Abraham Lincoln Reviews | RateItAll

Abraham Lincoln

Ssassination in 1865 Website

Approval Rate: 73%

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    Tue Jun 21 2011

    Lincoln, that man... Some know him as an honest, brave, witty, and a humorous tall man. He was a great guy who banished slavery. Basically he just glued the North and South back together, which MIGHT make an impact in over lifes! i would have put 4 out of five but some keep whinning about 5/5. (P.S : George washington might be the greatest president because he started this President stuff. <---- he lead us to start our world....If George wasnt their... We might not even have Lincoln as our greatest 16th president! Im only thinking...)

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    Tue Jun 21 2011

    His actions speak louder than my words could ever.

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    Tue Jun 21 2011

    The last good Republican president we had...

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    Sun May 16 2010

    He didn't really do anything influential. Sure, he was the president of the Union during the Civil War, but he wasn't really responsible for any of its results. He was an excellent president, though.

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    Mon Jan 18 2010

    Five stars. I think Abraham Lincoln was a great man in our nations history. I think he played a pivotal role in keeping the country together and I think he should be honored up there with many of the great civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and Frederick Douglass that is my review posted via voice

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    Mon Jan 18 2010

    Quote from the song "Abraham, Martin, and John": "Has anybody here seen my old friend Abraham? Can you tell me where he's gone? He freed a lot of people, but the good they say die young.... I just looked around... and he was gone..." But his legacy is always here to stay.

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    Wed Sep 30 2009

    While he preserved the union of the states and ended slavery in the his own country, I'm not so sure that would matter that much to the man in the street in modern day Istanbul, as an example.

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    Wed Sep 30 2009

    I imagine the world would have been a much different place if the Civil War had not turned out the way it did. Ironically, I also believe that reconstruction of the south would have also been much different had he not been assasintated. The importance and role of the leadership during that time (or any other) really can't be underestimated. Yes - I'd say he had a major impact in world history.

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    Wed Sep 30 2009

    Anybody that doesn't think he was a big influence on America has another think coming. But apparently somebody don't think so with all the disagrees they're slapping on people. I wonder what the real reason is, whether it was the man or his beliefs? I know he had some problems, but who among us hasn't?

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    Sat Mar 22 2008

    Criminal mind that was very influential in the future of the United States of America.

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    Sun Feb 10 2008

    Great man, but didn't have a large impact on world history.

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    Fri Nov 03 2006

    Probably the greatest president

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    Mon Apr 25 2005

    Must be important as he was one of the Most Special Historical Dudes featured in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. All kidding aside, this Great President never had the opportunity to lead the country in peace.

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    I must be thinking of a different history.

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    Sat Mar 26 2005

    Hugely influential on American history, and influential on WORLD history for holding the U.S. together during the period when allowing it to come apart could have forever eliminated its potential superpower status. While his *ideas* are not particularly influential elsewhere, his actions are; in the same way Otto von Bismarck's actions were ultimately influential, even decisive, on world history.

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    Sun Feb 13 2005

    O'Captain, my Captain, he braved some of America's stormiest seas, and reunited the two halves of America, through in the end, it costed him his life, Licoln was a brave, courageous man who fought the battle against slavery and won. Unfortunately, it would take a whole century before African-Americans and minorities could truly declare themselves as free.

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    Wed Nov 24 2004

    I rate him with a 5. First off all he created the emancipation proclamation, which ended slavery for the greater good. Without that, what would our lives today be like, it wouldnt only affect us americans, it would affect africa because we use them as slaves. It would also affect the monopoly of our trade with all countries. Zippax, you dont know nothing, hair got nothin to do with it. Oh and dont forget that he did lead our country back into one union. He enlisted the help of some of the greatest generals ever. Gosh, not influencial. Wow, you guys need to brush up on your history. He showed what you can achieve if you work hard at it and you truly believe.

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    Fri Apr 02 2004

    Lincoln was certainly one of the most effective and influential U.S. presidents in American History, but his presidency largely revolved around domestic issues, thus virtually eliminating any potential influence in world affairs. His actions regarding slavery were not exactly earth-shattering, as most other industrialized nations in the world had already abolished slavery by the time Lincoln became President. Any influence Lincoln may have in world history is largely symbolic and intangible. The Civil War had virtually no global effect, as many social and political reforms were being initiated while the United States was engaged in the terribly divisive Civil War.

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    Fri Feb 13 2004

    While Lincoln is truly one of the greatest figures in American history, I'm not sure he was that important for the world. However, the one thing he did was hold this nation together. He was a man of many faults and many strengths, of fierce pride and determination. In a career full of disappointments and losses, he was unlucky enough to have been in office when America finally reached it's breaking point. Lincoln both carried the nation through and broke some vital rules. Maybe another president would have done better or maybe another president would failed miserably. The thing you can say most about Lincoln is he did his best-and his best was enough to keep a struggling nation alive and as one.