Back to the Future

D Bob Gale Website

Approval Rate: 87%

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    Tue Jan 24 2012

    The first one was cute and fun, bouyed by a prime Christopher Lloyd performance. It might be hard for the kids to believe today, but there was a time when Christopher Lloyd was the biggest star on the planet.

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    Thu Jun 23 2011

    Moderately entertaining frivolity, but generally simple and predictable.

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    Fri Jun 17 2011

    Awesome movie! Cute, funny, and exciting. Sci-fi without being too confusing is a thumbs up for me.

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    When I was 12, this movie was entertaining but the theory that if only one time exists is true then time travel is not possible. No way. So, Michael Fox knocks up his mother...well then we would have a fractured timeline that would probably not co-exist very well. Not unless he could be in both times at the same time. And, why 88 miles per hour?

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    Sat Jul 31 2010

    Loved, loved, loved this movie. Entertaining as hell, extremely well made, and the performances were enjoyable all around. Fox worked on this and "Family Ties" at the same time. I'm glad he did, because he was made for the role. No one else would've done as well. Ok, maybe Matthew Broderick.

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    Thu Dec 31 2009

    one of the best movies of all time. d'lorans are nice cars and it had a unique point of view on future events. the sequals were also pretty good

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    Tue Dec 29 2009

    Pretty good movie. Probably the only reason I would want to get a DeLorean.

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    Tue Nov 17 2009

    When Back to the Future came out as a Trilogy Box Set on DVD i was very disappointed. The picture quality is very good, the sound.... but.... Come one... Where are the individual Boxes with original Cover Art? For me this release is the only thing good that has... But in my opinion, picking up these movies to watch, i pick the Letterbox Edition on Laserdisc and most of the times the Muse Hi-Vision Laserdisc Edition and watch them in 1080i Full HD. The DVD or even Blu Ray cannot match the Laserdisc Cover Art... besides those are the Original Ones. Much better than DVD, natural and original colors, and it's the Best way to watch Back to the Future until now... Let's see what Blu Ray brings to us, but i am expecting HOT Picture and Sound!! :)

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    Wed Nov 11 2009

    Una de las mejores peliculas de ciencia-ficción y comedia que he visto de la pasada decada de los 80s, donde teniamos esos grandes actorazos como Mr. Fox, quien da rienda suelta a uno de sus mejores personajes, el joven McFly (Alias "Clavin Klein" o "Lewis Strauss, como le llaman en los años 50s); una trama que te mantiene amarrado al asiento desde que comienza la pelicula, y que llega a una problematica tal que te pican los dedos por saber como va a terminar toda esa situación: el problema del joven que accidentalmente viaja en un auto DeLorean convertido en maquina del tiempo hacia los años 50s, donde conoce a sus padres siendo jovenes y al involucrarse en sus vidas pone en peligro su propio futuro, teniendo que buscar al cientifico que le envio al pasado (asumiendo que existe, aunque no esta tan viejo en la actualidad) para resolver su situacion y regresarlo al "presente"; un viaje al pasado, a la nostalgia y a esas buenas peliculas ochenteras que te dejan un magnifico sabor de boca... Read more

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    Always enjoy the nostalgia of the first one since I was born in 1955. O.k. for kids except for language. Not thrilled when people use "for God's sake sake" or "God's sake" unnecessarily. The trilogy is fun to watch back-to-back.

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    Sat Sep 05 2009

    This movie was ok. When Marty McFly meets Doc Brown at the Twin Pines Mall, he demonstrates how that his DeLorean/time machine works. After putting some Plutonium in his DeLorean, Doc puts his dog in it. Doc uses a remote control that sends his car one minute into the future when it reaches 88 MPH. One minute later the DeLorean reappears. He puts more Plutonium in his car and plans to go twenty-five years into the future. But Doc ripped off the Plutonium from the Libyans and somehow they find him. They shoot and kill Doc. Marty jumps in the DeLorean and drives off. When the car reaches 88 MPH, he is transported to 1955. Marty's mom met Marty's dad when her dad accidentally hit George with his car. But Marty pushes his dad out of the way and he gets hit by the car instead. This puts Marty's existence in danger. Marty must get his parents together to save himself. After having trouble with Biff, Marty's parents get together and Marty's existence is no longer in jeopardy. Even though the ... Read more

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    Mon Jun 29 2009

    I have Back To the Future Dvd(double disc,2nd disc with special features) I should have brought the trilogy but I got the special edition, However, I can't Complain, The Movie is awesome, I grew up to this movie as a child of the eighties, and is one of the best movies of the Era.

