Chutes and Ladders Reviews | RateItAll

Chutes and Ladders

Board game for two or more players regarded today as a worldwide classic Website

Approval Rate: 87%

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  • by


    Thu Apr 07 2011

    Hasbro seems to go strong on the multi ethnic and pro-black agenda on the chutes and ladders book game I have here, on the board I can count as many as EIGHT black kids, I will throw away this game and complain to HASBRO for inverse racism

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    Wed May 12 2010

    Great game for moms to play because it requires no strategy thus she can play the role of mother whilst killing the white zinfandel in a glorious moment of multitasking.

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    Mon May 08 2006

    While its not much fun for anyone over the age of 5 a classic childhood game like this should have a higher rating. I give it five stars.

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    Sun May 07 2006

    I know i berated checkers for being simple, but i just cant say anything bad about this game. I dont know, it just has a certain quality to it i just love. Takes me back to childhood i guess.

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    Tue Jan 03 2006

    Loved this game as a kid. Takes a long time sometimes though, as that top row is loaded with slides.

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    If it's the same as Snakes & Ladders, great.........wonderful board game to use in Lunatic asylums, keeps their minds active.

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    Another kid's classic! Not as good as Candyland but great nonetheless.

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    Mon Aug 30 2004

    It's more of a game for kids who've graduated CandyLand. But it's still not bad.

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    Fri Mar 19 2004

    Not just fun for kids either. A simple and creative concept that doesn't drag on for too long.

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    Tue Mar 02 2004

    I have nothing but the fondest memories of Chutes and Ladders. I remember getting this game as a gift from my parents when I was about five or six (after losing my first baby tooth). I highly recommend this game for youngsters five through nine years of age. It teaches the benefits of good behavior and the consequences of bad behavior, yet in such a way that it's still fun for small children. Any game that can be both entertaining and educational isn't half that bad. Parents, help get your little ones off to a good start on the road to growing up -- play Chutes and Ladders with them.

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    Mon Mar 01 2004

    If you're about 8, this is fun. Otherwise I'd give it a miss.

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    Tue Apr 22 2003

    Another game I think everyone had a child!! It was a great way to learn your numbers and as Chicago Girl said, life's lessons, it also showed that you should never give up!

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    Mon Mar 31 2003

    About a 3.5. One of the first games that children usually play. there is not skill involved here just a roll of the dice decides the players fate.Not a fun game for the child who lands on the ladder when they are almost toward the finish line and have to slide all the way down. Easy to learn.

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    Wed Jan 29 2003

    Great game. Why? Great pictures, easy rules. As a kid, I actually enjoyed sliding down the chutes...that always seemed more fun, even though it set you spouse, not a native speaker of english, found the game great for its simplicity and fun. Plus, you don't have to worry about a bunch of rules....just spin and go. For the price, few games are better.

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    It was a great learning game when I was growing up and I believe it can stand the test of time.

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    Fri Dec 20 2002

    This is one of my favorite games if it is for kids.

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    Wed Sep 05 2001

    A wonderful, gentle game for small ones who also learn to count in sequential order. I'm 31 years old and I'll play this game on-line with my wife. Perfect for the child in all of us, and a great stress-free game, too!

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    Tue Apr 10 2001

    Chutes and Ladders was fun when I was 4 years old, and it's still fun to play today.

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    Mon Jan 15 2001

    This was always my favorite game as a child. Now as an adult I bought this game for my nephw and always buy this game for "toys for tots" at Xmas time. I think SamIam is bitter. Does she like Candyland or does she have resentment for that game as well? :)

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    Tue Dec 12 2000

    This is a good game for kids because in a way it helps build their preliminary math skills. It is also good because it teaches kids a lesson that they are able to use in life, which is sometimes you get a break(a ladder) and are able to move up in "the game", and sometimes you hit a rough part(the chute) and have to start all over again, but either way you finish.

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    Mon Dec 11 2000

    I used to play this game with my Mom for hours at a time, hoping just once that I would land on that big ladder which led all the way to the top. I love all the different cartoons in all the boxes showing cause and effect. I can still remember box 100, the last box, with the big blue first prize ribbon.

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    The luck involved was not really was demons possessing the dice!

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    Wed Mar 15 2000

    It does help children learn to count.

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    Wed Feb 09 2000

    In Norway we call it 'The Ladder Game'. To be so simple & to let the players use so little strategy, it's the perfect game! But I still prefer more advanced strategy games...

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    Tue Feb 08 2000

    Next to Candy Land, this is the best little kid game.

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    Tue Feb 08 2000

    Yea whatever, I have an awful lot of resentment for this game.. I am not quite sure why. Maybe because i NEVER won..and I ALWAYS..EVERY SINGLE TIME landed on that one stupid space that led to the huge slide from the top of the board to the bottom. I am not even sure I ever actually finished a game..I think I kept going around in a circle. Screw chutes and ladders..My husband will have to play it with our kids.