Barack Obama Reviews | RateItAll

Barack Obama

American former politician who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017 Website

Approval Rate: 62%

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    Tue Dec 28 2010

    for everyone who commented on my previous review i would like to apologize. I would also like to inform you that you were part of a social experiment. i simply wanted to see how people would react to a negative statement about america's leader. for everyones information i am a college student studying psychology and sociology. for those who thought i was a "no count piece of trash and another moron to join the site" you are sadly mistaken. i happen to think that obama is a good leader. not a good politician but a good morale booster for america. he symbolizes change which is something america truly needs at this time. so i respectfully ask that you forgive me for my actions.

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    Sun Dec 12 2010

    He is the best thing US could have as president at that moment Not saying there were a bunch of great options, but all things considered.. he was the right one for the job

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    Sat Oct 02 2010

    Never again! Should have voted republican. Mc Cain and Palin would have been so much better. This president just spends and spends and taxes and doesn't seem to get us anywhere but deeper in the hole. I saw this coming, things are always more successful with a rebulican president, look at history as the economy tanks everytime we vote for a democrat.

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    Wed Jun 16 2010

    I remember distinctly that a journalist in "The Guardian" newspaper called Hannah Pool wrote an article as to why she approached Barack Obama's presidency into the White House with such trepidation much to the annoyance of many Londoners: A part of me agreed with her article as it was reminiscant of what happened to Tony Blair back in 1997 when Labour won the land-slide vote over the Conservatives and how people had such high hopes after what Britain had become under John Major and Magaret Tatcher. Blair turned out to be one of the worst prime ministers Britain has ever seen which was a shadow from what we saw when the general voting public laid their hopes on his shoulders back in 1997. I hate to say it, but Hannah Pool is now the one coming out of this smelling like roses as I'm now beginning to watch the American public in the same way turn on Obama. This BP oil spill is the lining in the coffin. Second ter... Read more

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    Mon Feb 22 2010

    I think that obama is one of the worst presidents in us history. he shut down alot of jobs and the unemployment rate is way to high. instead of improving the us he destroyed it. and now he wants to raise the price of the healthcare forum to 950 million money which we dont have to spend. our deficit is the worst in the nations history and hw just wants to spend more. he claims to create more jobs but we yet to see it.

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    Mon Jan 25 2010

    halebopbop13 , From the way you speak I would think you are on welfare.I have meet people on welfare who speak with more class then you .Its nice that people like you who probably voted for Bush I would guess can't see whats happening in the world around them.The company's closing around them.People who have worked for company's for years now out of work.I hope some day you lose your job and end up on welfare and then you will see a lot of the people on welfare were once hard working people hit by the economy and trying hard to get back to where they once were.Maybe if more people who had more would take the time to help others with less they could see the true golden rule .Maybe you and your family should volunteer in a soup kitchen.Then you will learn a truly valuable lesson in life.I didn't vote for Obama nor do I care much for him but blaming people who lost there jobs due to the economy and now on welfare... Read more

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    Wed Dec 09 2009

    He is not American :/

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    Fri Dec 04 2009

    I don't know about other presidents but I can't praise Obama and Obama administration enough. My newly immigrated friends spent nearly half million dollars on a fraud case and they lost their case in court. I wrote an e-mail to White House, immediately they sent FBI and DA to assist re-investigate their case and any related cases. They are so efficient! My many thanks to president Obama and his adminitration.

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    Fri Dec 04 2009

    President Obama granted an ailing six year old girl's wish. She wanted to meet Obama and she got to meet him in the White House. The President gave her a box of M&Ms and a yo-yo that were both emblazoned with the Presidential seal. The girl was later given a tour of the East Wing where she made a wish at the Holiday tree. It's nice that this very sick girl got her wish. We should all pray for this ailing girl to get well.

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    Sat Nov 21 2009

    Not qualified yet. Indecisive. Dishonest.

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    Sun Sep 06 2009

    It didn't bother me when Reagan Addressed the Nations Schoolchildren. Nor did it bother me When Bush spoke to the Kiddies. It doesn't bother me that Obama is doing the Same. They are all mistaken if they Think that Children give half a Shit about politics. Children just parrot their Parents beliefs, and his Speech isn't going to sway them in any Significant way. Besides, by the time these little Bastards are old enough to Vote, this one-timer President will be long gone. The Joke is ultimately on Him.

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    Wed Sep 02 2009

    He is FABULOUS!