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    Thu May 07 2009

    On this release of the great BTTF movie, you get a 2 disc edition with extra features never released on DVD, nor even on the 4 disc region 4 release. Obviously the movie is there, it was always good quality and great 5.1 sound on the rest of the editions, and nothing has changed for this one. Now included is a whole heap of new extras. There is an Audio Commentary from Bob Gale and Niel Canton. It is an actual commentary now, not just the Q&A; audio that played to the movie, or separately as audio depending on which edition you had, that other one is still on here, but this 2nd commentary is brand new, not a re-run. As far as I can tell, all the extras from the other editions are still here. I own a heap of copies of different releases for this movie, and I get a little confused with what was on what; but I know the American fans will be pleased that extra deleted scenes that where only viewable on the region 4 bonus disc (4th disc) are now included in this release. In partic... Read more

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    Tue Mar 24 2009

    A ghreat 80's movie. Even the sequals were fairly decent.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    I didn't care for these trilogy, husband absolutely loves it!!

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    I still have to watch Back to the future when it comes on syndication! I don't know why...I just still like watching it! It so cheesy and full of gooey goodness!

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    Wed Dec 17 2008

    DeLorean! (Sp?) Waaaaaayyyyyyyyy better than that damned Teen Wolf.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008


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    Wed Oct 15 2008

    kinda interesting

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    This film was something new... Michael J. Fox was big at the time... and the film was quite enjoyable!

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    not really into it

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    everybody loves the mc'flys....and the delorian...

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    Loved MJF!!

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    I loved these movies...Hello McFly...

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    I liked how the car doors opened up

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    this movie is a frickin classic yo!

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    Loved Michael J Fox

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    Thu Sep 25 2008

    Still my favorite movie- music rocked and so did Michael J fox- ouch!

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    Great! !st one was the best!

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    Sun Sep 21 2008

    ok, again, love these movies

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    Sun Sep 21 2008

    good movie for the 80's and good plot, they should re-do it with all the new technology, I bet it'd be cool.

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    Sun Sep 21 2008

    woo hooooooo

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    Sun Sep 21 2008

    Kids mom tries to seduce unborn son from the future... whats not to love

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    a classic but over shown

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    One of the best combinations of comedy and science fiction you'll find in a movie.

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    You put a time machine in a Delorean?

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    My mom loved this movie...I got tired of it after the 20th time she played in on our VCR.

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    I'm not much into sci-fi, but this one was pretty good.

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    Tue Sep 16 2008

    I'm going to jump in my time machine and gun it to 88 baby

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    Tue Sep 16 2008

    these movies could have probably gone on forever like some other series had. thank god they knew when enough was enough

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    Mon Sep 15 2008

    My son loves this movies I rent it for him all of them and he was interest..

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    Sat Jul 26 2008

    Entertaining movie for all ages. Keep in mind the PG rating of course. One of the more competently handled time travel films to date. M.J. Fox and Chris Lloyd are great together. Plenty of humor and well done special effects.

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    Alright movies....haven't watched any of them in a long time.

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    hehe, classic!

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    this movie was ok, but it wasn't all that furturistic.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    i watched this and it made me dump myself in horror.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    love back to the future Michael J. Fox was great.

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    Fri Jun 20 2008

    My favorite sci-fi, and time travel movie ever! Old or New thing would not beat BTTF!

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    Tue Jun 03 2008

    Ya, Christopher Lloyd was really good in that, and Lea Thompson, what a hottie!!!

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    Mon Jun 02 2008

    Who didn't like the idea of travelling through time in an ugly car?