Denzel Washington

American actor and filmmaker Website

Approval Rate: 81%

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    Wed Feb 24 2010

    Denzel is a great actor .He is among the guys who given raws of being as nice guys in the most of the movies,but in the movie .THE TRAINING DAY.he was the bad guy and he proved it that he can do the bad guy character also.

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    Mon Feb 16 2009

    His acting now is much better than it was on St. Elsewhere. I especially liked him in American Gangster.

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    Mon Jan 26 2009

    good actor i just dont like him...

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    Fri Nov 21 2008

    Denzel and his sexy overbite are the business. Great in Cry Freedom, John Q, the Hurrican and heaps of other things I can't remember right now. Has a screen presence that compels you to watch! Update: Watch Inside Man - cool movie with both Denzel & Clive Owen together in one movie, yum, Yum!

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    Mon Oct 20 2008

    Sickenly talented. AWESOME in Malcolm X

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    Sun Oct 12 2008

    good actor but should've won the oscar for malcolm x not training day

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    pcp...angel dust....smoke it.

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    Mon Jul 21 2008

    He is a force to be reckoned with

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    the bone collector

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    Sun Jun 01 2008

    Sorry but I think he is over rated.

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    Wed May 07 2008

    So good he even makes me want to watch the bad movies he's in

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    Fri Apr 11 2008

    One of the few great actors out there

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    A excellent actor, i've never seen him do a bad job.

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    Wed Apr 09 2008

    To me it always seems that Denzel is just playing Denzel.Only in "Training Day" and "Devil in a Blue Dress" did he seem to step out of that pattern.

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    Thu Apr 03 2008

    Another one that has really evolved over the years...he was young and new in Glory and did a great job. I wish he had gotten a supporting actor nomination/Oscar for his role as the ambulance chasing lawyer in Philadelphia.....and in Remember the Titans he proved he was good at a leading role too.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    He'd be just another actor if he wasn't chosen as the posterchild for Affirmative Action in Hollywood.  The way they just gave him an Oscar for that crap performance in Training Day was a complete joke.  Kurt Russell in Dark Blue was ten times better than Denzel, but since Kurt is white, he didn't receive any consideration.  Seems like a pompous ass, just like every character he plays.  All the same.

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    Sun Mar 09 2008

    For those who said over-rated about Hanks, Pacino and De Niro ~ Denzel is WAY OVERRATED!  He is a decent enough actor (should not have beat out Crowe for that Oscar!), but he is the same no matter what role he is playing.  I couldn't tell the difference in character from Training Day to Preachers Wife.  Yes, he is definitely easy on the eyes, and that smile can melt any heart ~ but what does he have that any other actor doesn't?  He is Ok, but not spectacular, at least to me.

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    Sat Mar 08 2008

    Extremely overrated, I really dont see any redeeming qualities in this man at all.

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    Fri Aug 24 2007

    All respect to Denzel, both as a great actor and a true American patriot.

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    Fri Aug 24 2007

    One of the best leading men of the modern era. Very versatile and never does a bad job.

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    Tue Sep 12 2006

    One word describes that man: Dynamic. He's truly one of a kind. Like most actors, it's hard to describe in detail why he's so fun to watch. He just is.

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    Sun Aug 13 2006

    I don't think I've watched a film (of his) that I haven't liked. He's an amazing actor, with the ability to play a wide variety of parts. I just love watching him...

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    Sun Aug 13 2006

    Fantastic actor, one of if not the best out there. John Q, Training Day, Malcolm X... need I say more? He is uncanny.

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    Sat Jun 24 2006

    one of the best i have seen an enjoy watching doing it.

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    Mon Apr 03 2006

    is he an actor?

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    Mon Apr 03 2006

    Yes, he's made more than his share of crap over the past few years, but I still think of him as one of the better, more accomplished actors currently working in Hollywood. I know Tom Hanks won the Oscar for "Philadelphia" but I thought Washington gave a far superior and subtle performance in that film (not to take anything away from Hanks, but I thought he did a good, not a great, job). And he was extraordinary in "Training Day"; never before have I seen evil portrayed with such seemingly good-natured insouciance. And he was the most memorable part of the film "Glory". While I had some problems with "Malcolm X" as a film (Spike Lee just doesn't know the meaning of the word "Edit"), Washington tranformed himself into Malcolm X on the screen. It was one of the most magnificent instances of cinematic necromancy I've ever seen. That, for me, is always the sign of a truly great actor...when they can play the part of well-known real-life character and make us forget we're watching an actor p... Read more

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    Mon Apr 03 2006

    Yes, he's Hollywood- but still a talent. As a young actor, check out the terrific "A Soldier's Story" and see him before he was ever famous.

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    Wed Mar 08 2006

    Good actor, boring movies, although he was amazing in Training Day.

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    Wed Jan 04 2006

    I enjoy watching Denzel Washington and believe he is a pretty good actor. I don't consider him to be great but then he still has time to change my mind. I couldn't thoroughly enjoy him in Training Day because I really hated the movie. I am not certain an Oscar for that role was legitimate. But I look at is as a make-up for being passed in Malcolm X. His Oscar for Glory was completely valid. But what I really loved him in was Man On Fire. He is 100% believable as a drunk with an extremely hard exterior who finally gets his heart touched by a young girl he grows to genuinely love and protect. I am waiting to see more but it seems like he alternates between great movies and horrible ones. And I would like to see a bit more range. I fear he is falling into that "one character role" as most actors do after they have been around for some time.

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    Fri Dec 30 2005

    He is a great fello and unholds his ethicity in a brilliant way

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    The best actor ever but i believe he should've gotten more than just two oscar's.

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    Sun Dec 18 2005

    one of the most overrated actors of our time.

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    Tue Dec 13 2005

    Does all his performances outstanding, especially his role in John Q, which unfortunatly was kind of swept under the rug.

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    Sat Oct 29 2005

    One my all time favorites.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    He is a good actor. But his bitching and moaning over not winning the Oscar for "The hurricane" was just too much. Dropped a notch in my book.

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    Thu Oct 20 2005

    great great great!!!!!!!!!!

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    Sat Sep 10 2005

    Pretty good actor but always tends to have the same role in every movie. Get some range boy!

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    Tue Aug 23 2005

    Malcom X is the best acting performance by anyone ever. Watch it again its incredible.

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    Tue Aug 09 2005

    He's Number One on my list. What a presence, what a talent!

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    Mon Jun 27 2005


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    Thu May 19 2005

    hes a very talented actor.when he first started starring in movies i thought he was heading more towards the action movie hero and even though he has done a few roles like that hes a dramatic actor and his best movie are in that category

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    Mon May 02 2005

    Good in everything he does. Should have won Oscar for Malcolm X. One of the best actors of today. Commanding presence n every role. Julia Roberts lobbied on his behalf for Oscar for Training day.

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    Wed Apr 20 2005

    Great actor. Pumps ut movies like a mad man. Would like to see him on the stage

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    Tue Apr 12 2005

    He is a great actor. I am drowned in his movies because he is so real. He plays the part beautifully in each of his roles. Really, he deserves oscars. If you see him, tell him, Rock on!

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    A great actor! I have seen his work since he was on St. Elsewhere.He is good in every role he does. I liked him in Philidelphia,the Hurricane,and Remember the Titans.I think he will be around for a long time.

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    loved him in Man On Fire!

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    Tue Mar 01 2005

    Overrated. Something in the way he moves his mouth is annoying to me. He has talent but it's often predictable.