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    Wed Jun 17 2009

    *Update* Our Republic is slowly fading away into an Oligarchy led by the head tyrant Obama, with Reid, Pelosi and Obama's cabinent of Czars and tax evaders. We are going down a path that Franklin, Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison and Adams tried to prevent. This reminds me of ancient Rome, only Obama is not a Caesar, although in his mind he probably feels like he is on the same level of a Caesar. (OM)More government control, more expensive social programs, more tax payer dollars going to the U.N., more restrictions on gun owners, more bogus environmental laws that will keep us dependent on foreign oil, we will begin drifting closer and closer to International Law and the loss of our sovernity, higher taxes, probably we will see expanded affirmative action and racial quotas and college preferences for minorities and you can believe much more hate speech and hate crime laws! This will not be good for our nation.

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    Fri Jun 12 2009

    Am i so glad that Bush has gone (but he was in far longer than he deserved to be). As for Barack Obama? I say, give him a chance. It is too early to judge him so harshly and negatively. Only time will tell whether he delivers or not. I think he is something different, something completely new and has a lot of potential. I have faith in him.

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    Mon Apr 13 2009

    The most gullible President in history ,even beats Jimmy Carter on that (no easy task) Obama, an ideological extremist (check The Congressional Review on his Senate votes if you doubt that) is simply far over his head with his current job. Senate Majority Leader Reid and House Speaker Pelosi manipulate him constantly, and are the real Co Presidents of this country. Obama is just the public face of political power in America. The spending he is pushing will result in a devaluation of our money and hyper inflation. That affects every citizen of The USA. Foreign leaders have him like a puppet on a string, manipulating him constantly. Now that Iran,Sudan,The Taliban,and North Korea don't take him seriously, and just dismiss him as irrelevant, the weak defense policies of Obama are something other countries pick up on very quickly. Obama is clueless on several important areas, (Energy,Economics, Accounting/Budget) are the biggest dangers Obama brings on the USA. Merely being a community... Read more

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    Wed Apr 01 2009

    Oh Boy are we in for a ride! Spending Americans money like its going out of style. Bale out of Rich people wasting most their money on jet fuel hmm what else oh lets elimnate the right to bare Arms. Who cares if its in the constitution those old guys didnt know what they where doing anyway. While where at it lets legalize murder but call it abortion and support Gay rights, who ever herd of marriage being created for a man and women. Sorry if you don't like my sarcastic opinion dont mean to expose the worlds so called Savior?? Americans got what they wanted and before time they will really see what they got like it or not! However He is our president and therefore I will pray that God gives him wisdom and direction to guide this country..Never hear any liberal say that......

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    Thu Jan 08 2009

    I am proud of President Barack Obama for using the Spirit of Kunjua Spirituality to guide his rise to the Presidency and inspire a World Wide reaction to the power of Hope!

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    Wed Jan 07 2009

    just another politician

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    Wed Jan 07 2009

    Nothing more than an empty suit like George Bush, with a whole team of shadow government above and behind him. He's an Illuminati pawn no less than any previous president lately.

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    Tue Dec 30 2008

    good job

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    Fri Dec 19 2008

    He will be worst president in the history! I believe it.  (I'm sorry I gave best rating because my sister forced me to set with high ratings about she need afford on her college, oh well.)

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    Fri Dec 19 2008

    The country is in for a disappointment with this guy.

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    Tue Dec 09 2008


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    Sat Dec 06 2008

    The man is a crook and a liar.  He is a Muslim.  Thanks to the stupid white women vote, we now have the most liberal resident ever and will be worse than Jimmy Carter.  Michelle Obama is the most militant hater of the USA.  Nice to have that as a first lady.  We just weakened a country by voting Obama in.

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    Sat Dec 06 2008

    Proof just how stupid my fellow Americans are.

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    Sat Nov 29 2008

    Excuse me if I’m not drinking the (myopic, change, hope) Kool-Aid just yet. I am not a believer, but I will keep an open mind. (For the record wasn’t a big fan of John McCain either)  I don’t want to hear Democrat this, or Republican that I want results I don’t care which political party it comes from.Barack Obama is our president elect and I hope he is very successful, I hope he is the best president we have ever had. We defiantly need change in Washington; my concern is that he is not really change. Sure he’s a fresh face, but he’s surrounding himself with Washington insiders. He is a politician so my expectations are not in the sky, his eloquent speeches are just talk at this point, and if he can deliver I’ll be pleasantly surprised. However there will be plenty of time for criticism if he doesn’t deliver. He is going to be President of The United States Of America, so I wish him the very best and hope he can change not only my opinion, but business as usual in Washington.

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    Fri Nov 28 2008

    The now 44th president of the United States :)

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    Wed Nov 19 2008

    Just be thankful that McSame didn't get in office.  It would have been 4 more years of hell.  We needed change!

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    Thu Nov 13 2008

    It has been  brought to my attention that someone has been posting on this site under mutiple names, spouting the same stuff that all of the red necks have been saying for years. GIVE THE MAN A CHANCE! Just wait and see what happens and then if your right then you can spout your crap. Although he does have some valid points, his intentions are all but good. Lets just see what happens.

