira wondered whether, if he were president, he'd keep a military presence in Iraq. "I would absolutely, without question, not leave that section of that country," he said. "I would take the oil. To the victor belong the spoils. You know, in the old days, you'd have a war. And you'd be in there. And you'd win. And you'd take over the country. Whether it’s oil or gold or whatever." "

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    Fri Jan 07 2011

    This country needs a megalomaniacal blueblood plutocrat with a bad rug as much as the world needs an album of Hendrix covers by Barenaked Ladies.

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    Fri Aug 27 2010

    It's hard to take a man seriously when he wears a chunk of dead Yak hide as a hair piece.

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    Mon Aug 16 2010

    This country needs leadership with balls.Good money management and smarts to pick people under him that get results done.Not for race,sex or politics.This country needs someone who understands success,not excusess.Sorry about the balls part,but the U.S. better start showing some !

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    Mon Aug 16 2010

    Laughable idea. Which probably means someone on the GOP National Committee is thinking over the possibilities right now.

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    Awesome person

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    Mon Mar 24 2008

    about a 3.5. not much to look at. guess money can marry him a model for a wife. better watch what i say wouldn't want him to "fire me"

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    Mon Mar 24 2008

    he is ugly

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    Sun Mar 09 2008

    Its not so much he is ugly as he always has a bad hair day!

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    Tue Sep 04 2007

    PROOF that money and power and age ALWAYS take a backseat to looks. You are lucky should you stumble across someone with power, whose filthy rich, AND is eye candy.Donald probably knows he's ugly, as is the catastrophe on his head, but he'll be ugly all the way to the bank.

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    Mon Sep 03 2007

    His face is pretty bad but when it comes to Trump its really about the hair.

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    Sat Jul 29 2006

    If it weren't for Donald Trump's perpetual scowl and endless bad hair days, he probably wouldn't be that ugly; however, as Trump obviously craves the public eye, he's fair game for this list. Nevertheless, Trump does evidence that money can buy beauty (at least in a spouse). Donald John Trump, Sr. was born June 14, 1946 in New York City.

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    Sat Dec 10 2011

    Mixed feelings on Donald Trump. While I like Trump in terms of economics, I do not care for him on foreign policy. I heard him say on C-SPAN months ago basically saying that we shouldn't be in Iraq and the North & South Korean border unless we're going to be getting something out of it. It costs a million dollars just to start up a aircraft carrier (so he says) and we're over there protecting some of these countries or providing weapons, aid, etc. but are getting nothing in return. He says, if we're going to help out some of these countries like Libya for example then why don't we negotiate for half their oil. That would be the trade-off for helping them out with their evil dictator. He's basically had a similar stance like that for a number of foreign countries and I think he is credible in terms of economics. Where I disagree though has been on Iran. Why is it necessary to prevent them from having nuclear weapons when everyone surrounding Iran already has nuclear capability... Read more

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    Thu Apr 21 2011

    Donald Trump may be one of the richest men in the United States and has the experience in construction and the real estate of major buildings and skyscrapers including resorts and golf courses, but I do not believe he has the political experience to become President of the United States. I think Donald Trump is fine in the corporations he is in now, however, if he would like to expand the land The White House is on, he could move buildings to do it. How about a spacious estate for the Vice-President and family? As of April 2011, Donald Trump has mentioned he wants to know the truth of President Obama's birth certificate and why he does not want it released publicly. This may be a publicity stunt to help Trump's current NBC tv series, Celebrity Apprentice. If Donald Trump is serious about running for President in 2012, we will have to wait and see.

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    Tue Apr 29 2008

    Trump should get rid of that piece of roadkill on his head.