
Dairy product produced in wide ranges of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein Website

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    Sat Oct 13 2012

    Ithink anything will taste good with chees ilove all kind of it and ilike to try new tastes.....

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    Thu Sep 15 2011

    I have yet to meet a style of cheese that I dislike, although some are clear favorites. I'm having a little trouble with the "strangeness" of cheese as a menu item though. What kind of button-down, white bread upbringing did the listmaker have, that they think stuff like cheese, fish and chips and pizza are "strange?"

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    Sun Jun 19 2011

    I love cheese! Especially Swiss and Cheddar. If I eat any more cheese, than I would be a mouse by now.

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    Sun Mar 20 2011

    Is cheese really a strange food? In which country? I like the cheese from France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. There so many types, I cannot even list them. I like Cheddar, fresh goat's milk chèvre, Parmesan, Taleggio, Pecorino, Burrata, Edam, Gouda, Maasdam, Emmental, Gruyère, Herve, Raclette, Stinking Bishop and many other.

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    Fri Feb 05 2010

    I don't think there is a country in the World that would consider this 'strange.' If you know of any let me know because I would like to learn. There are several different kinds of Cheeses so you can theoretically have a different kind for every Meal and it would compliment what you were having.

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    Fri Feb 05 2010

    I was in Holland last year and they eat the heck out of cheese. A lot of Dutch people have bread and cheese for breakfast and for lunch, every day. They have an amazing plethora of all kinds of cheese to choose from that is all delicious. You will never find processed cheese in a market in Holland, I don't think they would even recognize it. And they have those black and white cows everywhere too, I guess that's how they make their awesome cheese.

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    I'ma colby jack fan myself. We buy blocks of it, mostly for shredding onto salads, pizza, nachos etc...but...I'll slice it from the block and eat cheese cubes. It's a nice little snack and healthy too.

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    Wed Apr 25 2007

    Cheddar. The shaper the better.

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    Thu Jun 22 2006

    Mmmmm...I love feta, cheddar, Swiss, bleu, mozzarella...just about any kind of cheese!

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    Wed Feb 22 2006

    Cheese will forever be deeeeeelicious! ROFL! Thanks for the lovely cheese song, Iggy! Wow. A lot of people heart cheese.

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    Wed Feb 15 2006

    Love cheese! Big fan of the Italian cheeses like Parmesean, Mozerella, Provelone, Ricotta and I usually put an extra helping on my plate. Cheddar is another one of my favorites. Not a big fan of the pungent stinky ones though.

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    Love most kinds of cheese! I am a cheese fanatic! Another great thing about my time in France was the cheese!

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    I think the comments from aDios are the first positive ones I've ever heard regarding cheese, which I love, but which I've regarded during my adult life as something to be avoided if possible. There's a history of high cholesterol in my family, and cheese supposedly is one of the must-avoid items (or, in my case, should-avoid items). A friend of mine eats no red meat, no dairy, and his cholesterol is fine. It's a trade-off, I guess. My grandmother ate everything, but everything in moderation, and she lived until she was 105. Redd Foxx once said he was going to continue eating the foods he loved- pork, steak, cheese, etc.- because "you're going to feel like a damn fool laying up in the hospital dying from nothin'."

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    There's a lot of variety here:from sharp to mild,aged,smoked etc.I like cheddar and pepper jack in omlettes,provalone on subs,swiss on rye bread... I could go on but that would be cheesy!

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    Mon Feb 13 2006

    another food with so many different varities to choose from. so much can be done with cheese.goes well on sandwhiches, on crackers, cassereroles. by themselve for a snack. most of us can find a flavor we like the most.

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    Mon Feb 13 2006

    Mmmmm! There may be a few of the hundreds of kinds out there that I don't like but not many. I almost always have a package of shreaded cheese on hand. And, it has the added benefit of being one of the few things that will make my dogs mind no matter what. They have been known to stop chasing squirrels when they hear the words, "Want some CHEESE." Talk about the power of cheese!

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Pepper Jack grilled chesse sandwich!

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Cheese makes a good portion of items on this list what they are. Cheeseburbers? Italian food? All of these need cheese to be what they are!

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Grilled cheese sandwiches, Quesadillas, Nachos, Cheeseburgers, chili cheese dogs, fondue, pizza, etc... We can't live without it.