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    Thu Nov 13 2008

    I don't know if he'll be a good president or not.. hopefully he'll be able to do at least most of those things he was hyping up during his campaign though.  But one thing I'm certain of, they better step up security for this guy.  I get a strange feeling there's going to be some assassination attempts on him before his term is up.  Hopefully I'm wrong but we'll see.  And for those of you who didn't vote for Barack, just give the man a chance.. could he actually be worse than Bush?

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    The only reason you people voted for barack is because he promised to give you people money. He is going to give you tax breaks, introduce a new stimulus package and increase spending on projects he feels nesscessay. Hmmmm..... Where does he expect to get all of that money? OH! He must be robin hood, take from the rich and give to the poor or in other words take from the people who earned it and give it to the people who did nothing. He must think that if you throw money at a problem it will go away. Just like the problem with GM, Ford, and Crystler, he wants to bail them out. Why sould we bail out the people who caused it to go under in the first place. I say let it go bankrupt, then let someone who knows what there doing buy it up. I think that this country is getting to far in the hole to ever get back out and the other countrys are not going to keep giving bailing us out. People are starting to buy lots of guns and ammo because they know that rough times are comming and they are go... Read more

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    I think he will be a very good president.

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    I have to agree, people need to educate themselves about the presidential candidates, before they make some outragous remarks.I have heard way too much absurd reason's why people voted for Mr.Obama.It just makes me upset on how people can't look past the color of someone's skin.This year has brought the prejudices side out of people.I'm talking about all nationalities, NOT just the Caucasians and African Americans.It's f*cking ridiculous and I'm tired of the ignorant sh*t that i'm hearing out there. Let's face it,whatever Obama does, it's not going to happen anytime soon.Would people still feel the same,if Obama was a Republican?

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    Mon Nov 10 2008

    I'm not going to say who I voted for but I will say those who voice opinions should get their facts straight. He is not a muslim. Just because he's pro choice doesn't mean he's suggesting women get abortions he is only saying it should be their choice. If abortions became illegal their would be women dying from attempting to do abortions on their own.The tax break is only for those individuals makingover $200,000.00 per year. There are ignorant people that make less than $200,000.00 per year stating " I work hard for my money and it's not fair that lazy people get a break............shaking my head. Do these people feel that those people making $200,000.00 should get tax breaks over the school teachers, police officers or store clerks making less than $60,000.00 a year.I'm not going to say everyone's opinions are due to racism but I do think a lot of it's a lack of educating themselves with the facts. I truly love the fact that we are able to vote and have our voices heard but people p... Read more

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obamabarack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack obama barack... Read more

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    I am a black man and I did not want barack obama  as my president. I would have rather had a man that has been throug hell and lived, came back and became a political figure and tried to help the country he loved so much the best that he could rather than a man that has 0 experience and is friends with well known terrorist. I fear what is going to happen now that this guy will be in charge.

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    Im if he has to pick he would pick black but that doesnt matter its throwing the Race card out again.. half of the people votedfor him because of his race.. the girl in my speech class was saying how aortions are wrong..not even realizeing he was for adortions and then she said " ohh"..not all black people are stupid im not saying that or being racist but the Educated Black people voted for him cause they knew what he stood for not the race. and thats what this was about i voted for Obama but because I KNEW what he stood for HALF of those black people had NO clue. hes going to be a fine president and he can ONLY go up from here after the stock dropping. but im am TOTTALLY agaisnt the Tax paying agreement.. I dont wanna pay more taxes to people who are to Lazy to get out and get a job. Mcdonalds Pays $7 an hr to Flip a burger.. I work hard for my money not for the lazy ass people who just wanna live on food stamps and welfare.

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    Thu Nov 06 2008

    Is Obama in Hawaii getting some serious warnings and counsel from his gran mother? Where does Biden dark omen fit into this? Update: As I was watching the development of the elections and the results coming in, I could not help but feel a deep shame for my fellow Christians who have voted for a candidate who has publicly expressed he supports abortion rights. It is definitely a sign of the end times where life is considered a commodity and a merchandise. I cannot imagine how a ...  Read Moretrue Christian could live with his/her conscience knowing that the butchery of innocent, defenseless children will continue and they will never have a chance to celebrate a single birthday. At a rate of 1 million abortions a year, we are looking forward to another 4 million victims of the worst genocide committed by mankind, especially Americans. May God have mercy on their souls even as they have turned their back to God and become accomplices to murder. Apostasy has won. And Christ has lost a g... Read more

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    Wed Nov 05 2008

    POST-ELECTION UPDATE: Now that Obama has become our President-elect, I join in his hope that we can mend our partisan differences and get a fresh start by joining together in a united effort to begin solving the very serious problems our country faces. The bitter partisanship has become so divisive over the years that it has hurt all of us in varying ways. It's time to start thinking of ourselves first and foremost as Americans rather than Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, always at each other's throats. That's the patriotic thing to do. We have worse enemies than our fellow citizens. There's a lot of bitterness and anger with each other to get past, but with some time, effort, and, most importantly, intention, we can overcome our differences and unite as Americans. That's the opportunity that we now have. Forgiveness is a great healer of wounds. McCain has, as Obama stated, served his country well in ways that most of us can't even begin to really identify with... Read more

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    Wed Nov 05 2008

    Now that such a strong majority has voted in this President, I hope that the fiction that FOX News, Hannity and Limbaugh spout will begin to be tempered by truth and reality. A majority of people in the U.S. want the hate speech, half truth and factual lies to stop. Why is that so many people on the right claim that they are religious and defending Christianity while using lies and violent language? Is this the Jesus they defend? Does the right believe in a Jesus who lies to defend political causes or the Jesus that preached the sermon on the mount and the Jesus that said "What belongs to Cesaer is Cesare's and what belongs to God to God?" I hope that the people on this site will now stop believing in myths about Obama is a muslim and not born here, is a socalist..(we just came from one of the most socialistic 8 years where Bush gave to the rich all kinds of social welfare benefits while kicking the working class to the ground). I hope that the rightists on this site will now be... Read more

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    Wed Nov 05 2008

    Nobody will ever understand how black people feel. We now can say we told yall so. Our ancestors fought for this. Can you imagine the slaves sayin , we's got a black president na' boy..I am so happy ,i cried. Thank you America weve made a change.I can now be somebody!

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    there's obviously a lot of bitter rednecks on this page.   go obama!

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    Man, looks like obamas going to win. Now were F*!KED!

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    He's the president bitches!! I can't wait for him to start. It's about time we have an actual president that knows what the fuck he's doing.

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    any one know how much of barack is white and how much is black? I was just wondering how much of him is white and how much of him is wrong.That barack obama is going to cause another civil war.Sad to hear about baracks grandmother. Now he will get the sympathy vote.barack is going to tax anyone makeing 250,000 a year. Sorry to everyone who worked hard to get where you are. You have to give your money to people who wont work, little whores on welfare who have kids because they cant keep the legs closed. Too bad about your small business, there are lazy people and whores you need to support.

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    Sat Nov 01 2008

    White people go to a group gathering that = a clan meatingBlack people go to a group gathering that = Baptist convention or Black family reuinon.Do we really want a country where the blacks are in charge and will use the double standard?Not tested, not experienced, freinds with a terriroist, friends with a crazy minister, friends with a leader of the PLO(pakistainian liberation organization) who vowed to drestroy Isriaiel, and you people want him to run America? Are you F*&KING; nuts? I wouldnt let him run my can opener.

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    Wed Oct 29 2008

    too bad thoes neo nazis were so stupid...

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    Wed Oct 29 2008

    I saw a commerical that barack has running showing an "income calculator". According to the commericial a nurse who makes $60,000 a year gets $1,000 under obamas plan. Where can a nurse make 60,000 a year because i want to move there! All this is is a ploy to get people to vote for him. Might as well vote for barack, he's paying $1,000 dollars a vote. barack Wants to increase spending and cut taxes. Wheres the money comming from?

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    Wed Oct 29 2008

    Instead of picking Hillary Clinton who mopped the floor with him in every battleground state.  He picked 1% Joe. It'll be fun if he gets elected though.  He definitely looks like a chimp.  Update Before any of you whine to Magellan about Racism.  Bush has been called a chimp for just under 8 years.  Turn about is fair play. Update Fact Check is run by the University of Pennsylvania.  Always thought it leaned to the left.

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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    FactCheck cherry-picks facts to suit its anti-gun, anti-self-defense agenda. The story claims an NRA advertisement on Obama’s votes against a pro-self-defense bill is misleading because Obama did not vote for a “general repeal of the right of self defense.” Of course, that’s not what the ad said. The ad referred to a case where Wilmette, Ill., homeowner Hale DeMar was prosecuted for owning a handgun, a fact that was only discovered after he used the gun in lawful self defense against a criminal who was breaking into DeMar’s home for the second time in two days. In fact, burglar Morio Billings was a career criminal, a fugitive from justice with prior convictions in three states and six arrests just that year, hoping to steal enough money for some drugs. After his capture, he told police he “didn’t care if anyone was home.” And eleven days after serving his sentence for the DeMar break-in, Morio was arrested yet again. But Obama supported Wilmette’s ability to prosecute DeMar. The shooti... Read more